Mathematicians have calculated the probability of the Universe springing into existence from nothingness by chance. The conclusions were that Creation
most likely did not come about by chance but by design.
As far as human life on this planet is concerned, archeological evidence (like that of Zecharia Sitchin) and at least one recent extraterrestrial
study from the US Air Force, points to Zetan-Reptilians jump starting Homo sapien life on this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago, initially
for slave labor to work the mines.
So I don't agree with the Christian paradigm of God directly creating humankind. Space-aliens mixed their DNA with that of the "already evolving
hominids" here in order to do that.
HOWEVER, just because extraterrestrials were responsible for the emergence of Homo sapien life here, DOES NOT DETRACT from the idea that a God
Realized entity (AKA GOD) started ALL THAT IS via The Big Bang, billions of years ago.
So where did The Original Creator come from?
To answer that question, I reference in part the work of the entity, Seth, who channeled through the late Jane Roberts in the 1970s. Seth stated that
The Original Creator came about through the probability of His own existence.
What the heck does that mean?
How can someone come about through their own probability when there was nothing there in the first place?
But THERE WAS something there in the first place.
What would that have been?
The God Force (AKA the Light), i.e., the nonliving, infinite energy spectrum in the Spirit.
It is the "white light" that Near Death Experiencers report seeing "at the end of the tunnel." It is the same energy that angels and light workers
of all sorts utilize in the discarnate dimensions in order to manifest healings, telekinesis, "miracles," and all the �Gifts of the Spirit.�
The God Force or the Light and the unalterable Universal Law that governs it, is the only way that reality can manifest itself in the first place.
Without it, there would be no stars, no planets, no souls, and The Original Creator could not have emerged from His own probable existence.
The Original Creator utilized The God Force in order to slowly come into being and then further progressed in selflessness of Radiance to eventually
embrace a rarefied level of God Realization. He then utilized The God Force to a very high degree in order to manifest ALL THAT IS with The Big
The God Force and The Original Creator are two different concepts that many often confuse. The God Force is like gravity or electromagnetism; a
spectrum of energy (albeit in the discarnate dimensions) that always existed and always will exist, but is nonliving. The Original Creator, who
started the Universe and all souls thereof, represents living consciousness.
Finally, the Universe is not infinite, only very, very large. Logic dictates then that The Original Creator is not infinite in spiritual development,
just very highly evolved as a rarefied God Realized Master.
All spiritual growth is a matter of degree and there is no such thing as perfection (which implies a stagnate state that cannot occur because the only
constant is change) or infinite spirituality.
Just as one light in heaven is brighter than another, so too there can never be one light that is infinitely bright.
But that's just my opinion.