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Gay Appointments

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Brood

Given top billing at the event hosted by the FLN was Scott Lively, president of Abiding Truth Ministries, an American conservative Christian group from California, and a Holocaust revisionist whose controversial book The Pink Swastika names homosexuals as “the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities.”

Surely you agree that the way to combat this "Nazism" is by segregating an entire section of people we have labeled and doing this?

(CNN) -- A Ugandan newspaper published a story featuring a list of the nation's "top" gays and lesbians with their photos and addresses, angering activists who say the already marginalized group risks facing further attacks.

Earlier this month, Rolling Stone newspaper -- not affiliated with the U.S. magazine with the same name -- featured 100 pictures of Uganda's gays and lesbians. Next to the list was a yellow strip with the words "hang them."

Oh, by the way....

After a 16-month investigation, during which he interviewed scores of witnesses in Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria, Mr Kaoma concluded that Africa’s anti-gay crackdowns are, at least in part, “made in the USA”.


Huh? What can I do as a straight person that you can't as a gay person (there is ONE thing by the way)? You cite Uganda and the views of some pastor? Pathetic!

Many top Nazi's WERE homosexual by the way. That does not say anything about homosexuals in general, it is a fact though.

Originally posted by Brood
Ah.... I now see this sexual equality in the world. How convenient for you, oh wise procreator, knower of all things sexually moral, and why wouldn't you know? Being #1 child and woman rape statistic in the world. Surely YOUR sexual orientation is at the top of this sexual orientational pyramid that you have created... how convenient that you are right at the top of this pyramid and you can conjur up enough support from other fascist sacks of garbage to segregate people based on labels and commit genocide.... then go around calling other people Nazis!

Pardon me? I think you just went off the deep end, of the deep end, of the deep end...

Originally posted by Brood
Your argument is that PRIVATE, NONCONTAGIOUS AFFAIRS should be considered PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUES?

Sodomy spreads disease like wildfire, for that reason alone it should be discouraged. It also injures the "recepient" and for that reason it should be considered assault and made illegal.

Originally posted by Brood
Oral sex? Surely the mouth was designed not as a sexual instrument...

Oral sex is far less likely to spread disease, and it doesn't generally injure the recipient.

Originally posted by Brood
It is your choice to engage in "sodomy", nobody who is forcing you to engage in sodomy is doing so legally.

And some people like to be hit, choked, burned etc. etc. etc. yet all of those things are still illegal even if someone asks you to do it.

People who are sodomized are BEING INJURED. Look up the long term effects of being sodomized on a regular basis.

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by SevenBeans

Huh? What can I do as a straight person that you can't as a gay person (there is ONE thing by the way)? You cite Uganda and the views of some pastor? Pathetic!

And where's your research? Your sources? Seems like you don't actually care about the issue at hand here, just your own ego and distorted "views" that are literally based on absolutely no fact whatsoever. Pathetic, yet expected. You cry for proof of the truth, I provide it, you bash it with no concrete reason. Its not the veiws of some Pastor, ITS LEGISLATION THAT CONTROLS A NATION'S FREE THOUGH. What can you do? Acknowledge it instead of acting like it's a non-issue because you're too busy touting your heterosexuality.

Many top Nazi's WERE homosexual by the way. That does not say anything about homosexuals in general, it is a fact though.

Homosexuals were one of the segregated groups that Nazis murdered for control. Seriously, this is getting old, stop spewing out this crap, you actually have ZERO FACTS brought to the table in this entire thread that support your argument. Give up.

Sodomy spreads disease like wildfire, for that reason alone it should be discouraged. It also injures the "recepient" and for that reason it should be considered assault and made illegal.

Right, that's what you said the first time and I just told you how that statement is a fallacy to human intelligence. Now promptly walk away from this knowledge and believe what you have convinced yourself regardless of the clear facts. There's a word for this kind of behavior...

And some people like to be hit, choked, burned etc. etc. etc. yet all of those things are still illegal even if someone asks you to do it.

Absolutely untrue. Thanks for more atomic lies from the desk of SB. Keep your weapons of mass ignorance to yourself please.

People who are sodomized are BEING INJURED. Look up the long term effects of being sodomized on a regular basis.

And they aren't asking YOU for help, are they? Guess you should mind your own damn business.

