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Contraception Could Be Free Under Obamacare

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posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by aleria

36 years ago, I walked into a clinic and got all the birth control pills I needed and a exam, regardless of income.

Check around, there are free clinics and they don't go by sliding scale, I'm pretty sure.

Best of luck.

Glad I am beyond that part of my life, no worries after my hysterectomy, god, no period no worry about getting pregnant - but seriously all girls should be on birth control.

Every baby deserves to be wanted, cherished and provided for.

Something so important as another human soul coming into being should be a planned event.

Birth control is great, it is one of the things that really freed woman kind.

The power to decide if and when to begin your family.

edit on 2-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by PayMeh

And if you'd read my post more clearly you'd have seen that I stated it's not that I have to be on an expensive type of contraception just because I feel like it, it's because the others, no less than half a dozen different one's that I've tried over the last decade, have made me horribly ill and even caused severe blood clots.

So that's just too bad for me then? Just deal with the horrible pain and possible death? Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

Also, to note, same as in my previous post. Not everyone that takes contraception is using it to keep from having children. There are a lot of us that have to use it due to other medical issues. And that was the entire point of the previous post I made. For some of us it is a necessity, not a convenience, and yes, being forced to pay extremely high fees because none of the clinics can get you the specific medicine you need does suck.

I mean come on, we all know the pharma companies are making a fortune anyways on medications that cost them little to nothing to produce, so why the fight on dropping the cost? Who is really losing out if the price is cut to a very affordable amount or completely free?
edit on 2-11-2010 by aleria because: Added on

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:47 PM
I really want to get a check from the state to pay for my monthly supply of condoms. Will that be a reality under the new law?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
Finally!!! I think that is brilliant I know one too many teen moms who got knocked up because A) no one explained BC and B) some couldn't afford it . I hope Canada does the same.

I'm Canadian too and I would love to see BC pills become free(or at least drop the prices of them considerably). The reason I'd love to see this is because birth control pills aren't just for contraception. Many women, myself included, need them for health reasons.

I have PCOS and when a woman leaves her imbalanced hormones be, they can cause all sorts of problems and certain birth control pills are some of the very few medications out there to help us. Having to dish out over $50 for just one pack of pills is way too much so I'm quite envious of the fact that American women may be getting the chance to obtain free birth control pills. It would be nice to see Canada do the same but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that.

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