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ZOINKS! My Five Y/O Son Is Gay!! Ruh Roh....

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:49 AM
Sometimes, stories emerge from the bowels of the internet that you read and just HAVE to talk about.

This is one of them.

This past Halloween, a little five year old boy, who loved Scooby Doo, really wanted to be Daphne that year. So, mom ordered the outfit, which was to be worn to the Halloween Party at the child's Church PreSchool.

However, as the time for the event approached, the boy expressed concern that he would be ridiculed by the other kids for his costume. Why Jinkies No, son, his mother assured him, as she adjusted her rose colored glasses in preparation for what could turn out to be the average American's wet dream- national media attention!!( Zoinks! No mystery there.)

After pshawing her son's worries, the big day arrives and she noted that he seemed nervous, and scared when they arrived at school.

And then the big day arrives. We get dressed up. We drop Squirt at his preschool and head over to his. Boo doesn’t want to get out of the car. He’s afraid of what people will say and do to him. I convince him to go inside. He halts at the door. He’s visibly nervous. I chalk it up to him being a bit of a worrier in general. Seriously, WHO WOULD MAKE FUN OF A CHILD IN A COSTUME ON HALLOWEEN? So he walks in...

And that's where things went wrong. Two mothers went wide-eyed and made faces as if they smelled decomp. And I realize that my son is seeing the same thing I am. So I say, “Doesn’t he look great?” And Mom A says in disgust, “Did he ask to be that?!” I say that he sure did as Halloween is the time of year that you can be whatever it is that you want to be. They continue with their nosy, probing questions as to how that was an option and didn’t I try to talk him out of it. Mom B mostly just stood there in shock and dismay.


So this poor kid had to stand there and listen to these adults arguing over what he himself already knew was a Controversial costume.

The mother then goes on to tear into the hateful, mean old mothers at her son's Church PreSchool.



(I am gonna need a Scooby Snack here, so give me a sec.)

This child was nervous days before the event, and at the DOOR to the preschool, was nervous as to what the othr kids would SAY or DO to him. Now, where on EARTH did the five y/o get such notions in his mind to begin with? From those mean other mothers? Or maybe from his peers at school? A child of this age spends the majority of time of his little life with his parents, could his notions have actually come from....them?

And now, yahoo has picked up the story.

Ruh Roh, Shaggy!

All right. Please go read this mother's blog. She tries to defend her actions (forcing a child of that age to go through what the poor little thing realized would be waiting for him, shame and humiliation) by equating this to a little girl in a batman costume, no one would look twice.

However, the darker issue I have here is a mother who ignored for days up until the moment he stood at the door, this child's concerns, because after all, WHO would make fun of a CHILD? Certainly NOT biddie moms at the Church PreSchool, oh Jinkies no!

When my kids were five, they had choices, but they were controlled choices, as they were still learning. Five y/o's rely 100 percent upon the wiser judgement of the parent to protect them from the errors of poor choices, or regretful choices.

The child's mother, ranting about the mean other mommies needs to look into her own mirror, now, and reflect on what she could have done differently in this situation to protect her child.

What lessons did little boy learn that day? Do we really believe he learned a valuable lesson on gender equality issues?

Or did he learn that Mommy was not going to protect him when he was scared, and needed her most?

Not now, Kid, Mommy has a Blog to write!

Now it's up to us meddling internet sleuths to discuss this story, and the miriad of issues it brings with it.

So far, I am unable to locate the church associated with this event, to see if GAY has some type of play in their doctrine.

We have a mystery to solve folks, Scooby Doo, Where ARE You?

(mmm, that scooby snack was delicious!!)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:51 AM
Another salient point to raise is the way this mother histrionically titled the blog itself.

No where in this situation is it even necessary to discuss her child's sexual leanings, he is FIVE.

That to me was a red flag, anyone else?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:54 AM
Gender confusion only 10-20 years back was considered a mental illness by society. At least anyone really in to it has a choice today.

Ridicule is something society has instore for anyone that does not want the norm, and i have certainly been there.

Seems to me like a trolling internet post like many.

The problem is that many have problems but peopel choose to ridicule them, and it is worse now the net is here.
edit on 11/7/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/7/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:57 AM
Mystery SOLVED. This moms twitter feed:

"@Bookgirl96 - Just did a phone interview with @todayshow, and will be on Monday. Thank you. I will try not to embarrass either of us."

" I have been trying to keep up with all this craziness today, but Boo is sick. If you've sent me some sort of request (interview,etc) pls DM.

I guess I will rise and shine to catch her piece. I knew it!

Also she claims to be a cop's wife. The twitter has her picture.

Thoughts, yall?

I am pissed at this mom, as a mom myself, the last place I want my glory or fifteen minutes of fame is when it involves the needless, matriarchally inflicted suffering of my own child! If but for her own actions, she would NOT be on TV Monday!

