posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:03 PM
One of the reasons that I enjoy coming to this site is that there are MANY intelligent people, that bring lots to the table. With that said, there is
a simple and easy way to find out about a persons credentials and where they stand on particular issues. Especially those that "strongly" debate
particular subjects.
I know that every single one of us is passionate, about the issues of US as a People, as well as the People of the Planet, but in between that are
very diverse people, people that are maybe more informed then the next person. That in no way tells you about who they are, or what their about.
I have found that I was concerned with the stats that all of us share, and what we are about. I feel that it sort of does tell you about someone,
based on what they contributed, and the responses they received from others on a forum of such diverse subjects.
With that said, we also have another nice little button on ATS that can help alot with the debates that we have here. The "Threads" and "Posts"
button. I have found this very, very helpful when dealing with certain subjects that some say that they "very" informed in.
I for one have noticed and followed the attitudes of some members, their "internal" debates, and then those that only look to enter into certain
threads in order to seem "smarter" than the average person. This can easily be resolved by looking through their posts. You can see if this is
indeed a pattern, or a real member, wanting to discuss a subject, by sharing, and participating, other than being a "snob" or "know it all".
So I hope that I have shared something that may ease some of the issues that I have either dealt with, and noticed.
Peace, NRE.