posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:53 AM
Congrats to ATS users for 7500 threads about 9/11, that is a huge amount and more than any one person can read, so if you've taken part in the
discussion or merely been a lurker, take heart in the fact that debate is alive and well and radically different from that even 10 years ago.
7500 threads seems noteworthy to me and we should all have learned a lot, but getting cold-hard facts which everyone can agree on seems impossible -
oh well viva la difference.
This is a general thread and to anyone still promoting their views, well done and keep at it - even though you'll find folk who disagree, after all
it would be boring if we all thought the same. Former President Bush is in the news trying to justify torture because of the events of 9/11, it
is/was such a significant event that its magnitude has yet to be realized - but until then be happy that we have the chance to get to 10,000.
Peace out now and forever