posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 01:35 PM
Boehner, you have a crisis and less than two years to get it right!
Actually, all you have to do is BEGIN the process.
First things first. Do you have "testicular fortitude" Mr. Boehner? If you do you will understand that you will be in grave danger if you begin to
do the right thing for Americans. Americans are not all that intelligent, so you must actually LEAD and suffer whatever political consequences these
Americans will subject you to. The traitors within our borders of course may just want you dead.
Americans like a full tummy. Because they have had a full tummy, they have let criminals take over the executive branch, and this was long before
Obama as you are probably aware. You must root them out, and to do this you must start with the REPUBLICANS that have sold out their country. This
will get the people's trust, or at least maybe enough of the people to counter the propaganda that will be hurled against you mercilessly by your/our
enemies. Then, and only then, can you go after the Democrats. This serves other purposes as well, we don't want those Republican criminals of
administrations past to die of old age without getting a taste of justice do we?
So, are you ready?
1. We must print our own money. U.S.A. currency. Call it "breadbacks", backed by bread. And butter. The currency cannot earn interest. We
print it, we own it, we are seriously going to NEED it. Get the ball rolling, get the legislation written and ready for the Senate. Let's draw that
line in the sand right away, find out who our enemies are.
2. Investigate and have public hearings on ALL executive orders since and including Reagan. Let's put the last 6 presidents on public trial by
reviewing all federal mandates.
3. Speaking of investigations, launch a real 911 investigation, but don't stop there. Look at all "terrorists" actions within our borders and on
the high seas with a new critical eye.
4. End the wars. Ask the Iraqi people (what are left of them) for an apology and permission to set up a "new guantanamo" in the most contaminated
region of Iraq for the "real" war criminals that result from the real 911 investigation.
That is a start, and might help us get a true American elected president in 2012. We might be able to eat when the dollar crashes, restore prestige
to America in the eyes of the world, and survive as a republic. You may not live to see the conclusion, but you aren't living if you are living a
lie now are you?