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Adam Carolla: Men Becoming Chicks

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Well, maybe we can clarify all this if you would define "manly men".

So many times points are lost because of no agreed-upon definitions of the words.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

Football is supposed to be a manly sport? Is the UFC, too?

Last time I checked all they did was get all snazzed up in spandex and rub against eachother.

I'd feel less perverted watching women's field hockey.

But I guess since I have a different opinion than you, I'm less of a man. You know how all men think, men are a "group think"... right

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Brood

There are two kinds of men. Guys like me, and guys like.....hey, you should probably pick up an extra box of kleenex on the way home from aerobics.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by Brood

There are two kinds of men. Guys like me, and guys like.....hey, you should probably pick up an extra box of kleenex on the way home from aerobics.

Wow, you acknowledge that? Guess you should move on.

I suppose you now think that there is a social masculinity pyramid and you're conveniently right at the top?

...because you watch football and won't pick up kleenex or do aerobics?

You must be quite the role model

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Brood

In all seriousness I'll try to answer your question. UFC strays a bit from being a manly sport. Boxing is a manly sport. There are rules, order and competition. UFC smacks a little of an angry revolt against the imposed femenism I'm talking about. Boxing about continuity. It says "screw femenism, we're going to go about our business as opposed to two guys uping the stakes because they're showing the femenist unisex culture how tough they are. Boxing never had to do that. That's manly.
Now, as to the other part of your reply. If you feel perverted watching feild hockey, you've been brainwashed and are a casualty of what I was talking about. The imposition of femeninity on kids.
Field hockey is just field hockey. I'd like to watch them play in bikinis. I wouldn't feel perverted, I'd enjoy the hell out of it.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by Brood

In all seriousness I'll try to answer your question. UFC strays a bit from being a manly sport. Boxing is a manly sport. There are rules, order and competition. UFC smacks a little of an angry revolt against the imposed femenism I'm talking about. Boxing about continuity. It says "screw femenism, we're going to go about our business as opposed to two guys uping the stakes because they're showing the femenist unisex culture how tough they are. Boxing never had to do that. That's manly.
Now, as to the other part of your reply. If you feel perverted watching feild hockey, you've been brainwashed and are a casualty of what I was talking about. The imposition of femeninity on kids.
Field hockey is just field hockey. I'd like to watch them play in bikinis. I wouldn't feel perverted, I'd enjoy the hell out of it.

I never said field hockey made me feel perverted. I said football and the UFC do because they are just a bunch of men in spandex rubbing against eachother. Doesn't sound very manly to me. I guess since they wear spandex and rub against eachother... and you enjoy that... and I don't.... I'm more manly than you? This game is fun...

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:23 PM


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by tiger5
reply to post by Wookiep

Who forces kids into gender neutral roles?? The comedian is having an easy laugh on CNN probably on the end part of a heavy show. The whole OP seems like a straw man arguement to me.

I don't think that anyone can force a kid into a gender role they hate. C'mon we were all kids at one time!


BTW I own a 7in Pearl snare with Remo pinstrip heads. Remember you are the beat and we were the bad boys not girs!

I'm actually plenty relaxed.

I'm not trying to take this topic to the extremes here.. I'm just saying that there IS a difference in genders and this should be recognized by society. You're right, no-body can technically FORCE (as in physically) a child into a particular gender role, however children can and ARE being influenced away from masculinity as has been pointed out in this thread. (which in a sense does *force* them IMO)

edit on 8-11-2010 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Brood

Actually, you did. If you read my original comment, I predicted a number of replies like this. And that's what I'm talking about. You seem conflicted. I suggest you go out and get back in touch with your masculine side. You've been programed by fembots. Forget all that sensetive crap. Be true to your nature. I'm sure there's a guy in there somewhere. Get a dog. Buy a rifle. Build something. Your confidence will grow, and soon you won't feel compelled to defend your femenine lifestyle. We're rooting for you. Good luck.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Wookiep
however children can and ARE being influenced away from masculinity as has been pointed out in this thread.

Children have free minds. they would not be influenced to act less macho if they thought being macho was natural for them.

Not all boys naturally act macho and they certainly don't want to be pressured into acting macho... guess how much more often boys are pressured into being macho and doing stupid things to prove their machismo to other boys than they do act sensitive and womanly? Which is really the crime on free minds, here?

But I guess we only speak against gender influence on free minds if they don't adhere to your masculinity standards..

edit on 8-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by Brood

Actually, you did. If you read my original comment, I predicted a number of replies like this. And that's what I'm talking about. You seem conflicted. I suggest you go out and get back in touch with your masculine side. You've been programed by fembots. Forget all that sensetive crap. Be true to your nature. I'm sure there's a guy in there somewhere. Get a dog. Buy a rifle. Build something. Your confidence will grow, and soon you won't feel compelled to defend your femenine lifestyle. We're rooting for you. Good luck.

Sorry, but the day I take advice from someone incapable of thinking below the surface is the day I buy a rifle for other reasons.

I'm very secure, thank you, although I appreciate you telling me how I think. You must be 14 because you know pretty much everything.

P.S. I'm not the one touting my masculinity on an online forum to make myself feel better about all the "brainwashing fembots"
. I'm the one telling you whiny girls to stop complaining about this non-issue!

