posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 05:31 AM
I think people are finally waking up to the poisons of corporations and the food they try to get us all to eat - they are starting to lose too much
revenue, so now they are trying to eradicate all alternative foods before too many people wake up and put them out of business.
The quicker they do it, the less people are awake, therefore less opposition. However I can't imagine it's going to be an easy fight - I don't
think Whole Foods, Sunflower Market and Trader Joe's are going to go away without a fight; not to mention ALL the organic farmers that supply them
their food.
They are big ass corporations too, and I think they will have something to say about making organic food illegal. Just pure insanity that anyone would
promote passing a bill to make natural food illegal - essentially everything natural is being made illegal. Nature itself is damn near illegal.
We're approaching such a strange exploding point...