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Bringing People Back From the Dead

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:49 PM
Do you think that in time technology will come so far that it will be possible to bring people back from the dead? As in people who have been dead for tens, hundreds of years, and even thousands. I say this only because energy simply transforms but what happens when we discover where it goes? If some sort of consciousness and or memories still exsists with it (where dead go), future civilizations could simply make new bodies and VR worlds slowly reintroducing the formerly dead person back to the living.

What do you think?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:57 PM
It already happens. It's called reincarnation.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:03 PM
I look at it this way. Instead of bringing people back from the dead, maybe someday in the future, scientists might be able to "recreate" someone. Our DNA stores the necessary information, the blueprint of our system--our physical existence, if you will--and maybe using this genetic information, scientists might be able to produce a human being who resembles a "dead being" in all physical attributes. I am not an expert, and I don't know if DNA can or does store "emotional" information, and if it does, then maybe that recreated "clone" can possess that, too. But I don't see how a soul that has escaped the physical realm, can be reignited with the spark of life. Just my 0.02.
Interesting question, and I'll be sure to check in later to read the thoughts of others on this matter.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Depends on what you would consider back from the dead. The physical body? Thoughts and memories? Something else?

Sure, we could probably clone a body with a small amount of DNA, but that is just a physical body. It would be an empty brain without knowledge, wisdom or memories.

Do memories and thoughts remain connected after death? If they do, could they be inserted into a raw, untapped brain? I would say very doubtful.

If there is a spirit or energy force that continues to exist after we pass on, could that enter a new physical body. Like reincarnation. That may be possible and many do, indeed, believe that. But does a reincarnated soul, spirit or energy source maintain physical memories from the past that were once held within the brain or does it merely contain deeper, more important memories of a true self...

If we ever bring the dead back to life, however, we must be prepared to protect our braaaaaiiiiins.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:13 PM
I read in a book on magick that one who is nearing the end of a lifetime can use certain techniques to force a soul out of a younger, healthier body and then take possesion of that body in order to continue an existence.
Needless to say, this is considered a very dark, nasty, and dangerous operation.

If this is true, then maybe a cloned body could theoretically be utilised for a similar purpose.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Well, ya, reincarnation. but reincarnation has a memory wipe mechanism. he's talking about getting the full dead person with their memories and such back to life.

Btw, how would you get the memories of your past lives back?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Interesting thought.

In my personal opinion; probably not. But that's because I study science and this sort of thing, and so, when you're dead, everything has stopped working and so it's scientifically impossible to restart everything and kick it back to life. That's why I think freezing your body is pointless; because unless you freeze yourself while alive and somehow remain alive, it isn't going to be much help because you're still dead.

On the other hand, necromancy has been in cultural myths and ingrained into human thought and society for hundreds of years (from zombies, to voodoo to the resurrection glove in Torchwood, and so there's always been the fascination. And where there is a fascination, there are people willing to act upon it. I guess it's the human fascination with death and the unknown. And the amount of money it could make...

Who knows what we'll be able to do in the future, even if I do admit that the kind of power you're talking about could more than likely never be trusted in human hands.

I have a couple of hypothetical questions for you, though: would you want to be brought back to life after you had died? And what would be your reason for wanting to bring people back?

ETA: capturing the 'soul' or 'consciousness' of a person, if it exists, would be a complete nightmare. I have images of people running round with bottles chasing a cloud of smoke. But I dunno, we could probably make a new body. Hell, we could probably do that now. Just whether or not it would work enough to be able to support life is another thing. It all depends on your POV on life after death, what happens and where we go. If you believe in a seperate consciousness, do you believe in an afterlife? And if the answer is yes, then why would you want to stay on Earth rather than pass over into this afterlife?

Nice thread though, S&F

edit on 8/11/2010 by Ayana because: I am SO incapable of formatting correctly.

edit on 8/11/2010 by Ayana because: ETA

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by shiman

Many occultists say that we leave an imprint of every action and experience a soul goes through on some part of the asral plane called 'the akashic records.
Although I've never knowingly experienced this myself, and I don't know a great deal about it, I suppose we can tune into a resonant frequency of some kind and trace our history back through previous lifetimes to recover the memories.
I know there are others on this site who have done this, so maybe they could chip in on this one...........

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:29 PM
Seems like a bad idea, to many people already, how would the young have a chance at life then?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:41 PM
[Removed unnecessary quote of entire previous post]

reply to post by mcmartinson

I'm thinking maybe nanobots would play a role, they would be injected and programmed to read the persons DNA, then reconstruct the body exactly as the DNA specifies. This would likely include every brain cell, so the person might still have all of there memory's, wisdom, etc... (Your DNA does change throughout your life based on your experiences right?). Anyway once the body is fully reconstructed, you pump some food in the stomach, hydrate the body, then shock the body with a defibrillator to get the neurological charges fired up. You would prolly need to keep the nanobots in the body for awhile so they could assist the body in producing proper enzymes, hormones etc.. but I would imagine that if the body was completely reconstructed according to the original DNA the persons body would begin producing everything on its own naturally again.

Anyway thats my theory assuming souls don't exist, if they do exist then i don't know if it would work. We probably wont ever have technology to bring back, or create a soul. But maybe by then we will have unlocked some higher spiritual powers or something.

A respirator would prolly be a good idea as well.
edit on 8-11-2010 by pmckart because: (no reason given)

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/11/8 by GradyPhilpott because: see notes above.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by shiman

Btw, how would you get the memories of your past lives back?Text

Ha, ha! Well, I've never tried it, but I have a couple of books on how to do it. I have yet to read them, though. Supposedly requires quite a bit of meditation, or even hypnosis.

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