Who's insecure?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Brood

Originally posted by Wookiep
however children can and ARE being influenced away from masculinity as has been pointed out in this thread.

Children have free minds. they would not be influenced to act less macho if they thought being macho was natural for them.

I disagree. It may not change who they are, but it can sure as hell make a kid not want to say...flex his muscles out of fear that society would rather him be weak.

Not all boys naturally act macho and they certainly don't want to be pressured into acting macho... guess how much more often boys are pressured into being macho and doing stupid things to prove their machismo to other boys than they do act sensitive and womanly? Which is really the crime on free minds, here?

Perhaps you were forced in to being "macho" but being "macho" like BH pointed out is a matter of perspective on its definition. Not all boys are pressured into being "macho" either.

But I guess we only speak against gender influence on free minds if they don't adhere to your masculinity standards..

Just what ARE my "masculinity standards" ? hm? I think kids should be able to be THEMSELVES and if that just happens to be masculine, then so be it!

edit on 8-11-2010 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Brood
"This is how you think because I said so."


And how exactly do you want me to argue something as subjective and intangible as this ?

Originally posted by Brood
For the record, testosterone is not what creates confidence. I don't know what confidence has to do with being a man at all.


I never said that testosterone equalled confidence !

What I am saying is that confidence, crossing over to arrogance, is the number 1 trait that women find attractive in men.

You can argue this all you want, but my belief is formed on the basis of observation and logic.

Of course, that is not to say that my personal observations and logical appraisal of male/female interactions are inherently correct, but my observations on this issue have been posted on here for others to agree or disagree upon.

Originally posted by Brood
Also, saying that men are more prone to being competitive is a blatant lie pulled from thin air. The top 10 most competitive people I know are women...

Nowhere did I say that men were more competitive - you must have misinterpreted my post.

Women will always find themselves at the short end of the stick, purely because of their in-built competitiveness and bitchiness ( a group of women always destroy themselves from within ).

All that I said, was that metrosexual men leave less competition for the likes of me, when I'm chasing a bit of skirt !

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

Should I ever have kids I'm going to raise on the fact that there's balance in life and that there is time for compassion and kindness, but that also to stand up for what's right and defend/help people who aren't able to themselves...that each person demands their own respect for no one knows what anyone walked through and to be aware of who they are and where they're going...that's how it should be as that's the path to humanity.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

What I am saying is that confidence, crossing over to arrogance, is the number 1 trait that women find attractive in men.

You can argue this all you want, but my belief is formed on the basis of observation and logic.

I agree. You know what they say...Women *always* fall for a-holes.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Brood

Listen to the language you use...."acting macho and doing stupid things.......acting femenine and womanly. Which one of those did you assign a negative connotation.
Kids are pressured to act like little sensative girly men. By kids, I mean little boys. Theyeave the girls alone and tell them they're super human compared to the boys. This is an agenda of femenism. That government school is just an indoctrination center. Here's the deal. If they can get rid of true male leadership, the world is easy to be had. Snap out of it. Dress your kid like a man. Teach him to punch the bully in the nose. Teach him to enforce respect. Put him in a little league where they keep score and don't have girls on the team Don't let them brainwash the confidence out of him.
Remember boys and girls are not the same. If they were, life would suck. We'd miss the occasional sneak look at the awesome rack. and there wouldn't be anyone to go hunting with. At lunch time we'd all be arguing over who has the best grilled chcken. The damndest thing is, you wouldn't have to explain this basic concept back in the 70's, Progress sucks.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:57 PM
You know, I don't care what other people do. It's their business not mine. However the OP does raise an interesting point.

In the future, besides having flying cars like we were promised in Back to the Future, will we really be able to tell "who's who"? Even today, you'll some women (bodybuilders) who look more man then Arnold Schwarzenegger did when he played Terminator. (Google "Manly Women")

You also find these "emo" boys run around with hair clips in their hair and wearing make up and lip gloss... (Google "Emo boys")

Like another poster said, "I'm old fashioned". Same here. I don't care if my wife wants to work or stay at home. It's really up to her. But I will say something when she comes home and can bench press me, my kids, our dog and our car at the same time looking like the Incredible Hulk minus the green.

Point being, you should be able to tell who's a guy and who's a girl. It's natural except for maybe hamsters. But I blame their little fur for that.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
What I am saying is that confidence, crossing over to arrogance, is the number 1 trait that women find attractive in men.

You CANNOT speak for women! You're not even a woman! How can you speak for them, much less ALL of them?

Arrogant men make me puke!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Brood really are quite emotional. Quit asking me questions if you tear up at the answers. No need to get your panties in a wad. Anyway, don't have time for this. Just wanted to prove that if you promote the idea that men should be free to be men, and girls should be girls, that some member of the castrotti was bound to become "upset" and start swinging his purse.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

You're under the false impression that my negative opinions about machismo came from anywhere other than my own life experiences. The last place I heard a masculinity rant as brainless as this was from the 80-IQ jocks in my highschool who couldn't spell IQ so they picked on the kids that could.

COINCIDENTALLY, those touting their masculinity in this thread were the first to result in e-bullying.

See the symmetry yet?

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