posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Shoomoo
I always like these discussions and would like to add my 2 cents...
But lets say... that Love is something that is not a perspective.....I am talking about the love that everyone feels. Whenever someone does
something for another, and both get that warm feeling inside. The one that no matter what view or perspective, it brings everyone together.
Love is indeed universal but every man has his own reasons why this feeling of love manifests. What brings about that feeling of love in one man can
bring about a feeling of hate in a other.
The love that can help a kid who is nervous on the first day of school that can come from a mother, teacher, friend or anyone for that
How about the kid in the back of the class with the same feeling of nervousness but lacking the love of a mother or deciding to "be a man about it".
He is not going to feel the Love for this other kid who is getting the attention for being nervous. He will have a feeling of jealousy or hate towards
that other kid.
The love that you aided a homeless person by not just money, but by food, and even shelter, without asking for anything else in
Who about the homeless person sitting next to him? "Why is he getting the special treatment?", he will think to himself. Not generating a feeling of
Love but envy.....
You see, every instance that brings about that feeling of Love will generate the opposite feeling in a person not receiving that Love. So in this
light Love is also the creator of feelings like hate, jealousy, envy etc....
I keep ending up with the conclusion that the only true, honest emotion one can have is indifference...
It should not matter what the occasion is, it's the intensity of the experience. When you kiss for the first time, become a father for the first time
etc... this gives a feeling of extreme happiness. When you hurt yourself or lose a loved one, this brings a feeling of extreme pain or sadness. But
what is universal is the intensity of that moment. We categorize these feelings in good or bad in order to understand but what doesn't change is the
moment itself.
I think that the key is loving the moment regardless of how you perceive it. Whether you win the lottery or stomp your toe, if you are indifferent to
the perceived category this emotions falls under, you are able to experience the intensity of the moment......
I realize this theory has a lot of holes in it and I have probably wandered way off topic but I thought I'd share anyway.....To sum it up, you are
correct in saying that Love is the real goal but it could never unite us all!!