The biggest problem with this topic is identifying exactly what a Succubus is.
I believe there are a vast majority of spirit types in general. For some their very existence is extremely positive, the typical Angel or Guide.
Others on the opposite side can be very negative but it seems most are somewhere in between.
Spirits which involve sex and/or intimacy are no exception.
Yes there are some very negative spirits which are known as the typical demon. They can affect our lives and the world we live in for their
entertainment and cause a general downward spiral. They can have many talents for their destructive trade. They can affect us emotionally; suggest
depression, cause things to go wrong and some use sex as one of their methods against us. Their interest is not the sex itself but the multitude of
negative effects of rape as it affects us. I believe it is rare for a stereotypical demon to use rape as a weapon.
I also believe that some of our interests here are retained as we pass over to "There". A spouse may visit their loved one in this way however this
is rare.
My theory about the vast majority of these evolve about the
Tulpa and a premise that energy
doesn't simply vanish into nothingness, either it retains a current status or changes into a different form.
Consider these things;
Many of us have visited couples who have grown to hate and loathe each other, quick to attack; they coexist in a bubble of underlying animosity.
Although their home seems worse than hell they remain together for their own reasons.
Their home is a very uncomfortable place to visit even if they're not currently fighting and if you stop by (Ring the bell etc) and nobody is there
you can still feel it. The atmosphere of the home remains even if they are not presently there.
Opposite is true regarding a warm, positive home full of people who genuinely love and care for each other. The feeling of love can be contagious
whether the occupants are there or not. Their positive energy remains.
Now consider this fictitious example of a Pagan or Druid in the year 200BC (Or any year in which everything unknown was considered spiritual will
This person picks up a shiny beautiful stone in the shape of a female. It ends up in the hands of the regional religious authority that "Blesses it"
and declares it a god of fertility.
Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people project their collective energy toward this religious artifact over several decades. Perhaps
even sacrifices are done in the name of it with focused energy of an unmentionable nature.
A tulpa develops from this concentrated energy. Eventually this thought energy flowing from the people end but the tulpa energy remains. Now alone it
seeks someone to reciprocates the only thing it has ever known, the thoughts which created it.
Centuries later it chooses someone it believes will be receptive to him/her but this person is naturally confused about what is happening and consults
their own religious leader. This religious leader erroneously condemns the spirit borne from non negative thoughts as an evil demon of Satan and
fabricates outrageous stories such as draining life, celestial pregnancies etc.
Malleus Maleficarum (1486) is an excellent example of such text. Surprisingly parts of it are
still repeated as being factual and legend today. I've studied Malleus and it's the reference to
them draining life, stealing sperm etc. If you believe Malleus is correct I have other ridiculous and outrageous claims within it.
I've been constantly involved with one of these beings since around 1979. The Tulpa is my best theory of what has happened to me.
I believe tulpas very existence is for one certain purpose and no other, they retain the original thought forms which created them. A tulpa of love
and fertility as in my account may be full of knowledge pertaining to the same subject but may not be aware of much of anything else. They may not
know where they came from, how they got there etc and unaware of any "Knowledge of the ages" (So to speak). However they are extremely intelligent,
able to plot and plan within our world to obtain what they seek but limited within the scope of their specific existence.
I believe tulpas are only a tiny fraction of reported paranormal interaction because of this single mode of existence. For example it won't show up
to comfort a person as their Aunt Milly moments after she's passed and never seen again. It won't just stomp around and make noise because it
intelligently seeks more of what created it.
I don't believe tulpas are always necessarily positive. There's plenty of negative energy around to form something opposite which is hateful. I
would not want something with such a hateful reason of existence bothering me. The traditional destructive "demon".
This is not about night terrors, sleep disorders or imagination.
Although dreams are not excluded, the primary interaction is while wide awake. Many spirits of this type are able to prove their existence by
interacting in general paranormal ways with others as in my case.
This is a link to my
personal account.
I've discussed this on a personal level with many dozens of people who actually experience them, some even here at ATS. I've discussed this topic as
a guest speaker on the Paraquest Radio Network. I'm part of a larger discussion based on experiences. I'll say for most cases they are a welcome
part of a person's life and many of them adapt one to another in the most beautiful marital type relationship otherwise unavailable. I'll also say
some people do have problems. Some are very big problems. This type of relationship is obviously not for everyone. It's probably not as you assume it
So what is a "Succubus" or an "Incubus" other than a vast coverage blanket statement? Why don't we hear more detailed accounts about them? Think
about it. If you found yourself involved there wouldn't be any person you could talk to without sounding certifiably insane. You do research on the
web and only find scary myth which does not seem to have any resemblance to your experiences.
If a person's life is generally going well, they are usually happy and contented with a positive outlook, hopeful, not overly chaotic with a
spiritual lover then I would not be alarmed. I would be even less alarmed if the relationship was going on for years or decades without any real
Opposite- If a person is depressed, generally unhappy, discontented, life is chaotic and hopeless and isolated with "Something" having sex with them
then they need to seek both psychological and spiritual help.
I'm here at ATS primarily to find the secretive people and offer reasonable conversation. Knowledge is power and the only information free from scary
religious dogma is obtained through personal experience, and this knowledge is necessary to make an assessment of our own situations.