I had to add another tweet. Now she claims her child is sick (no wonder) but she is mroe worried about letting the media know to DM hr what ever that means. She does not want to miss hr chance to cash in on this.

edit on Sun, 07 Nov 2010 10:24:15 -0600 by hotbakedtater because: to add another tweet

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by andy1033

She is going to crow about her story on the Today show tomorrow. I cannot wait to hear her defend herself.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:00 AM
So wait! I'm extremely tired and I would like for you to sum up your original post. What is going on with the son?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:00 AM
CNN alredy has done an interview, video.

Intrview by phone, pseudonym used, Mothr calls herself Sarah, doesnt want last name used due to privacy concerns, now a DR si discussing this, and just said the mother OUTED her son.

She did this to her kid, now the country will be discussing her five year old in a sexual way, all due to her having to snip at the moms via her blog!! (passive aggressive).

Now Sarah is defending her use of the title MY SON IS GAY, by saying it has nothing to do with gay at all, now she is bragging about being a new spokeman for all people oppressed.

The DR reaffirms mom outed him, then says mom is so strong for what she did, wtf?

Oh please watch this, it rounds out the story.

Now she is commenting on her cop hubby, and says cop hubby is 100 percent supportive, she touches on gender equality....

Anyway, for those who cant watch at work, that was a rundown of the video. Typed as listening.
edit on Sun, 07 Nov 2010 10:09:15 -0600 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Some parents will do anything for some attention, but to do it at the expence of your own child. I am just glad i will never bring someone into this world.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Well I agree with you on the first part. I feel sorry for the child.
Second line is needed.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by andy1033

Well I agree with you on the first part. I feel sorry for the child.
Second line is needed.

I only feel for the child if it is real, but today peopel do so many things to get on tv and things like that.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Being that the term "applebottom" usually refers to a big a**, I say she hit the nail on the head with calling her blog what she is.

It's sad, the boy probably expected his classmates to say something, not the parents.
She doesn't need to be labeling her 5yr old son because of his choice in costume

But I think there is definitely more to this than what's being told.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:11 AM
The mother has a valid point, but her motives for making the point are, imo, completely self-centered. Add to that she was more than happy to sacrifice the wellbeing of her child to make the point and score attention for herself. All of that completely undoes any good she might have accomplished with the core message.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
So wait! I'm extremely tired and I would like for you to sum up your original post. What is going on with the son?

Mom lets son go to CHURCH preschool dressed as Daphne, forced him to go dressed as Daphne even after the poor kid expressed concerns over it, and now is enjoying the new American Dream....BlogFame. She will be on one of the morning shows Monday, and did a phone call with CNN, where she refused to use her real name for privacy reasons, but has no qualms splattering her child's cross dressing picture all over the internet. DRs have now claimed the mom OUTED her son, sexualizing the situation, well, Mommmy did that by titling blog, MY SON IS GAY.

Thats it in a nutshell.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:13 AM
I know it was CNN, but I found it....STRANGE.....that in the cnn clip, there is no mention of CHURCH preschool, just Preschool.

Anyone else?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Alora
The mother has a valid point, but her motives for making the point are, imo, completely self-centered. Add to that she was more than happy to sacrifice the wellbeing of her child to make the point and score attention for herself. All of that completely undoes any good she might have accomplished with the core message.
Exactly! As a mother I am outraged for that kid, and fel so sorry for him. He will be haunted by the picture as he enters high school, it will never go away, the gay discussion attatched to the situation will NEVER leave him, hell his own mother said MY SON IS GAY.

What is wrong with parents? She claims to have mostly support and few detracters. She ignored her scared kid, to make a point. Tune in Monday to hear more of this mothr's defending of her actions.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater
why lable him anything other than a 5year-old boy?the kid just picked his favorite character from scooby-doo.what the h*!! is wrong with people.He's not necessarily gay,my kids dressed in "girl" clothing back then and none of them are gay its just a costume,and even if he is ,so what,don't punish him either way!

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

That is what angers me, the kids mom lableled him gay, in the title of her blog, forcing this into a whole new arena, on purpose. Her husband supports her too.

