posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Hello brothers and sisters!
I'm new to this site, and also pretty new to conspiracy theories. So the first time I ever came across something like this was about a year ago; one
of my classmates showed me a video about Illuminati and satanism in the music industry. This peeked my attention, and after doing some research on
this subject, I became obsessed with conspiracy theories. Mostly about the satanic "New World Order". I started to wake my family from being sheep.
At first they didn't believe me, then they did, and now they don't care about any of this.
I recently realised that we are running out of time, I believe that we are approaching the end of days as many would put it. Therefore i started to
hang up posters around my school, telling people to look up Illuminati, Aliens, NWO, Bohemian Grove, Chemtrails and so on. This has proven to work, as
almost everyone I know, has some knowlegde of what is going on, or at least that something isn't right in this world.
That was my introduction. Feel free to share your own stories, I would appreciate it very much
Have a good one.