posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 10:51 AM
1)pay people in silver based debit card system. All currency units on the debit card is backed up by the equivelent of silver.
2)Create npo or cooperative credit unions/banks NOT privately owned businesses.
3)Create service industry businesses that are npo or cooperative(no one has more than 1% ownership) NOT privately owned businesses.
4)create a telecom using either powerline(via elink and amplification) or/and cell towers to give a free distribution of internet(128KBps) tv
programming(Free to air,public broadcast,pay tv) landline telephone(within limitations) that is a free the public and NOT censored,or fascist
propaganda by Big Corperate,Oil,Pharma,Banks,CCA,NRA,Tobacco,Ethanol poisoning industy/Big alcohol or an a political lobbying group.
5)Create products that only are sold or bought by us with no incentive to create profits other than to undercut the greedy capitolists compitition
while paying people an even split on labor. People have to choose. Do you want $1 #ty hamburger sandwiches or do you want $0.15 $0.20 #ty hamburger
sandwiches by us? Do want a minivan with 2 miles per gallon for $45,000 that actually costs 6-7,000 to make or do you want the same exact minivan with
2 miles per gallon for $6,500-$7,500? Do you want to work minimum wage at the burger place for $7.40 or work with a salary for maybe $50-$60/hr doing
the same work? How is that possible? No profit margins and no singular private ownership. Even distrubution of the value of work to the workers. Not
the capitalists.
6)Stop buying thier products. We buy our products.
7)Stop using thier financial institutions. We create our own and us our own.
8)create a few colonies in a low population density state(like arizona or new mexico). Create laws that favor us and the way we want things ran. kick
out law breakers. Ban all not anarchist businesses within the colonies. Sell a product we have to be the ones profiting from it. Not a non-colonial
private owner/oligarchy.
9)Stop thinking the way they want us to think. We have to change our mentality from a productive, efficient rent-a-serf to a living thinking and
critical unique human being. We have to set the standard for society not them the fascist oligarchs. We don't need anything to make us feel better or
anyone to validate our existance. We have to remove the clever con angles they use to pimp us back on the "statist koolaid".
10)Stop thinking they are better than us and we "need" them or they are "more able to manage us". Your worth is what you do for the rest of
mankind and the earth ecosystem NOT yourself,your pals,your family etc. Do something to say your better than people. Like cure diseases. Humanitarian
service and charity. Stop or prevent wars. Stop or prevent conflict. NOT for your own profit, earn "good dude" points with your
friends,fame,power,kickbacks,tax shelter schemes etc. Your helping people because you just want to help people period. What did they fascists do to
earn our respect? Lie and defraud entire countries/continents like the rothschilds did? Steal from working class people? Create world wars for money?
bomb people for no reason? Kill americans to gain an oil contract or afghan opium?
Until we get our testicles back and start playing hardball with the corperatists/fascists and oligarch captitalists we'll continue to be thier
rent-a-serfs and have no say in anything worth having. WAKE UP!