posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Karmayogi11
Namaste, Karmayogi. All the links you posted agree that mankind came from Africa.
Unless you have an interest in this subject, and therefore some background knowledge of it, it's easy to get confused by news items like the one in
your first link. It's not saying humans originally came from China, or from anywhere else except Africa. It's just saying modern humans got to China
a lot earlier than previously known. However, there are modern human fossils from Africa that are 160,000 years old (see your second link). Sixty
thousand years is long enough for anyone to walk between Africa and China. A snail could probably crawl the entire distance in that time!
Palaeontology and molecular biology are in agreement. We can regard an African origin for mankind as proved.
By the way, the correct spelling is Africa, not Afrika. I don't normally correct people's spelling, but when you spell place-names like 'America',
'Africa', etc. with a 'K', it suggests Fascism and is generally considered derogatory. Since I'm sure you have nothing against Africa or
Africans, it's better not to make that particular spelling error.