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Rise of Freedom: Hangar 17 (touching and unfogettable)

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 09:31 AM

Hangar 17 at Kennedy Airport in New York City has housed many of the things salvaged from Ground Zero since 2001. Recovered steel from the site that once rose into the Manhattan skyline as part of the Twin Towers is stored in this building.

FDNY fire trucks destroyed on that horrifying day and the antennae that once stood atop the north tower are also there. But more surprising than the artifacts found here was the feeling brought on by them, the connection we all felt to these inanimate objects.

Recovered steel from the site that once rose into the Manhattan skyline as part of the Twin Towers is stored in this building, as are FDNY fire trucks destroyed on that horrifying day.
Bill Baroni, deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Hangar 17 guide, said, "No matter how many times you come out here, no matter how many times you walk past the steel, no matter how many times you walk past the [train] car, there were real lives here, there were families that were never complete again after that day. These were people's lives."

These artifacts and the museum they will be exhibited in will exist beyond this generation, a point not lost on Baroni. He says the goal is, “to preserve the physical artifacts of what happened, not to let them be lost to history so that 75 or 100 years from now a historian says you know, "I wish they had kept, fill in the blank."

A bicycle rack from 9/11 now located in Hangar 17 at Kennedy Airport in NYC.

Before leaving, we stopped at a bicycle rack. The bicycles were mangled from the damage they suffered almost 10 years ago. But what struck us all was a simple thing: They were still locked to the rack. It was a reminder of how normal that day began. Someone rode a bike to work, locked it to the rack and there it will stay, forever.

Additional info/Fox story/vid:

You know, as I have said previously, I am one who believes what I saw on TV that terrible day. Since coming here to ATS, I have been forced to re-think a lot of it but I can't get past the concept of our own gov't having any knowledge or otherwise about the attacks of 9/11.

But, regardless of all of that, it is stuff like this story the reminds me that EVERY citizen has the right to know and to believe what they wish. These images made me upset in the fact that I know after all this time, we still don't know all we need to know and that we need to continue to investigate & pursue every possible angle until we get to the bottom of it all.

If not for us, then the victims and their families. If we did have something to do with it-hunt the bastards down and get them-then go after their familes (as far as I am concerned). I don't care if they are CIA, DOD, FBI and so on- they deserve the worst we can come up with.

But, on the same note, the same goes for any person not in the US gov't. We need to go hunt down the 9/11 attackers families and take justice on them. So any other person who maybe thinking the same thing will know what will happen to their families-which they most likely won't be around to protect (make them think twice).

I know, radical but come on. This stuff has to end and what we are doing now is only festering the problem. IMO.

The additional link I included takes you to a whole section that FOX News has about 9/11. Pretty power stuff.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by anon72

We need to go hunt down the 9/11 attackers families and take justice on them. So any other person who maybe thinking the same thing will know what will happen to their families-which they most likely won't be around to protect (make them think twice).

Are you serious ? How do you feel about someone tracking your kids down , or your mom , or other family members , and killing them for something that YOU did ?

This is absurd . This is on the same level of mentality that the terrorists use . They kill innocent people everyday , around the world , because they want to change some government policy .

How are your thoughts any better than theirs ?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by okbmd

Yes I am serious. The most determined one in a fight will win. Right now, they are determined.

We have to hit them harder than they hit us (I don't mean 9/11 specifically). This crap has gone on long enough.

Someone is going to be the winner. I want it to be us. Which means we have to be more determined and meanier.

Just the way it is but hey, THEY STARTED IT.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by anon72

I agree that we should take a tough line on terrorists. It annoys me that we have suspected terrorists illegally in the UK that the courts will not allow to be deported to their countries of origin because they might get rough justice on their return home.

Nonetheless, I agree with okbmd that to seriously consider pursuing their families would make us no better than them.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by okbmd

Yes I am serious. The most determined one in a fight will win. Right now, they are determined.

We have to hit them harder than they hit us (I don't mean 9/11 specifically). This crap has gone on long enough.

Someone is going to be the winner. I want it to be us. Which means we have to be more determined and meanier.

Just the way it is but hey, THEY STARTED IT.

..but in their demented point of view, we started it. Remember, these are people who carefully record every transgression against them throughout the millenia to the point where Sunnis and Shi'ites slaughter each other over who rightfully inherited the title of true prophet from Mohammed. They know who's who of the crusades and they still seethe over Israel becoming a country fifty years ago. These are people who make holding a grudge into an artform.

