Hello to everyone who reads this and i want to thank you for taking a little of your time to read this. I have been noticing how everybody is
exspecting bad events to happen in which we all have no control over, but what everybody needs to understand is that we all should not be trying to
guess what is goin to happen next or who is going to do what, We should all be working to gether to prepare each other for the upcoming events that
will and have to take place.(it is what is supposed to happen; Its Destiny) but i am writing this mainly because we all need to be more possitive and
less negative. We do not know who is on these sites filling the heads of people with weak minds with false information. This could be a government
controlled site for all we know, but thats besides the point. My true goal in this short message is to spread word to everybody that no matter what
happends : Its ment to happen, no one should be scared just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
edit on 8-11-2010 by Eastsiderdr07 because: (no reason given)
Word up, bro.
Problem is, people are desperate for change. Even if it's a mad max scenario, being a movie hero is way cooler than looking forward to a life with a
desk job.
Includes me ... perspectivelessness
A deskjob is basically a life sentence... But you're up for parole soon. Now go teach yourself a real job it would improve your chance to get
released big time...