hey, i have had a link to this site on my new tab page of chrome for quite a long time, and for some reason, maybe the past 3 days or so, the link no
longer works (abovetopsecret.com), and i have to go type 'www.' to make it work. it's quite annoying, especially since you can't easily change those
links in chrome.
edit on 2-11-2010 by thedeadlyrhythm because: spelling
We deployed a new load balancer for our web server cluster last week, and it appears as though the "abovetopsecret.com" DNS hadn't been updated to
point to the new load balancer. It is now, and should resolve soon.
Side note for those interested: We often exceeded the 500 simultaneous connections of our previous load balancing solution, and the upgrade path was
too expensive. So we rolled our own server than can handle up to 8,000 connections. We should be good for a while.