And if you honestly bring up the "T" word... note that I currently put your children through school because YOU chose to engage in HETEROSEXUAL activity.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Brood
And where's your research? Your sources? Seems like you don't actually care about the issue at hand here, just your own ego and distorted "views" that are literally based on absolutely no fact whatsoever. Pathetic, yet expected.

You're the person claiming that homosexuals are horribly discriminated against, soooo, give me some examples of things that I can do that homosexuals can't... What right do I have that a homosexual doesn't?

Originally posted by Brood
Homosexuals were one of the segregated groups that Nazis murdered for control. Seriously, this is getting old, stop spewing out this crap, you actually have ZERO FACTS brought to the table in this entire thread that support your argument. Give up.

Yes and many of the Nazi leaders were homosexuals themselves, this is well established.

One example -

"Another hindrance was the more or less open homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines. [4][5] In 1931, the Münchener Post, a Social Democratic newspaper, obtained and published Röhm's letters to a friend in which Röhm discussed his sexual affairs with men.

Röhm with Hitler, August 1933By this time, Röhm and Hitler were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). Röhm was the only Nazi whom Hitler addressed as such. In turn, Röhm was the only Nazi who addressed Hitler as "Adolf," rather than "mein Führer."[5]

Originally posted by Brood
Right, that's what you said the first time and I just told you how that statement is a fallacy to human intelligence. Now promptly walk away from this knowledge and believe what you have convinced yourself regardless of the clear facts. There's a word for this kind of behavior...

Health Risks of Receptive Anal Intercourse
1. Traumatic proctitis
2. Rectal gonorrhea
3. Anal warts
5. Nonspecific procitis (from chlamydia and other STDs)
6. Anorectal herpes
7. Anorectal syphilis
8. Hepatitis B
9. Rectal trichomoniasis
10. Lymphogranuloma venereum
11. Anorectal granuloma inguinale
12. Anorectal chancroid
13. Cytomegalovirus
14. Anorectal candidiasis

I'll let you look the descripions up, some are pretty gross.

Originally posted by Brood
Absolutely untrue. Thanks for more atomic lies from the desk of SB. Keep your weapons of mass ignorance to yourself please.

What is untrue? There are people who ask to be choked and hit and all sorts of other crazy crap... those things are still illegal.

People who are sodomized are BEING INJURED. Look up the long term effects of being sodomized on a regular basis.

Originally posted by Brood
And they aren't asking YOU for help, are they? Guess you should mind your own damn business.

Okay dokey, so if someone is being injured by someone else we'll just ignore it unless they ask for help...

Originally posted by Brood
And if you honestly bring up the "T" word... note that I currently put your children through school because YOU chose to engage in HETEROSEXUAL activity.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

What is the "T" word... and no, you don't contribute a dime to my children's school (and they'll be paying for your retirement, adult diapers etc. etc. so I'm sure it would even out anyway).

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
Now THAT is ignorant. A simple Google search would show that in most states, Gay people CANNOT [url=/35ybkkh]marry the person they love

What nonsense... marraiges are legally recognized based on very simple criteria. Those criteria say nothing about love or sexual preference.

Gay people don't love anyone of the opposite gender I guess (or did you mean to say that they can't marry someone that makes them horny)?

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
But you seem to be all in favor of a 'straight folks only' hiring practice... How quickly they forget...

Nope, I'm passionately opposed to any hiring bias based on race, gender or sexual orientation.

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
Just like African Americans did in the 60's and the 70's, we don't want special rights, just equal rights...

You already have equal rights. A gay person can do everything that I can.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Brood
You're a big boy, do your own research if you're incapable of attending a pride event to get your knowledge

I have been to a pride event, unintentionally. It was a parade that included completely nude people, people in leather and fetish attire of all sorts, floats with giant phalluses etc. etc. etc.

What on earth is all this?
It's the gay pride parade, isn't it wonderful!
Uh-huh, it's... just... wonderful... good for them...

I missed my plane (and my Son's first soccer game) because of it.

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by SevenBeans

Originally posted by Brood
You're a big boy, do your own research if you're incapable of attending a pride event to get your knowledge

I have been to a pride event, unintentionally. It was a parade that included completely nude people, people in leather and fetish attire of all sorts, floats with giant phalluses etc. etc. etc.

