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Where did God come from?

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posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:18 PM
In my eyes I say that God had to come from somwhere. People say that he was just there but if you think about it there is no way that could be true. Something always comes from something. Every time hear that God was just there cringe. Is God the universe himself that was created by the big bang or did he creat the big bang which I doubt. Please reply.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by SpaceAlienatic88
In my eyes I say that God had to come from somwhere. People say that he was just there but if you think about it there is no way that could be true. Something always comes from something. Every time hear that God was just there cringe. Is God the universe himself that was created by the big bang or did he creat the big bang which I doubt. Please reply.

God is simply a common Mythology theme that has been brought up through human culture over the years. SO in effect man created "God" to help explain things that he/she was afraid or (ie. Death) did not understand

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 07:56 PM
Mathematicians have calculated the probability of the Universe springing into existence from nothingness by chance. The conclusions were that Creation most likely did not come about by chance but by design.

As far as human life on this planet is concerned, archeological evidence (like that of Zecharia Sitchin) and at least one recent extraterrestrial study from the US Air Force, points to Zetan-Reptilians jump starting Homo sapien life on this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago, initially for slave labor to work the mines.

So I don't agree with the Christian paradigm of God directly creating humankind. Space-aliens mixed their DNA with that of the "already evolving hominids" here in order to do that.

HOWEVER, just because extraterrestrials were responsible for the emergence of Homo sapien life here, DOES NOT DETRACT from the idea that a God Realized entity (AKA GOD) started ALL THAT IS via The Big Bang, billions of years ago.

So where did The Original Creator come from?

To answer that question, I reference in part the work of the entity, Seth, who channeled through the late Jane Roberts in the 1970s. Seth stated that The Original Creator came about through the probability of His own existence.

What the heck does that mean?

How can someone come about through their own probability when there was nothing there in the first place?


But THERE WAS something there in the first place.

What would that have been?

The God Force (AKA the Light), i.e., the nonliving, infinite energy spectrum in the Spirit.

It is the "white light" that Near Death Experiencers report seeing "at the end of the tunnel." It is the same energy that angels and light workers of all sorts utilize in the discarnate dimensions in order to manifest healings, telekinesis, "miracles," and all the �Gifts of the Spirit.�

The God Force or the Light and the unalterable Universal Law that governs it, is the only way that reality can manifest itself in the first place. Without it, there would be no stars, no planets, no souls, and The Original Creator could not have emerged from His own probable existence.

The Original Creator utilized The God Force in order to slowly come into being and then further progressed in selflessness of Radiance to eventually embrace a rarefied level of God Realization. He then utilized The God Force to a very high degree in order to manifest ALL THAT IS with The Big Bang.

The God Force and The Original Creator are two different concepts that many often confuse. The God Force is like gravity or electromagnetism; a spectrum of energy (albeit in the discarnate dimensions) that always existed and always will exist, but is nonliving. The Original Creator, who started the Universe and all souls thereof, represents living consciousness.

Finally, the Universe is not infinite, only very, very large. Logic dictates then that The Original Creator is not infinite in spiritual development, just very highly evolved as a rarefied God Realized Master.

All spiritual growth is a matter of degree and there is no such thing as perfection (which implies a stagnate state that cannot occur because the only constant is change) or infinite spirituality.

Just as one light in heaven is brighter than another, so too there can never be one light that is infinitely bright.

But that's just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 08:08 PM
As humans we are limited in our perspective. We view all things as having a creation (birth or beginning), existence, and a death. We have the restriction of living our existence in a linear progression of one second after another forward through time. I believe God exists in a plane or dimension that is outside or transends the 4 dimensions of our universe. Therefore, God is not limited to time, matter, or universal constants. A being that created the universe, even time itself had/has to exist outside of and before our universe came into existence. Therefore to our perspective....God had no beginning, he "predated" time itself. At one "time" all that existed was God....maybe he got bored and decided to create..... create something he hoped would worship him and fellowship with him.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 08:12 PM
Why is this thread in the Alien and UFO forum? It has nothing to do with Aliens.

posted on Jun, 28 2004 @ 08:35 PM
You are doesn't....

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 03:07 PM
So it said that God was just there and got bored and created the universe, but did the same deal happened in parallel universes or does God govern all that is in existence? And why is that the only evidence that God created the univeres is only in the Bible. The Bible state that God created the Earth in seven days, but then I also thought that mabye to God a day to him may be seven million years. So his way of creation as I see is throught long years of evolution. You guys have really helped me to almost finding the answer. Thankyou

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Even if it were possible to answer your question, it would not help you out at all. The answer would only setup another equally impossible question.

Q Who created God?

A God was created by ... (A cosmic flash of light)

New Q What created the flash of light?

While it is true that you can determine the Universe to have a beginning by the Laws of Thermodynamics, you can't make the same statement about God.

1st Law: The total amount of mass-energy in the universe is constant.
2nd Law: The amount of energy available for work is running out, or entropy is increasing to a maximum.

Since the amount of energy is constant, if the Universe were eternal, then all heat or energy would have been equally spread out by now, and it would be impossible to do any work.

What will really blow your mind is the fact that if the Universe were eternal, then this conversation could not be taking place. Since there would be an infinite past, that infinite amount of time before this moment would not be over, and you would be sitting there tapping your foot for infinity waiting for the infinite past to finish so you could have your moment. Since we are having this conversation, it can be assumed that the past does not stretch out into infinity.

God is actually the creator of space/time and is not limited by 4 dimensions. He exist outside of space and time. Since God exist outside of this dimension, we cannot use science to determine or examine his existence.

