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Opinion Polls....Why are they REALLY doing this?

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Is this happening to anyone else? Phone calls at least two or three times a day from phone "solicitors" (they aren't selling anything....just want information) calling what they are doing "opinion polls".

I answered some information on one of these for the local buses in my town, no biggie...but just a few ago, I get a call from New Jersey their time is past 11pm., a little late to be conducting an opinion poll. So I ask the girl where she got my #, she says, it was basically off a calling list for my area of the country. So, I say, what do you want my "opinions" on? She answers, a lot of stuff. I ask is this involving the large corps. that "create" what everybody "wants". She says, don't know, they give me a list of what I am supposed to ask, I don't know who is sponsoring these questions, or how the information will be used, or if they will get back to you regarding your answers, etc. This particular information gathering foray apparently wasn't anonymous, as most say they are....then again, I had the feeling they already knew who I was.

So, figure I will have fun with her some more and ask if there are any questions regarding Monsanto and GMO'd food. She says unless you participate, I can only tell you that there are roughly 4 questions regarding green packaging and what should be printed on the boxes as to contents. She told me there were well over a 150 questions, give or take a few, and all there were were 4 questions remotely related to "green" purposes??

Told her that the people she worked for definitely wouldn't want my opinions on Big Corp., Big Pharm., etc. lol, once I get started, it's really difficult to stop....kinda like Jim Cary in the Mask....I start "Smokin' if I become passionate about the subject or question. Told her to have a good one and hung up.

The question is, anyone else participate in one of these opinion polls, and if so....what were you asked about?
Do any of you feel as if this is another way that the government is trying to interfere with our lives through corporate information and think tanks using this info to categorize us even more? Might make for interesting discussion. Thanks.


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:18 PM
You answered one opinion poll, so you got put on a list of "people that won't hang up and swear at you" so now your going to get more.
Serves you right for being polite to the first guy

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by davespanners

you could have a point there...

thing is, I am usually one of the first to tell them to take a hike if they are trying to sell me something. This was not sales, I have no problem sharing my opinion on something if someone is willing to listen and share back. I get the feeling that these "opinion polls" as I stated previously, is a way for TPTB to get inside our heads. That for sure is not gonna happen.


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