posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Lets for argument sake, say that the federal government did decide to go through and attempt to ban the sale of alcohol. What arguments would they
use, what areas would they encompass and how would it be presented so everyone would agree it is a good thing? After all alcohol is a very popular
thing, people do purchase and consume it. It stands to reason, that certain members of the government will take this into account, as the mindset has
been, we know what is best for you, we have college degrees. Or well you did not take responsibility for your actions and life, so we will for the
good of society do such. And most of the people are willing to agree and give up their very freedom of choice for this to happen. But back to the
main question, what would the basis of the arguments be, the position and how it would be presented. Keep in mind that this may be speculation on my
The arguments that could be presented to ban the sale and consumption of Alcohol would be 4 points: 1) Medical, 2) Economic, 3) Political, and 4)
Social. Each is based on a series of facts that can not be disputed, as it is proven that such does and has occurred.
1) Medical: Alcohol is bad for a person, as they tend to drink to excessive amounts. It has been well documented where many young people,
especially in college and young teenagers, tend to experience alcohol in their youths, leading to them making very bad choices and decisions, as well
as, putting themselves at danger and risk. Studies have shown that many young people who drink, tend to do such excessively, and a few will drive
drunk, increasing the chances of a fatality. The drunk driving is still happening on the road, with fatalities and serious injuries happening. There
is a portion of repeat offenders, who have continued to re-commit this kind of horrendous crime. When someone is killed due to an alcohol related
incident, it often is a emotional burden of the surviving parent and the children. Alcohol abuse is known to lead to the suffering of sclerosis of
the liver, which can lead to a painful death. Can we as a responsible government and people continue to allow this action to continue on?
2) Economic: In this time of economic downturn, alcohol is a luxury that many people can not afford, yet will continue to expense out, leading to
the possible starvation and hunger of children, as the parents did not purchase the right amount of healthy food. Many statistics will show, that
when a worker gets drunk or drinks, and is on the job, the number of accidents that occur will rise, costing the respective company hundreds of
thousands of dollars to cover the medical costs of those who got injured, along with the costs of legal fees and court. Money spent on the sale of
alcohol does not benefit the local community as a majority of the businesses and makers of alcohol are often not in the same location as the
consumers, so the financial benefit to the local communities are not there. Combined with the actual toll and carbon foot print that is associated
with the manufacture and transportation of alcohol and the costs will skyrocket up, along with the use of the resources. Water is short in different
states and soon it the choice will have to be between a child having a drink of water and the production and sale of beer.
3) Political: Many people of the country voted for us to help guide and govern their lives. It is our duty under the laws to fulfill the promises
we made and to ensure that their economic, safety and well being are secure so they can sleep peacefully at night knowing that we did the right thing.
There are people in our districts and states that are forced to make decisions that is making life to them.
4) Social: The last point of all, is that there is a growing problem of the number of homeless in this country that often spend everything they
have to get and consume alcohol, leading to them being on the street and acts of public indecency. Some of those people have families and the
children are bearing the brunt of them not having gainful employment and are often forced to endure abuses at the hands of a parent who is drunk.
Many married couples often find when times are tough, turn to drinking and getting drunk further adding to the problems of their marriage and this
leads to arguments, domestic abuse and eventually divorce of the family unit, leaving the children to suffer. It is seen where the parents drink, the
children will often copy their parents and start drinking, only to become addicted to it and eventually alcoholics, often leading to another cycle of
abuse and destructive behaviors.
Now before you flame me, those arguments in a nut shell were used once again. But instead of using the original arguments, the only argument that was
not given, was the social one that contended alcohol against religion. I changed the wording to match the problems of today. The very core of those
arguments were made and won the passing of the 18th amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. You can take and change the words
around and put in anything that the government would want to try to ban or even restrict, the arguments are the same, only the words change. Take a
look at all that any government has tried to ban or is in the process of banning. It starts out with an idea, then a study, then they cherry pick the
best parts, failing to follow through and report the whole study and base the arguments around those 4 points, using words that would stir up emotion
and gather public support. And if you do not agree with such, well then the words change, slowly, but they do change, and questions are asked about
those who disagree with what ever it is, using the same arguments, but turning the tables. Under what is presented, if you do not agree, the question
could be asked, do you not like the children? Do you hate the planet? Why do you think that the family unit should not stay together?
That is how the government tries to get things passed, that is how the government operates. Do not be fooled, this is just one more nudge and push
for the government to regulate our lives and to limit the choices we have.