Add the fact that the world is increasingly becoming a smaller place, with communications and ideas being circulated like never before. Fanatically outer space muslim zealots who long for the good ol' days of the 1200's are irked at new aged ideas like (gasp) freedom of speech and women being able to vote and they can't deal with the fact their stone aged ideas have no more place in the modern world. You will notice there are no female figure skaters from any Islamic country in the Olympics. Care to venture a guess why?

To them, the hijacking and murder of 3,000 people is justified, seeing that Baron someone or another killed sheikh what's his name in the crusades six hundred years ago and that we're pushing heretic ideas like "don't stone homosexuals in the street" onto them. Right now in Indonesia, people are being murdered simply becuase Christians are daring to use the word, "Allah" as a universal name for God. I personally think it's retarded, but people are being killed over this retardation so it behooves us to understand what the heck is going on before we act.

One thing is certain, though: to take these "it's all an inside job" claims remotely seriously we are required to artificially overestimate the malice that the gov't is capable of and artificially underestimate the malice these people are capable of. Having to force ourselves into such a preconceived mindset is a poor way or researching the truth behind the events of 9/11, if you ask me.
edit on 4-11-2010 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Are you serious ? How do you feel about someone tracking your kids down , or your mom , or other family members , and killing them for something that YOU did ?

We may not think that way, but they do. Who in our civilized society would be the first t think of using loaded passenger planes as weapons? But they did.

Some people you have to treat in a manner they understand. If that means wiping out their immediate family to prevent the revenge factor, then so be it.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by anon72

I'm sorry but this kind of behavior is illogical and symptomatic of many Americans who are still asleep about 9/11. I'm not sure where it fits in on this forum as well.

We all know very well that killing the families of people who killed others is not going to bring back all of the people who perished on that day. Most of us know by now that 9/11 was perpetuated in the most part by our government, not foreign terrorists.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by The Sword

Answer me this. Would or would it not stop a person from committing an act against an enemy if he knew the enemy would take revenge on his family for such a dispicable act?

Would it not be in line with An Eye for and Eye?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by anon72

How old are you?

You don't seem to have a very good understanding of how reality works.

Your attitude is precisely why we are locked in 2 wars that are going nowhere.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by The Sword

Answer me this. Would or would it not stop a person from committing an act against an enemy if he knew the enemy would take revenge on his family for such a dispicable act?

Would it not be in line with An Eye for and Eye?

No it would not. The whole rationale for terrorism is to force a gov't to do something by threat or act of violence. Failing that, the goal is to instigate enough insecurity in a populace and/or instigate the gov't to overreact in order to gain enough sympathy for the ones perpetrating the violence so that a deal can be made. The French resistance knew full well the Germans were going to react with brutality whenever they launched an attack but they did it anyway. The more French people who were slaughtered, the more the resistance grew.

I invite you to guess what your "eye for an eye" policy is going to do.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I understand what you are saying however, I also have seen countless videos of suicide bombers before they go off to commit their terror act.

What do they all say? Doing for my family so they may have a better life (of something along those lines)

Well.....If they know the family is in possible danger-they may opt to disengauge from the act and movement.

The way we are doing it now isn't working. Want us to be nicer?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:47 PM
I think if someone killed my family or the innocent family members of someone I loved then I'd be considerably more likely to commit acts of terror.

And your stance is utterly lacking in any kind of morality. Killing children for something their parents did? Sick.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

For the record. I never said kill them.

I said take justice. I guess we see if differently.

Let me know what specific terror act and the amount of damage and death it would take for you to realize you have to be meaner than the other guy?

I guess the numbers of 9/11 weren't enough.

And, I think this thread is clearly showing what is evident to the enemy. They are more determined than we are and in their minds-they are winning, so keep fighting like they have been etc.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by anon72

It wouldn't take any specific terror act to make me realise that. Because I don't think that terrorism is quelled by indulging in collective punishment.

Your stratagem isn't just morally bankrupt, it also doesn't work.
edit on 4-11-2010 by TrickoftheShade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by anon72
I'M surprised that Gulliani and the Feds allowed this many remains to be stored at JFK what with the speed of the clean up.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by mike dangerously
reply to post by anon72
I'M surprised that Gulliani and the Feds allowed this many remains to be stored at JFK what with the speed of the clean up.

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with the facts of the events of 9/11 and everything to do with the conspiracy mythology you truthers have built up for yourselves. It's been pointed out ad nauseum the "all the steel was shipped off overseas" was a lie and now that it's irrefutably been shown that the claim is hogwash you *still* can't give up your "inside job" claims.

Tell me, in all honesty, do you really think this is genuinely a proper way to investigate the truth of 9/11?

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