posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 05:29 PM
I noticed a similar description of an event which has occurred to me on a few occasions as of recently as being referred to in the sense of "Sleep
Paralysis" ; however , both times of occurrance..... I vividly remember a figure above or on top of me while I was in a deep trance like sleep,
completely aware of it (specifically aware of being trapped in the sleep mode) and while this awareness surrounded me mentally in my dream state, I
called out anxiously and in a terrified state as I realized my inability to wake up and I can partially remember a keen sense of displeasure from
whatever it was pressing on top of me attempting to even maybe suffocate me and nothing would cause it to relent and finally I desperately out of
nowhere screamed out Jesus, Jesus, Jesus help me. I was terrified these times it happened and I specifically called out to Jesus and instantly I was
released from this state and I awoke in a cold sweat, and my mind felt hazed over as if I had smoked an ounce of weed. All distorted like. I am only a
22 year old young man.... I live in Massachusetts.... just your average person..... any thoughts on who / what could be responsible for this. Could it
be alien in nature? It's happened on three occasions. At least 4 to 6 weeks in between. Whatever the situation is that is being instilled upon me
does seem to be returning. And I can clearly recall calling out to Jesus on each occasion.