posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Funny how sooo many still do not get how Obama and the Democrats were able to build such a controlling interest in government.
Do you think it was because people wanted a health care bill jammed down our throats? That really is only the framework or structure for it's final
status, the complete and utter takeover of health care.
Do not believe me, listen to Obama in his own words from the Stewart show, he said it, not me.
The financial "reform" that was passed. Tell me, why did they place the Consumer Protection Bureaucracy under the perview of the Federal Reserve? Do
you think that just maybe they did not want people to be able to see what this new monstrosity was doing, since the Federal Reserve has absolutely no
These Democrats are bigger rats than the Republicans they replaced. This is why the Ron Paul begun movement, against out of control government,
transformed into the Tea Party of today. Even Democrats have seen the error of allowing marxists and socialists into their party.
Government, the government unions, the crony capitalists, and everyone else that is on the taxpayer teat,. better wake up and realize, if you stay in
the way of taking down this behemoth, their will be problems.
This is NOT the end of the wave, it is the beginning of a tsunami. A tsunami is created by a landslide or earthquake, just imagine this election to be
the beginning of that and just watch it was away the corruption and waste.
In the article they talked about the agencies being used to pass Obama's radical agenda. I see these agencies ceasing to exist.