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Congratulations I Am Now Apathetic!

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:11 AM
Congratulations various governments of the world you have succeeded in making me apathetic. For I now no longer regard any terrorist threat with any fear, and it rolls of my back just like water off the proverbial duck's. Saturation of fear has occurred in my mind and successfully cancelled itself out. It is no longer of any importance to me, nor will I allow it in all it's over-hyped, overblown majesty, to infringe upon my everyday life. It has been a long time coming I think you'll agree...

What was that? You say your intention was not to make me apathetic towards terror? On the contrary it was to keep me imprisoned in a cage of fear whilst becoming distracted by the garbage media, and increasingly apathetic to real social problems?

Oh well, never fear I'm sure my attitude is just an anomaly, a few onions in the ointment isn't so bad I guess. There are still plenty of people your evil and ingenious plan has worked on I'm sure...

Uh oh! looks like I may not be alone here. If readers of a tabloid newspaper such as the Mail can make such sharp and accurate observations there may be a few cracks in your fearful facade. Below are just a few examples of the growing tears in the current veil of terror reality.


the same week as the BA head honcho says that US security is over the top this happens....what a coincidence!

- Robb Flynn, Jersey City, NJ, 29/10/2010 17:19

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Here we go again.
More lies to keep the masses in check.
It's now getting silly.

- Tony, Essex, 29/10/2010 17:16

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Call me cynical if you will, but as soon as someone makes an intelligent comment about the over the top restrictions in place at UK airports - because we have been told to take them by the Yanks - a suspicious package is found.

These same restrictions do not apply to (US Flag) planes flying in US airspace.

Tis about time the 'mighty' USA stopped telling everyone else in the world what to do. Since 2000 we have had to put up with the utterances of a President that went to war, a PM that followed because he was told to and now a lame duck in the White House who hates the British and who needs to look big in the world to cover up his complete mis-read of the Drill Rig disaster in the Gulf. (Yes it was BP's rig, but a US company screwed up - Halliburton).

Time will come in the not to distant future when the whole world will give the US the bird.
- John, Luton, ENGLAND, 29/10/2010 17:14

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Bit of a coincedence that this event occurs only a few days after Martin Broughton's comments about 'kowtowing' to US demands for increased security at UK airports.

You couldn't make this stuff up. What a joke!

- Mohammed, London, 29/10/2010 17:14

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It don't work anymore Dave, we are wise to these 'false flag' stories.
Stories such as this no longer distract us from the fact that you have lied to us yet again and you will be kow towing to the EU with their demand for an increase in the budget.
You are a fool to think that we, the electorate, are foolish enough to believe anything you say anymore.

- anthony, Ipswich, 29/10/2010 17:17

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You don`t here of the israelis having bomb scares do you they have a system called profileing it works,So if you want ot know how to stop terrorists planting bombs on planes ask the israelis they are old hands at it.

- W.H., dudley, 29/10/2010 20:19

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- j, brightonown, 30/10/2010 10:33

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Preaching to the choir here on ATS I know, but makes for interesting times. What I worry is what drastic measures they will take to imprison us in our fearful cells once more?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:51 AM
Most British people have been apathetic about terrorism since the days of the IRA campaigns, if you face the threat of being randomly blown up for no reason for long enough then there nothing left to do but accept it as just another everyday threat and carry on about your business

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:59 AM
I totally agree with you on this. It's been hammered into us so much that we should be afraid and alert of possible terrorist threats which are an apparent ceaseless threat to our isle that I just don't care anymore.
What happened to the general attitude "keep calm and carry on"? I can't even get onto a train without being reminded to keep an eye on suspicious bags or people ("If you suspect it, please report it"). I don't care anymore. What happens happens, be it terrorists or our own government, my perpetual fear isn't going to keep them at bay.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:15 AM
We obviously share the same sentiments on the issue. The threat is so incredibly unlikely it is virtually non-existant. We may have had a head start in the UK with the Northern Ireland situation but I believe the efforts have been ramped up for everywhere else to such a degree, so that we are all roughly on a level playing field nowadays.

Interestingly a viable device was left in the long stay car park of Belfast International Airport this morning. Yet this received very little attention, as most news outlets here in the UK were still discussing at length the 'Yemen' Al Qaeda threat. The car park bomb in Northern Ireland was IMO an equally realistic threat, it did not however have such wide reaching implications, so as to warrant international media coverage. Therefore it was restricted to local news and a small section on the BBC.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:20 AM
The Brits lived with terror attacks for more than a decade - not threats - bomb attacks. There were many. It NEVER gave rise to this kind of hysteria, nor were psychotic, paranoid, excessive security measures and stripping of civil liberties considered necessary.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

Of course not, nobody had a scheme to make money off of it, regardless of how much it is screwing over the general population. Welcome to politics.

The government does not care about your rights.

They care about your money.
edit on 31-10-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Brood
reply to post by wcitizen

Of course not, nobody had a scheme to make money off of it, regardless of how much it is screwing over the general population. Welcome to politics.

The government does not care about your rights.

They care about your money.
edit on 31-10-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

Actually, I think they do care about our rights and they don't care about money - let me explain.

The psychotic elite have scammed trillions, and I mean that literally, from the people. They have all the money they need. Of course, they always have to come up with more schemes to take our money away. The aim being to strip us of our wealth, leave is with nothing but a subsistence existence, that way we are totally reliant on them and they have total control over us. Currently, for example, you see them stripping our right to grow and share food, have herbal remedies, etc. Anything we could grow ourselves is a threat to the total dependence on the State which they need for total control and subjugation.

With regard to our rights - they care about them in the sense that they have to remove them all, and get us used to not having any - for the same reason as above. Total control.

No independence must remain - financial, agricultural, even independent thinking is being eroded by the education and entertainment machines.
edit on 31-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

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