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Fed To Print 1 Trillion Dollars

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

I have created a sister thread to this thread, with hopes to have people sign a petition to end the fed and i will PERSONALLY send it to Ron and Rand Paul! so Please come and take a look and sign it!

Petition Thread

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Your points are all very valid my friend. I am keenly aware of the ongoing cluster** that is our economy, our government and the world in general. The impending financial *ahem* meltdown (first time I have used that term) is looking bleaker by the day. As a species we are in as turbulent of times as any in recent history and as a Country are in even rougher shape. It's going to be a scary 24 months (at least) as we navigate our way down this slippery slope. Let's hope we don't fall off, which as you point out, is looking like a good probability.

My argument against the idea of camps being formed is based solely on my first-hand knowledge of our military, and off of encounters and conversations I have had with current and former brass. LEO's are not much of a worry either, as local departments will no more enforce "camps" and the likes than you or I. They WILL be used as a tool of tightening individual liberties, as they have in the past. Every officer, trooper, and especially deputies have their limits though. Your average military commanders recognize a direct breach of the constitution and the turning of their forces on U.S. citizens and many would openly disobey an order of the magnitude of sending millions of U.S. Americans to detention/labor/reeducation camps. There will always be those that are good lap dogs and follow every order regardless of its morality or legality, but again, most men have their limits.

Security, enforcement and detention resources that would be necessary to pull off a true nightmare "camp" scenario would be spread way too thin to remain functional. Between the "oath keeping" military and LEO community and the armed citizens/militias of this nation, these camps would sooner be assaulted and overrun and a civil war declared before The United States of America would be allowed to turn into a Nazi or even East Germany.

My personal belief is that we, as a species, will navigate through this problem as we always have. As apathetic and complacent as at seems humanity has become, we always reach deep and "sack up" when the noose is tightened. I'm sure there will be plenty more suffering; physical, financial and emotional before all is said and done, but I am a stubborn optimist. Let's hope we can look back as a species in twenty or thirty years and tell our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren about how it "used to be." About the struggles that everyone endured and about how we pulled together when things seemed to be at end.

Always a pleasure, sorry about the delayed response.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Use your brain

History shows us that people are capable of anything.

People do what they are told if they are in fear for their own lives.

Who were those American's that locked up the Japanese citizens?

Who were they?

Do you think they were any different than the Russian troops who ran the gulags?

In what way were they different from troops today?

The wider military might not be used to lock up American dissidents - they might use private contractors. More typically, they use foreign troops. History shows us that when civilian populations need to be suppressed, governments turn to foreign troops to help them do it.

If there were ever a real rebellion, you can bet your bottom dollar the Israelis and Brits would be over here stomping face.

edit on 4-11-2010 by mnemeth1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 02:17 AM
so does anyone know what is happening with this money? where is it being distributed? its funny, i'm watching bloomberg, bbc, cnn, and star news business programs, and instead of talking about business, they are talking about the A380 airliner that had to make an emergency landing...a lot. 1 trillion dollar stimulus was just announced, and i havent heard a word of it since i woke up today. not a word. not even a report about it that ever analyzed it. just for one night i heard the FED is buying 600 bil in treasuries and then the topic vanishes. its not even in the newspapers.
edit on 5-11-2010 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by mnemeth1

I have heard that point argued countless times. My problem is that I can not wrap my mind around the logistics of such an operation. There is no way in which you could import foreign troops and/or private contractors in the numbers and strategic geographic locations necessary to become, much less remain operational. Again, this boils down to numbers in my mind.

The amount of weapons in the United States
The number of capable and willing people to utilize those weapons
+ Current L.E. or military structure that would side with citizens
Insurmountable odds stacked heavily against an occupying/imprisoning force

As I stated previously though, we're not at that point.

You can't always predict the future using the past, regardless of how overused that saying is.

There was a time not so long ago when men owned slaves and rape was generally accepted.
There was a time when slaughtering people of different ethnic/cultural/religious origin was accepted by the masses, and openly supported/expected.

I could go on, my point being that internment/concentration/labor camps are something so arbitrarily ingrained into our minds that the very concept of them is repulsive to most. It is not something that will be implementable overnight. My opinion is that if we ever get to the point where camps would be a reality, we would already be at rock bottom. I'm not talking a depression, I'm talking complete infrastructure collapse. No utilities, drastically reduced population, etc.

Luckily for me, I'm a semi-prepared but always optimistic dude. I've been reading this same story edited to fit the times transmitted since the early eighties. I remember when 09/11/2001 came around, that was the end game. We're still here.
edit on 5-11-2010 by Use your brain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 03:53 AM
Here they claim Bernanke lied under oath:

Caught in A Lie

edit on 5-11-2010 by EarthOccupant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Use your brain

Yeah, we shall see.

America has a long history of suppressing dissent, going all the way back to John Adams.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Use your brain

I agree with what you're saying. I am a Law Enforcement Officer in a big city, and I discuss this situation with many of my friends/coworkers all of the time. While I can't speak for everybody, I can assure you a major majority of us would side with the citizens, and oppose an oppresive government. However mnemeth1 makes a great point. People will do WHATEVER it takes to assure that they survive. Including imprisioning/harming other US citizens. So it's definetly not beyond the realm of possibilites. I just wish more people would realize that not all LEO's/Military are mindless drones. They do exist but the true "Freedom Fighters" out number them!

edit on 5-11-2010 by TorqueyThePig because: Added text.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 01:06 PM
I'm have a hard time wrapping my mind around the situation our economy is in right now.

