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Poppy Day, We know the dead, where are the wounded?

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 04:59 PM
In the UK we have Poppy day. Its an appeal for the families of/and wounded service men.

I cant find the numbers of soldiers with missing legs, arms. No numbers facing mental trauma etc. Do they exist?

Of course they do. In large numbers. Maybe we need to ask Wikileaks the numbers as our governments will not tell us, our so called free press wont report on this.

We are creating another generation of forgotten souls. Not heros because they never died. Not counted because they never died. The face of war no one cares to look into.

Most servicemen come from deprived backgrounds where the forces is one of the few legal ways out. These same people are used up and returned to the same places with missing limbs, mental problems and have trouble even fitting back into their world that had little to offer in the first place.

Yep, land fit for heroes isnt it?

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