2 Chronicles 2:6 But who is able to build a house (for God), seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Him?...
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

If you explained a picture to a blind man, would you expect him to be able to understand it just as you do? To him it's a flat piece of paper, but to you it's a multi-dimensional object (A small village with trees in the foreground). Even if you told him the picture in your left hand is a lady and the picture in your right hand is a man. If he put them into a stack how could he tell the difference? He would lack the senses to experience it the same way you do.

I suspect that His existence is beyond our comprehension. Every answer he gave you would only lead to a more confusing and in depth question.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 04:56 PM

I see that the thread was moved to a more appropriate location.

You stated:

So it said that God was just there and got bored and created the universe, but did the same deal happened in parallel universes or does God govern all that is in existence?

I wouldn't denegrate The Original Creator by stating that He just came to be and that His boredom then led to The Big Bang, as that would be greatly understating it.

The Light or The God Force, which is nonliving and infinite, governs the Spirit everywhere and is the reason why reality is permitted to exist in the first place.

Then the question arises: Where did the Light come from?

In answering that question, one must first understand that TIME itself is a construct of existence. When there is nothing, TIME doesn't exist either because souls cannot experience reality without it.

If there wasn't any limitation of linear time in the beginning, then consciousness could manifest itself (with the help of the Light) through its own probable existence -- which is exactly what happened.

The Light in the Spirit is the cosmic principle that represents eternal life, healing, well-being, and long-term happiness for those who learn to embrace it by striving to live by The Golden Rule, serving others, etc.

And why is that the only evidence that God created the univeres is only in the Bible. The Bible state that God created the Earth in seven days, but then I also thought that mabye to God a day to him may be seven million years. So his way of creation as I see is throught long years of evolution.

Who says that the only evidence is in the Bible?

Ancient Hindu scripture, AKA the Gita, as well as other ancient writings, also have references to the creation of the Universe by a Supreme Being of some kind.

The Bible state that God created the Earth in seven days, but then I also thought that mabye to God a day to him may be seven million years.

This particular biblical concept, as with the story of Adam and Eve, should be taken symbolically, not literally.

So his way of creation as I see is throught long years of evolution.

I can see some truth to that.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 06:03 PM
Where did God came from?

Let see, man's first enemy was darkness. Because darkness mean suden death by enemy or be eaten by a beast, men turn to the light and the sun for guidance.

Because the sun could not be own and did not belong to any one they imagine that it was the creation of a higher been. Thats how the first God was born. So people worship the rising God sun and made him a divine symbol.

Men acepted that all man was bound to a life on earth but the sky was the house of the God. So haven came to be.

So ancient man so his offspring as his own image and likness, they assumen that "God's Sun" was the representation of the creator in haven.

So to the ancient man " the gift" that the father gives through his Sun, for all earth everlasting life. Because night was bad for ancient man anything that happend at night was the "works of darkness" so also evil was born too.

So now you have day and night, good and bad, the god of light and the prince of darkness.

This is how man created God and Evil.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:40 PM
I don't know where God came from. But there is one thing that i notice. All life starts in water and ends up in the dirt.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 05:01 PM
God is not a creation of small hungry men. God is not a creation of men, or women, or anything else with a will. God is the source of purity and perfection, "He" came into being as a result of perfected intelligence and perfect goodness.

"His" mystery is is still mysterious, We do not know if "He" is noncorporeal or is a perfected man, many wise and good men will tell you "He" is one or the other. To me, it doesn't matter what his physical attributes are, or his form, for men need not know these things.

The real attributes of God are greater than form, or substance, they are the ultimate principals of self-formed intelligence, which are alive in themselves, and eternal, and have found eternal existence in the grand source of intelligence and light that has come into being in the universe.

That is the root of our intellgence. Intelligence, is the same expression no matter in what form it appears in. Intelligence and awareness and life is sprung from a common source. Or, we might speculate that the God Awareness of the Universe arose from life itself, and attained the ultimate level of intellect, which to me is the same as any other story of God's origin.

I find it wise not to dispute about God, or any of God's attributes. It is our duty to attain godhood for ourselves, and to live in peace with one another.


posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 06:49 PM
" I am the alpha and the Omega" I am the beginning and the end" '''god.
I am all that was and ever will be '''''''''''''''god.

He has created us in his image...........

He created the earth the heavens and inhabited earth with all he saw was good.

he's wiped out the earth before with noah's ark for people being selfish greedy and murderous, they have proof of noah's ark...

And he will come in 2012 to do it again because us people are doing it again.

But he asks us: Will you change it?

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 08:20 PM
Energy cannot be created or destroyed...given this, energy had to always exist. Also, the entropy of the universe is increasing so at some point far back in time there was probably complete ORDER. This implies complete KNOWLEDGE. If you'd like to call that god; then god has always existed, god is the complete ORDER. I know thats difficult for us humans to comprehend. Doesnt make sense...
To the person that said god is the beginning and the end...One question...Maybe I'm misunderstanding but how can he be the end?...Is there an end to god...god should always exist so there won't be an end...

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:46 PM
he said in revelations............

im assuming the end for us, he made us he can end us...thats all i got man.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:49 PM
Supposedly ... God didn't come from anywhere. He always was and always will be ...
That makes the brain hurt because we are used to working in 3D .. with time limits.
But God is outside of time ...
I guess we'll find out when we die.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

An attempt to deal with this question (as distinct from answering it) was made in the attached thresd;

The "beyond God" questions

edit on 26-9-2013 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:24 PM

In my eyes I say that God had to come from somwhere. People say that he was just there but if you think about it there is no way that could be true. Something always comes from something. Every time hear that God was just there cringe. Is God the universe himself that was created by the big bang or did he creat the big bang which I doubt. Please reply.

I have posted a summary about this on a different thread. Please remember that this is only a short summary. There are much more to it than a post can ever cover. Read it here: God Before Creation

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:37 PM

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