There are numerous businesses hiring workers in my area. The problem they are having is that ,most applicants can not pass a drug test.

We are not selling any real estate but there is building going on within a 200 mile radius of my city.

Yes, there are many beautiful big new home foreclosed on. But the average person is making it just fine here.

Those that are loosing their homes here broke off more that they needed and can not chew it now.

A young couple with small children does not need a 5 bedroom 4 bath house in an elite neighborhood unless they are already wealthy. People were stupid and now they are paying for the thing that they thought would bring them status.

For them I have no sympathy.

I live in a 20 year old paid for home across the marsh from Jekyll Island. There is construction going on there that will be putting hundreds of people to work.

In my opinion it is the children of the baby boomers that have contributed greatly to our present condition.

We sent them to college in the late seventies and they graduated and thought they had the world by the tail and went into debt way over their heads.

I do agree that bankers took advantage of the new found wealth and made very bad loans. But that had been going on since I began working in the sixties. Car dealers were the first to start falsifying papers to make it look like the borrowers income exceeded what it actually was.

Then of course there was that old devil interest charged on the loans.

As far a the end of America it won't happen. We've been down and we will get back up as we did in the past.

And NO, your regular American citizen will not be put in prison camps.

If anyone is put in camps it will be non Americans. And it will be because we as a people will not allow possible terrorist to roam the streets freely. What is wrong with that? Nothing. It is just a measure taken to help secure our country.

Yes we have a corrupt government but we are also a very corrupt people.

The blame must fall on the citizens that defraud others and also those that defraud the government.
No one comes out of this mess smelling like a rose.

I'm sick of the woe is me our government has ruined my life attitude.

We allowed it to happen and many of us assisted in our own downfall.

The spending habits of the boomer generations children is out of control. Why does every child that now talks need a cell phone, a TV in their room and only the best of cloth on their backs?

Why does mama, daddy and all the children need new cars?

I take my part of the responsibility of spoiling my children and now they are spoiling theirs.

It's a vicious circle.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by crazydaisy
What! And Obama is going to spend 200 mil a day on this trip. To improve imports, give me a break!!

I'd be much happier if he was there to improve exports.

The United States needs to ramp up it's production of goods to export to the world, not entertaining the idea of spending ourselves out of this economic situation.

Keynesian Economics will be the death of us sooner than later.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:24 AM
thoughts, eeked out from this web page:

The US is threatening inflation (naked QE-2) that will drive down the value
of its currency, making other nations unwilling to hold dollars,
and the lack of demand drops the value of the dollar relative to those nations'
currencies, with benefits passing through to US companies
that then hopefully revive the US economy -

albeit at a terrible cost to US savers, and older Americans in general....

these elites at the FED & USTreasury are really playing russian roulette
with any of us on fixed incomes (SS & SSI in particular)...
for two years now we have not had any COLAs, cost of living adjustments... for
2010 nor for the coming year in 2011. All this was to make their charade of
destroying the dollar look like it was unintentional...after all would a Christian &
charitable nation allow the elderly & disabled to starve or to sell any assets
still in their possession to stave off starvation or a living standard nose dive.?

If, the QE-2 that is intended to inject newly created money into the money pool,
and not into the bank vaults as QE-1 had done... Injecting newly printed monies
into the circulating cash pool will immediately lead to high inflation...
but as it was in the last 4 years, the CPI will be rigged to not show any inflation
(which is actually money deflation)... the Elected representatives are less
the problem than the appointed Grande Masters at the FED & the USTreasury...
and the indulged fraudsters at the Wall Street Primary Dealer institutions.

any complaintants will be dealt with as rebels against the HomeLand, anti-patriots

another aspect to consider:

This is no mere recession, and it is only massive government growth
that has kept the plausible deniability in place. In two years,
the government's share of the economy grew by 8%, from 35% to 43%.
Without this fundamental change in the economy - which destroys
the very basis of conventional stock market investing,
as explained in the linked article

the US economy is in a collapse scenario.[...]

so, its not that Øbama is socializing health-care & autos, banking, mortgage industry
alone... the USA is now in a communist/soviet style command economy,
ruled by the economic czars & oilgarchs of wall street and the FED,
aided by the USTreas. and the compliant Courts desirious of dismissing
criminal actions by many of these same parties.... gov't & private

finally in closing, go to link to go to the archived article/essay
which lays out a plan, strategy to the byzantine gold wealth issue...

When it comes time for action, the simple and increasingly popular
solution is to pull all you can out of paper investments and symbolic
currencies, put them in gold, and hunker down to survive the storm that
is building in strength by the week.

Unfortunately, however, we live in a complex and deeply unfair world,
that makes mincemeat of emotional reactions and simple solutions.
As illustrated in step-by-step, easy to understand – but irrefutable –
detail in the article "Hidden Gold Taxes: The Secret Weapon Of Bankrupt
Governments" (linked below), a simple solution of just buying gold leaves
you handing a good chunk, or perhaps most of your starting net worth,
over to the government by the time all is said and done. The way
the government – under existing laws – effectively confiscates the wealth
of gold investors in a highly inflationary environment is little understood
by most gold investors,

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:36 AM
Can there now be any doubt about about the timing of Obamas trip. First, to escape the election outfall; and now to escape any questioning of this disaster. Cowardly at best.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:08 PM
and yet it's not the end of the world

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