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Adam Carolla: Men Becoming Chicks

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 05:17 PM
Men aren't becoming chicks.

The collective ego is balancing itself out.
Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.

The heart is learning to love again.
Don't be ashamed of the emotion or the tears.

Damn hippies.

edit on 9-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

Explanation: I hunted down this youtube vid that CLEARLY shows the ATTITUDE difference between a MAN and just blokes or guys etc, and all are male states of being btw, but being a MAN is so much more MACHO!

Which response is more Macho???

Now remember I'm just showing you the difference in attitude as Conan was affected by stuff...and therefor not a REAL MAN, but he embodies the attitude!

Did you note the difference in the 2 responses???

Personal Disclosure: Maleness is a spectrum that goes from foppish wimps to GOD OK! Being a MAN is to be at the pinicle of that spectrum.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Wookiep

i haven't read the other replies yet, save for the very first one. let me just say as a young woman that i agree completely. i'm not heterosexual, and it goes without saying i sympathize greatly with homosexuals, bisexuals, and trans. but seriously? i think that children are just that, CHILDREN, and genders do come with certain characteristics that aren't really taught, and i think they should be treated like their gender until they're old enough to question it by themselves on their own accord!

i don't get this whole overly-sensitive "don't encourage them" stuff. i'm glad i was encouraged to be feminine. i was raised to act feminine and be a girl, and i still grew up and found out i wasn't hetero. being raised as what you are won't harm a child or teach them anything negative about gays or trans. i want to pepper this entire post with, well, more colorful language, but i won't.

i just think kids are kids, let them be little boys and little girls, and when they are older and understand anything that might be going on inside, let it happen on its own time.

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