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why I believe ancient astronaut theory

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by colin42

So maybe we all should now start eating lots more 'brain food'. Take supplements by the handful and kick start the next evolutionary period. If 'brain food' is the only factor give me all I can eat.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by colin42also, if they're eating all this perfect brain steroid food that put them on the evolutionary light-rail, why didn't their intestines also evolve to be about 25 feet shorter?

If you'll take a look at the skeletons of humans and gorillas side-by-side, you'll see the difference between vegetarian apes and carnivorous apes... The human skeleton is built to accommodate a proportionately much smaller bellyful of guts than that of a gorilla. Humans are not vegetarians. If we were, we'd still be toddling about in the wilderness, stuffing ourselves full of vegetation for 9 hours out of every day, like the great apes.

Our carnivorism (more properly, our omnivorism) provided us with many times the protein of a strictly vegetarian diet, which did, indeed, decrease the size of our intestines as it increased the size of our brains.

— Zesko Whirligan
edit on 11/8/2010 by Zesko Whirligan because: Typo

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by colin42

starred. i did not know that, and that's a good example of me being an ass with my blinders on.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by AnteBellum
reply to post by colin42

So maybe we all should now start eating lots more 'brain food'. Take supplements by the handful and kick start the next evolutionary period. If 'brain food' is the only factor give me all I can eat.

no - the answer is that scientists need to work on the limited number of times that the cells can divide

I feel the limit was put in there on purpose in the past and only now we are starting to research it

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by megabyte

I was joking.
Are you talking about increasing our life spans? This would be another way of increasing our knowledge for people would have more 'life' or years to actively work on projects to further our development. I can't remember the doctor/scientist doing this genetic work right now but about a year ago they stopped almost all aging in rats. They stopped cell degradation almost completely. I wish I could remember the show I was watching. The doctor in question was upset for the 'prohibition' the government has put on this research in genetics. Humans are not aloud to be tested on.
But back to the topic how does this correlate to AAlien Theory it is a venue I haven't come across yet? Point me in the right direction if it's written somewhere already. Thanx
edit on 11/8/2010 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Zesko Whirligan

I was replying to the line showing that the intestine of our ancestors did actually shrink. Did you read the whole post that you quoted me from?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by AnteBellum

Lol. I dont think it works that way. The extra protein gives enables the chance of brain growth and the enviroment selects those that pass it on.

I think we all know a really brainy person with no common sense at all. Its no good if the extra brain power enables us to speak if we use it to tell a lion to make space at his kill as you fancy a nibble.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by AnteBellum

the supposition that someone adjusted our genetic code at the dawn of civilisation to limit our lifespan is mine and it is just a supposition

i hope that our scientists can make us all be 25 years old for most of our life - think what we would achieve? we could all take 10 college degrees and have 10 different careers

the huge trouble with this idea is that so many people are stupid and would waste the years in a drug induced haze and maybe even go on crime sprees that are also drug induced

serial murderers could do so much more damage if they could be 25 years olf for decades and decades

we really need to work on human minds first - who would want Hitler or any other number of evil people to live all their lives as a 25 year old - remember Josef Fritzl? and his imprisonment of his daughter elisabeth and the constant rapes? I suspect if he was not already old then the imprisonment would have continued many more decades

so how do we sort it out and decide who deserves the longevity? money? give it to the rich and famous?

