posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:08 PM
I used to live on the island of Maui, in Hawaii. One night I could'nt sleep so I was sitting out on my lanai and star watching. I began to see some
of the stars (maybe 8) moving, darting quickly, up, down, sideways, changing colors, pink, green, blue and appeared to flashing beams of different
colored light at each other.
I rubbed my eyes, put in eye drops but it was still happening. It 2:30 am, nobody to call. Next day I told all my freinds and some thought I was
seeing things. It was August 1998, some said I was seeing a meteor shower, but I've never seen meteors do that. Others opined about the Haleakala
military installation and star wars, you know Reagan's "Stragetic Defense Initiative" that supposedly didn't happen.
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!