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Call the cops and end up dead...

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:19 AM

According to police, Neill reported to them that he had been harassed by his neighbors. When officers arrived, they said Neill was combative and aggressive.

That is when officers tased him.

Neill was combative? Granted there is more to this than meets the eye but for God's sake how many stories like this pop up these days?

Was he so combative, in his own home, that officers feared for their lives??? I highly doubt that.

Welcome to the JustUs system. The Justice system left long, long ago.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:41 AM
This is just another police murder that will be covered up in due time with legalese and bullcrap.
The police forces of this continent have become the storm troops of the NWO.
These citizen killings are becomming mundane news to people as they have been occuring regularly of late.
The way police get trained these days alienates them from the populace, and turns them into compassionless robots.
Its long past time when the police get disarmed rather than being supplied with sundry dubious, so called non lethal weapons.
I am sure nobody ever tested the taser on anyone old or infirm.The police should be stripped of this weapon as they are far too quick to pull it out and use it on anyone.The number of tazings of everyone from housewives to old men who merely speak up to police is growing fast.
Now the cops will taze you for defending your rights as a free person.even if you merely do it verbally.
Didnt anyone ever tell them that sticks and stone brak bones, but names never hurt anyone?
This encouragement to resort to violent behavior is hanging on their belt along with their mace, night stick and hand gun.
Perhaps it would be a boon to society if these brown shirts were indoctrinated with a few courses on psychology and peoples rights.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:44 AM
I don't get it if he was the one making the complaint why would he be aggressive and combative? Personally tasers should be outlawed, to many cases prove that they are not all that safe of a form of restraint. Either that or people are messing with them and some how turning up the juice.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
I don't get it if he was the one making the complaint why would he be aggressive and combative? Personally tasers should be outlawed, to many cases prove that they are not all that safe of a form of restraint. Either that or people are messing with them and some how turning up the juice.

My question exactly. The only way an LEO would consider me as aggressive or combative is if they showed up and considered my call flippant and proceeded to exert what ever semblance of authority they perceive to school me on how to more properly handle such a situation.

In my case, this is an impossibility since I would never call the police to come to my place other than to clean up the mess I made when an individual or group of individuals figured they wanted my things and hadn't counted on my response. Even with a call like that, I'd know calling the police would potentially get me in a situation that I would rather not be in. I'm sure my answering the door in level IV body armor would most likely exacerbate the situation in the eyes of the LEOs but I'd know they aren't carrying anything that can penetrate it.

I'd love to revert to the days when police were looked at as peace officers and folks didn't cower in fear but feel those days are long gone.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by stirling
Perhaps it would be a boon to society if these brown shirts were indoctrinated with a few courses on psychology and peoples rights.

To all of your points, bravo! Hear hear!. May I just add to the above sentence........during training the taser should be used on them so they know it's effects. This should not be a problem if it is so harmless.
edit on 7/11/2010 by PuterMan because: Digital Dyslexia rools KO

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Do not get me started on the police.

The police.....

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
To all of your points, bravo! Hear hear!. May I just add to the above sentence........during training the taser should be used on them so they know it's effects. This should not be a problem if it is so harmless.
edit on 7/11/2010 by PuterMan because: Digital Dyslexia rools KO

Good morning,
They actually do test the taser on cops, but it's a healthy/steroid enhanced cop in a controlled situation. It might be more accurate if they had the cop run for a few miles first so that he were out of breath, or if they found a way to push him into "excited delirium" before frying him with the taser.

I think there needs to be a tamper proof visual and audio record of every police encounter. This would quickly curtail the police abuses. It would also serve as a defense for police, but it would have to really be tamper proof.


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Well that is good, but testing it, and making every person undergoing training feel the effects are two very different things in my opinion.

Yes they should get them all fired up and then use it on them. They might not be in such a hurry to use it on someone else then...........but maybe it would make no difference since they would forget. Perhaps they should all be tased once a month just to make sure they remember.

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