reply to post by Kojack
Voting gives you the illusion you are in control .. by casting your ballot you feel you in some way, however insignificant it may be, you helped alter
the way the Government will operate. You alter history. You run the show.
When you come to the realization that
1. Politicians are all the same, they are greedy, self interested, self motivated, and often lack entirely a moral compass.
2. Politicians all have to sell themselves, not unlike a prostitute would render services, to gain the funds and favors to get to the position they
seek. From county commissioners to Presidents.. they all prostitute themselves to special interest, the wealthy, and other political backers.
3. Regardless of the political outcome politics, as usual, carries it's course, regardless of who's in office.. the two parties will use different
methods to get to the same end, but it will never differ in the end.
When you come to these realizations the first feeling of power and direction a "normal" person would feel after voting is rendered useless. You
become aware you are a pawn, you are a social security number, a tax receipt, you are nothing more than voter who needs to be purchased with cliche
lines about empty morality and the promise of future prosperity you certainly will never see. You will come to the realization you don't own your
politician, often your vote isn't even counted, your opinions fall of def ears, your feelings are the last thing considered and the state, as a
whole, takes a back seat to the powers of the Corporate entities that own your representatives.
Voting is nothing more than an illusion of freedom. Look around you, most people will never own their homes, most people will never outright own
their cars. most people owe more in debt than they make in a year. Most people will never be able to retire. Our government purposefully keeps our
elderly below poverty levels. Most people in this country survive off of the leftovers of animals compressed together and died a different more
appealing color (fast food and the vast majority of foods at a grocery store) and I'm sure you, like many others in our generation, will owe a bank
for your education.
Even if we assume your vote counts... I see no reason to partake in this vile institution, a system set up to serve the powerful and the influential
by the labor of the weak and the powerless.