I've seen the following on ATS increasingly:
The root word for pharmacy, pharmacist or pharmaceutical comes from the the Greek word "Pharmakeia", which in the New Testament also means
witchcraft, enchantment and sorcerer. Apparently that is the true translation of Galatians 5:20 and verses in Revelations.
A whole sermon can be seen on:
I recall that argument from the first failed crusade of the Christian Right in the early 1990s. However there it was only used to argue against
illicit drug use amongst rock musicians. I'm surprised to find this selective (and rather abstract) interpretation again. Previously it clearly
delineated this reading (I wish all words in the NT received similarly painstaking argument) between medical and illicit drugs. Now it appears to
attack even medical drugs. It appears to selectively exclude trauma medicine, but this is very confusing, since trauma painkillers are closest to
mind-altering street-drugs.
Are these people gonna live like sects without blood transfusions or chronic medications? Will they deny their kids medication? Most drugs can have
mind-altering effects, but these are usually side-effects in some people. Where is the evidence that psychiatric drugs (and their proper use) cause
I heard back in my Christian days that Luke was a doctor, and that we can at least use and work with every plant and seed-bearing herb (the source of
most medicines). We should worry less about the body and more about what comes out of the heart, otherwise these fundamentalists must also apply
dietary restrictions:
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, and in which is the fruit of
the tree yielding seed: to you it shall be as meat. (Genesis 1:29)
It is furthermore claimed that black magic and witchcraft are performed when high (I've found the complete opposite), and a forced claim that '___'
enables sorcerers to see into another "demonic" dimension. It rather appears that many mystics regarded '___' as somewhat of a let-down.
Well, what is confusing is that the fundamentalists want to use medicine in some scenarios and not in others.
What should be borne in mind is that medicine is not perfect.
It has made mistakes and apologized many times.
That is more than one can say for the pushers of quack remedies and TV evangelists.
Here in SA they even claim to cure HIV - which I find highly dangerous, and we are proposing new laws that require proof or arrest for the pastor who
falsely claims it.
So far they have no evidence of an HIV-positive person turning HIV-negative. They only claim to have tests showing marked improvements in CD4 counts,
but ARV medicines do exactly the same, and these people are most likely on ARVs.
What is worrying is that people say they are sleeping with their wives without condoms because a preacher "cured" them.
Well, evolution is no longer the most relevant attack on science.
The bizarre fundamentalist Christian take on medicine is.
So anything that potentially makes you hallucinate is evil.
In that case religion is very evil.