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Yahalom Kashny Training The Next Generation Of Hatred

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:45 AM
*Sorry if this may seem long*

Mr Yahalom Kashny is a Canadian jew whom claims to be a survivor of holocaust and some are claiming he is also a journalist and historian. About a year ago or 2 years ago he has made enormous claims to start a fire but his attempt's failed i will be posting some of the enormous claims he has made.

Here's His claim of the greatest rescue in world war II & in his own rewriting of history POV
of course i underlined the link as 795? It Was 500.

795? It Was 500

First lie in his article

the Partisans were at first almost 90% Serbian and half Croatians not Bosnian Muslim the photo in the article is a bit misleading

here's what the photo shows

Yugoslav partisans show courage: Moments before his death by hanging on June 22, 1942, Yugoslav partisan fighter Stjepan Filipovic shouts his defiance against his country's Nazi occupiers and his allegiance to the Yugoslav Communist Party. The Yugoslav partisans (officially the People's Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia) brought together an unlikely alliance of Balkan ethnic groups -- including Croats and Serbs -- through their commitment to communism. The partisans' cunning and courage (along with their sometimes savage brutality) and pressure from the advancing Red Army combined to free Yugoslavia from Nazi rule.

Does not mention Bosniaks like he wrote in here

It included Croats, Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Jews, Roma (‘Cigani’), Slovenes, Albanians (‘Siptari’) and Serbs. On the other hand, the Chetniks were a Serbian nationalist organization led by opportunistic Nazi-collaborator General Draza Mihailovich

Another misleading point

Operation Halyard was one of the largest Allied airlift operation behind enemy lines of World War II. The Yugoslav Partisans played a major role in saving downed Allied airmen.

Serbian nationalists often claim that Chetniks saved over 500 downed airmed, but that figure is simply wrong. According to statistics compiled by the US Air Force Air Crew Rescue Unit, between 1 January and 15 October 1944, a total of 1,152 American airmen were airlifted from Yugoslavia, 795 with the assistance of the Yugoslav Partisans and 356 with the help of the Serbian Chetniks. In World War II, the Yugoslav Partisans were a multi-ethnic resistance force under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito (Josef Tito). It included Croats, Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Jews, Roma (‘Cigani’), Slovenes, Albanians (‘Siptari’) and Serbs. On the other hand, the Chetniks were a Serbian nationalist organization led by opportunistic Nazi-collaborator General Draza Mihailovich (aka: Dragoljub Mihailovic).

So we have Yahalom Kashny claiming simply that operation was really never carried by the the Chetniks yet it was carried out by the Yugoslav Partisans? thankfully the men who have been saved by the chetniks would disagree with
Yahalom Kashny.
Here are Some links about the 500

Here are the brave pilots who were saved by the chetniks and more links to go with the story of 500 not 700

He said Gen. Draza Mihailovic saved his life - and those of 500 of his fellow airmen - in the largest air rescue of Americans behind enemy lines during a war.

Mihailovic was not "a villain, but a hero," Friend said Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press.

here's a great article on the 500 does not mention 795.

continued PG2

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:36 AM
continued page 2

You can tell by Yahalom Kashny does not like the idea of the rescue and its interesting that he call other histroans
Quazi-historians or Serbian sympathies

Quazi-historians with obvious Serbian sympathies – like Lucien Karchmar – often cite the Operation Halyard as ‘evidence’ of the Chetnik’s anti-fascist ideology. After all, why would Serbian Nazi collaborators save 356 allied airmen? It is because Draza Mihailovic was going to great lengths to regain Allied support and to depict himself in a favorable light to the western Allies. With the Axis defeat in Europe a certainty and having lost all Allied support to the Partisans, Draza Mihailovic and his Nazi collaborationalist movement stood no chance of survival. The Allies were aware that Mihailovic’s Chetniks were at the same time also rescuing Nazi German and Nazi Ustasha aviators from Tito’s anti-fascist Partisans.

According to Yad Vashem,

Serbian Chetniks led by General Draza mihailovic killed Jews: “As the Chetniks increased their cooperation with the Germans, their attitude toward the Jews in the areas under their control deteriorated, and they identified the Jews with the hated Communists. There were many instances of Chetniks murdering Jews or handing them over to the Germans.”

Wait for it here it comes the word we in here know so well
Kashny Plays the Genocide Word During WWII Offers No Proof

General Draza Mihailovic was antisemite who hated Jewish people. his Chetniks movement despised Tito’s Partisans, because Partisan units were (according to Chetniks) largely ‘composed’ of “Jews, Gypsies and Muslims.” The Chetniks hated all national minorities in Yugoslavia. At the beginning of World War II, Draza Mihailovic’s movement demonstrated a full intent to commit genocide against Bosnian Muslims, Jews, and Croats.

once again he is rewriting history and i will post the number claim he is trying to lie in the article

From 1941-1943 Serbian Chetniks committed genocide by systematically rounding up and killing more than 50,000 Bosnian Muslims. In one of largest terrorist raids on Muslim villages from both sides of Drina, Chetniks rounded up and killed some 15,000 Muslims in February of 1943. Chetnik leader Pavle Djurisic provided a bit conservative figures, admitting his troops, in fact, killed 9,200 Bosnian Muslim “women, old people, and children” in a single military operation in February of 1943.

Having slaughtered more than 50,000 Muslims by 1943, Serb fascists also hunted down and killed Jews. However, the killing of Jews started much earlier and was, statistically speaking, devastating for the Jewish community. Ninety percent of Yugoslav Jews perished in World War II.

Banjica concentration camp was primarily operated by Serb Nazis who took sadistic pleasure in killing Jews. The camp was created by converting barracks of the Serbian SS 18th infantry division. The funding for this conversion came not from Germans, but from the municipal budget of Belgrade.

Yet little does he know about the Bosniaks Muslim SS division rule during the time in the conflict the Bosniaks Muslim SS were responsible for carrying the jews to the trains in Yugoslav as for the Muslims been in the Yugoslav army that was only 10% percent of the bosniak population, because the entire half of 50% supported the Haj Amin al-Husseini.

In Kashny blog called bosniak and jewish friendship Kashny keeps desirability over stating that the Bosniaks rested the Nazis which isn't the case.

I wonder what will he say about these youtube videos

the final lie presented in his article

An overhelming majority of Bosnian Muslims (98%) joined Partisans in the Second World War and fought against the Germans and Serbian nazi collaborators, Chetniks. Handzar Division was relatively short lived. It was created in 1943 and it disintegrated mid-field in late 1944.

Yugoslav Partisans only had Croatians and Serbians however the larger majority of the Partisans were 90 serb
Its pretty obvious he made the 98% number made up, i have Serbian friends who had there grandfathers fought for
the Yugoslav Partisans and i remember a little ago i asked them.

Were there any bosniak in the Yugoslav Partisans? they were silent once i asked the question to them they said the
Partisans group was a Serbian group mixed within Croatians.

It seems to me what Mr Yahalom Kashny is trying to is to start a fire by creating a Generation Of Hatred
his article was grilled by anger commentators.

even in youtube re staring it and restating and claims he is been attacked by Serbian revisionist propaganda

As for ATS is cornered here are what lobby groups this survivor supports

Organizations We Endorse
# American Jewish Committee
# American Jewish Congress
# Street – Pro Israel, Pro Peace
# Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Well i am interested on what ATS will think of this

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