Who supports the little boy??
edit on Sun, 07 Nov 2010 10:19:13 -0600 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:26 AM
actually, around the age of five is when most homosexuals realize that there is something "different" about them. granted 5 may be a year or so earlier than average, it certainly is not outside the realm of possibility. i have a male cousin who is starting to show these signs: he prefers baby dolls to g.i. joe and naturally goes for the dresses in the department store. this doesnt mean that he is gay, i played with barbies (because the only other kids in the hood were girls, and i wasnt allowed to play with guns) and i turned out as straight as a person can turn out.

my point: the kids dress doesnt necessarily imply anything about his sexuality, but may.

second point: where does a kid pick up cues like this? everywhere everywhere everywhere! this is when we learn from the world how it is supposed to be. mom wheres dresses (sometimes) dad wheres pants, and even if he didnt pick it up from mom and dad, he picked it up from tv. scooby-doo (a dog) wears no clothes. shaggy wears pants and daphne wears (drumroll) a skirt! gender roles are clearly defined, and even species roles (though the dog appears to be sentient. where's his fig leaf?)

knowing these roles exist, and are concrete throughout not only a childs cartoon world, but throughout his or her day to day reality, does not require that he understand the sexual nature behind this paradigm.


if the childs mother told him he could not wear the dress the inevitable question would be WHY?
if the mother thinks its a good time to answer that question, than she can tell him not only about the birds and the bees, but also the birds and the birds, the bees and the butches, and the billy's and the bobs. on top of all that, halloween is ruiuned, potentially setting him up for a neurotic life of mommy-issue costume role playing in gay bath houses all to get back at her for exposing the harsh truths of sexual reality to him before he hit kindergarten.

let the kid wear a dress! if you dont, he might end up stealing yours while you're at work.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 10:29 AM
Reminds me of my kindergarden Superman costume. I had this awesome superman shirt with a cape sewn to the back that I wanted to wear for Halloween. Then my mom shows up with these blue tights, telling me all super heroes wear tights. It didn't seem right, but I put them on anyways. Then the girl next door told me only girls wear tights, and I swapped my blue tights for blue jeans. My mother tried to talk me into wearing the tights to school, but I wasn't going for it.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Well, I just spent some more time reading the mother's twitter, linked above. I am wondering about hr, here are a couple more comments that have me so sad for this kid.

Her twitpic

From her twittr feed:

@socreepy Thanks! He is pretty lovable even when not dressed like a tranny.
9:08 PM Oct 29th via ÜberTwitter in reply to socreepy

. My famous little Boo is still sick. This fever is annoying.

@shondarhimes Holy smokes, you tweeted about me. That's huge. HUGE. And thank you so very much.
1,288,908,881,000.00 via web in reply to shondarhimes

New blog post about my 5yo son and his choice to cross gender lines on Halloween.
1,288,722,529,000.00 via web

Getting ready for a big dose of Nyquil.
1,287,704,312,000.00 via ÜberTwitter

And note the date on this one, is this mom on drugs? Was her judgement truly in this kids best interest, or was she whacked out on pills when she forced him through the doors in the costume he himself apparently did not feel comfortable wearing anymore?

Have I mentioned lately how much I heart pain killers? I do. I really do.
5:30 PM Oct 12th via ÜberTwitter

@tarastanford Need any painkillers for your injury?

8:24 PM Oct 11th via ÜberTwitter in reply to tarastanford Reply Retweet .

I think my muscle relaxers are working. I'm not tired, but I can't keep my eyes open.
8:03 PM Oct 11th via ÜberTwitter

@tarastanford - you need to give every one some meds so they all sleep at once. Then you drink.

7:32 AM Mar 29th via UberTwitter in reply to tarastanford

Who says such things on twitter?? She is friends with Obama, so she must swing left.

Here is a link to a page where she is taking questions regarding the INCIDENT with her Daphne Kid.

Some gems.

Remember, this is a Church Preschool, and she has called her child a tranny and gay so far.

Why aren't you blogging anymore?
I've been a total slacker. I'm trying to get back on board again, especially once the shorties get settled into their school routines.

Did you really not think people would make fun of your son for his choice in costumes? (For what it is worth I agree with you, but this point seems a little naive.)
Yes, I really did. And none of the children batted an eye.

nerdyapple answered yesterday

Really? Or were you so focused on getting into it with some moms you might not like, that you failed to note if indeed NONE of the children batted an eye. Oh wait your own child did, and you ignored it.

Anyway, the twitter feed is just a nice glimpse into this ladies life. She brags about putting both her boys in the tub together, too, and convincing it is play time. Innocent, or was she already pushing a gay agenda even back then?

Just stuck the boys in the tub and convinced them it was a super special play time.
12:40 PM Aug 19th via web

I realize the last bit is more than likely not a mother pushing a gay agenda, but she has been very pleased to get so much attention, and I really have to wonder about her, especially in light of the drug bragging/talk. People who take drugs for legitimate reasons (non recreationally) rarely brag about it on twitter due to one, it is no ones business, two they care how they are perceived, and three it tellspetty crooks and thugs who has the dope in town. Another example of less than protectiv actions by this lady.

yet I am sure she is going to come off a huge hero in this case, and who suffers in the long run, the kid thats who.

Her twitter feed, just in case anyone missed it.

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