so many problems to solve first

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:43 PM
first off the ancient astronaut theory takes way to much away from human ingenuity for my taste. As far as the rest of the posts there is a mix of science and spiritual beliefs in there so i will be careful not to offend any one. First as Richard Dawkins once said to the people who hold the notion that if evolution were true animals would be more like each other so were are the crocoducks The truth is our high mortality rate during child birth, our long lives, bad backs and lager brains are all proof that we evolved. evolution is survival of the best gene not trait so evolution does not always just help a species. for example as we left the forest and moved into the plains long legs and bipedal motion would allow us to run faster to escape are enemies and give us better conservation of energy when cooling the bodies but it also narrowed the amount of space that women had to birth a child and causes us are bad backs because the changes were not smooth. If we were proofed or manipulated genetically we would not have these problems plain and simple. As far to why we have the brains we do and our love of meat the statements were kind of right kinda wrong. First off brain power under normal circumstances is under normal circumstances not a trait that benefits genetic survival. but what was happening is the earth was changing rapidly in climate and weather patterns in a period of changes back and forth that was unheard-of in earths normal patterns. what this caused was a need for a spices to change its behavioral patterns after its born and much faster then genetic change can accrue. so the ability to reason is just that the ability to right mental codes (memes ) that are changeable to work with genetics on emergency to maximize survival. this also lead to a increasing of opportunistic eating patterns epically the eating of fish that allowed was high in everything that is needed to run a supercharged brain. The truth of the matter the reason people seem to crave meat more then plants is not because we ate more meat or that any meat would increase our intelligence. Elephants are herbivores and they are smarter then most carnivores so eating meat other then fish does not directly increase intelligence. We crave the fat in meat instead because our bodies developed the ability to produce lager amounts of uric acid that caused us to store more fat then other apes so in a land were savannas were becoming deserts, forests were drying up and rain fall was not predictable. The ability to store as much as possible as fat and constantly hunger for fat would be a great survival trait when you don't know when you will eat next and large number of cal are need to just power thought. The last thing that i will comment on is ATM humans have been around about 200bce. those early humans came in 2 flavors of Neanderthals who are a sub spices not a different one and something closer to us but as different from us as they were from Neanderthals (so a descent amount but like a golden-retriever and black lab different) both of these groups were handed down the knowledge of spears(neanderthals did not throw theirs), axes, fire, burial, speech and tool's of stone and bone from the other numerous human spices that were around before and after then we had plenty of time to develop pre-10kbce cultures that were shaken in the events of the younger dries but small bits made it through to spark the Sumerian and Egyptian knowledge also despite what some people seem to think the way the pyramids were built have been shown possible with primitive means give us some credit we are kinda smart.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by logos12

So in a way you are saying that we were influenced by aliens but in your description the aliens are our ancestors directly and/or by association where others here think alien being extra terrestrial.

I tend to agree with your post although you cannot rule out ET. Evolution shows it is more than capable given time for man to evolve and has a wealth of evidence to show it.

I am leaning to a lost civilisation and more contact between cultures than western history maintains.

And yes, the Higher intelligence is ours not ET, but I could very well be wrong.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by colin42
Well said and it's a pattern increasingly realised that ideas and gene pools have ebbed and flowed between widely different populations and vast distances through trade routes and independent migrations by artisans etc. North Western Europe had links that spanned North Africa, China and the Mediterranean for example.

Some years ago, I was certain that lost civilisations were accountable for the achievements of the stone age (Upper Palaeolithic-Neolithic boundary) and early Bronze Age. The flood tales and so on seemed to support the notion. Over time, the more academic research I read the less realistic these ideas have become. One or two American sites remain undecided as yet...

On ATS such ideas are considered ignorant by many who haven't given the academic literature a chance. Having been on both sides of the fence, a good research paper is filled with more intrigue than any of the 'lost civilisation' writers could ever describe. Some of your posts suggest that you'll possibly head in the same direction

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by colin42

the only truth in this world is there is only half truths not whole truths. even a pen can be seen as a pen or molecules or protons neutrons and electrons or quarks or strings there all right and all just part of the whole. questioning everything and keeping your mind open is a good thing. the way you phrased your reply was well said.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

i just read a article from a professor about the possibility of older advanced sea fearing cultures if i can find the pdf link that was free again ill post it. But you right as most academics seems to be moving to the thought that civ. started around 9,800ish bce.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by logos12
Please do. 'Civilisation' at 9500bce is more like the twilight area of history, a kind of threshold period when we gradually emerged from settlements into collected large settlements sharing one (similar?) culture.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by megabyte

I hope it will help

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by megabyte

i did say that I believe someone has tinkered with our dna but I claim that I dont know who that might have been

ancient astronauts seem plausible as does our own future selves

Now, how does that make sense? Would it not be a major paradox? How did the future civilization ever arise without their dna having been altered in the first place? In the second place, if they did arise and have a civilization advanced enough for time travel why would they risk going back and tampering with "success"? There would be a good chance of engineering themselves out of existence. At best, they would create a new branch in the space time continuum, so again where is the benefit?

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