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WA to house US space defence base

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:59 PM

WA to house US space defence base

WESTERN Australia will become a key partner in the international battle for space supremacy, with the state to host a new multimillion-dollar US defence base to spy on foreign satellites and keep watch on dangerous space junk.
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is poised to announce the base when he visits Australia next week with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

It is understood the base is likely to be built at the top secret Harold E Holt Naval communications station at Exmouth, in a major expansion of the US military footprint within Australia.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:59 PM
American's been busy, that’s a pretty big piece of real-estate up there right on the Indian ocean edge line. Sounds like it will be a pretty big expansion.

Australia is definitely now a legitimate first strike target for any war, but, it’s quite isolated and baron out there. An appropriate strike wouldn’t be felt by any significant population centres.

Personally, I hope they don’t close the navy pier dive site that sits right on the edge of the base. It’s an incredible dive and it shouldn’t be out of limits for civilians.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:28 AM
Ahhh : (
The title got me excited I thought it meant Washington State...

Australia is lucky...

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by fasteronfire

Yes we are....but for how long?

this is just another step and cover for their Star Wars programs.....God, Id love to know what sort of toys they have up there in space......but being Space Defence,......what are they defending?

Terrestrial or extra-terrestrial threats?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:52 AM
If you have seen this thread....

Above Top Secret

A top US government economist estimates the US national debt to be $200 trillion. They are technically insolvent.

Spending money on things like this new base is why they got there.

With this level of debt is this base really that necessary?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:58 AM
Yay US!!!

*Thumbs nose at you Eastern Staters and blows Raspberries!!*

So does this mean we will get black choppers and mib stalking us if we get too close?

Oh dear.. lol

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Krusty the Klown

The Military Industrial Complex... There's no stopping them man. They keep you in wars to furnish their own pockets and keep you broke! Business is good for the MIC, courtesy of the American tax payer.


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

You can thumb your nose at us eastern staters all you like.

You guys will be in the targeted strike zone, not us, LOL.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I hear you IRM.

Defense spending will always be quite high in the US, they do seem to make a lot of enemies around the world don't they?
edit on 30/10/1010 by Krusty the Klown because: (no reason given)

edit on 30/10/1010 by Krusty the Klown because: (no reason given)

edit on 30/10/1010 by Krusty the Klown because: bad grammar

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

American's been busy, that’s a pretty big piece of real-estate up there right on the Indian ocean edge line. Sounds like it will be a pretty big expansion.

Australia is definitely now a legitimate first strike target for any war, but, it’s quite isolated and baron out there. An appropriate strike wouldn’t be felt by any significant population centres.

Personally, I hope they don’t close the navy pier dive site that sits right on the edge of the base. It’s an incredible dive and it shouldn’t be out of limits for civilians.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Australia has always been a first strike target. It's called Pine Gap.

A nuclear strike would affect population centers. Big and small.
There's literally thousands of people who live in outback communities. Nearly 30,000 people live in nearby Alice Springs. More then 90% live in the big cities. 22 million population. That's at least 100,000 people scattered in the outback.

The big cities will be affected.
How many times have we had big dust storms in the cities? Many times.
The red dust that covers our cities in those storms comes from the outback. We are talking hundreds of kilometers in distance.
Do you know the nuclear testing that went on out there, the radiation 'clouds' actually reached major cities like Adelaide?

If this site is nuked, a southerly will take the radiation onto 1.6 million people in Perth.

Of course your location says Sydney, so to you anything outside of Sydney probably isn't a major population center anyway

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:21 AM
The doublespeak is kinda freaky on this one.
The govt are describing this as a defence facility
The media are describing the facility as a place to keep an eye on "space junk".
Further, most oz media are saying that Australia will 'host" the Americans,.. you know like the Olympics or when you host a party, but there is no talk of the party ending.!
It seems China stands accused of 'militarizing' space, and hell they can't have all that to themselves can they?
So the Aussies are hosting a USA defensive space party in the desert that will only attack Chinese space junk, Sounds like 'Antipodean Burn Envy' on crack
One might assume, that like PIne Gap, the area will be off limits to Australians and only cost a peppercorn a year to rent

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by earthbell
One might assume, that like PIne Gap, the area will be off limits to Australians and only cost a peppercorn a year to rent

As an Aussie, I share your assumption, because our government will have been told that we will share in the benefits of the facility - but only when the US wants us to......
edit on 30/10/1010 by Krusty the Klown because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

My comment is semi-unrelated but after reading the article is the sole issue on my mind.

Why the hell are we a nation of colonialism? And of all places, Australia! The simple issue is that we are spending millions of American dollars outside of America. We are literally devaluing our own currency by taking it out of country, and then diminishing our domestic product by not spending it here.

How is this not unconstitutional? Whatever happened to treatise? Now our own government, creates a capitalist venture in another nations government.

No one sees the obvious NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES!? Having non-Americans maintain and operate or at minimum have access to American defense systems is so contrary to the concept of NATIONAL security.

P.S. Notice I don't say US because this is not the corporate governments money or property. It is that of the United States of America. It is AMERICAN money and military property.

Also, try just saying that word. American...

Notice how it evokes a much different mentality and sense of role for our government than United States or even just "U S". It just "feels" colonial.

I know it might seem off-topic. But think about it. If our government didn't exceed it's authority. Then this wouldn't even be a news issue.

EDIT: In reply to you Australians. After reading all your sentiments I think I can say I share your mentality. Especially about the price of a peppercorn. We do it to ourselves. We let for-profit corporations have access to mineral rights for dollars on the ton. Hell our own government let's a for-profit corporation run our public water systems in Arizona. I mean seriously, who the hell turns the most essential necessity to life into a for-profit enterprise. It should be included in your property tax!

Anyways back to treatise. I think it would be far more beneficial for all parties if the Australian citizens elected of their own will to create, operate, and maintain said defense facility for their own use and for secondary support of America in exchange for some type of benefit our citizens can trade for. That way we keep our money and jobs here, you keep your money and jobs there. We both get a space defense systems.

edit on 30-10-2010 by mryanbrown because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:29 AM
America piss off

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by mryanbrown
I think it would be far more beneficial for all parties if the Australian citizens elected of their own will to create, operate, and maintain said defense facility for their own use and for secondary support of America in exchange for some type of benefit our citizens can trade for.

Too funny! (No offense intended to you at all.)

Since when do Aussies have any of their own will about who gets elected to take care of US property? Australia is the 51st state of the USA, for all MIC purposes.

Besides, Australia is very busily defending itself from the Taliban and Al-CIAduh in Afghanistan. We're a primary target to them, being half a world away... Surely, every Australian lives in constant fear and willingly supports the deployment of our troops to nail those terrorists, their families, their villages, their dogs, pet mice and whatever else counts as collateral - right? The current rate is around $1200 AUD blood money, paid by the Aussie military for each civillian death.

How can we manage to try and defend against attacks from space without some serious US investment? Damn it, we can't let ET just fly in and knock on the door of Parliament House without a (fair) fight!!!

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