What on earth is all this?
It's the gay pride parade, isn't it wonderful!
Uh-huh, it's... just... wonderful... good for them...

I missed my plane (and my Son's first soccer game) because of it.

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

Foolish ignorance erupts once again. I've never met a gay nudist at the 27 Pride events I've been to; they have their own axe to grind and we have an outlet so we let them do it. Sorry for being so accepting, Procreator, sir. We'll try not to let it happen again so that you are not "subjected to looking at it
" in YOUR country. P.S. many of them are Christians who take the story of Adam and Eve literally and think that wearing clothing is a sin.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Brood
Foolish ignorance erupts once again. I've never met a gay nudist at the 27 Pride events I've been to; they have their own axe to grind and we have an outlet so we let them do it. Sorry for being so accepting, Procreator, sir. We'll try not to let it happen again so that you are not "subjected to looking at it
" in YOUR country. P.S. many of them are Christians who take the story of Adam and Eve literally and think that wearing clothing is a sin.
edit on 12-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

I'm agnostic...

I didn't "meet" them either and I don't know if they were "nudists" but they were entirely nude.

Nudity is just peachy with me, just not in a parade through downtown of a major city blocking traffic when I have a plane to catch, all to show how proud some people are of who makes them horny!

People starving to death, being tortured, kids sold into sexual slavery all over the world and these self-absorbed MORONS are busy having a parade over who turns them on !!! and preventing me from getting home on time to see my Son play soccer. Goofiest thing I've ever seen in my life, complete and utter lunacy (and you compare this NONSENSE to what black people went through... ugh uh... MLK would find these parades revolting).

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by SevenBeans
You already have equal rights. A gay person can do everything that I can.

I can't adopt a child in the State of Michigan, you can...

I can't marry my significant other in the State of Texas, you can...

I can't serve in the United States Military without lying about who and what I am, you can...

You are trying to convince me that we are equal under the eyes of the law, you FAIL...

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
I can't adopt a child in the State of Michigan, you can...

Of course you can, you just can't jointly adopt with another male (neither can I).

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
I can't marry my significant other in the State of Texas, you can...

You can have whatever sort of ceremony that you want, no one will come arrest you or fine you, the only difference is that the state will impose all sorts of legalities and obligations upon my relationship (against my will) and they will not do the same thing to you.

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
I can't serve in the United States Military without lying about who and what I am, you can...

It is true that you can't talk about your sexual preference and I can, you don't have to lie though (they "don't ask").

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
You are trying to convince me that we are equal under the eyes of the law, you FAIL...

All you've got is talking about sexual preference while serving in the military (and doing so is not a crime, it simply gets you dismissed - you agree not to talk about it when you join). Would you like to serve in the military? If not this doesn't even effect you.

Yup you sure are horribly oppressed... reminds me of my family being kidnapped, stacked in a filthy hold and taken to another continent to be sold as property etc. etc. etc. and all the rest. So "I feel you dog, I feel you."

Pathetic drama queen much? Yup!

And by the way, blacks can't hide the color of their skin, if we could have we would have (because we faced ACTUAL discrimination like SLAVERY and OWNERS with WHIPS). If you were really scared about discrimination and violence you wouldn't go around telling everyone that you're gay, no one cares anyhow.

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by SevenBeans
People starving to death, being tortured, kids sold into sexual slavery all over the world and these self-absorbed MORONS are busy having a parade over who turns them on !!! and preventing me from getting home on time to see my Son play soccer. Goofiest thing I've ever seen in my life, complete and utter lunacy (and you compare this NONSENSE to what black people went through... ugh uh... MLK would find these parades revolting).

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

While your perverted self was busy staring at the naked people, the supporters of global causes and fundraisers all around the world marched right past you.

Pride events have nothing to do with "what makes you horny" to most of us, they have everything to do with denying ignorance. Obviously you have an incapacity for such behavior since you're too busy not being discriminated against. Poor you
. Get over yourself!

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by SevenBeans
Of course you can, you just can't jointly adopt with another male (neither can I).

Nope, not in the State of Michigan (as well as four other states)... Only heterosexuals can adopt... FAIL

You can have whatever sort of ceremony that you want, no one will come arrest you or fine you, the only difference is that the state will impose all sorts of legalities and obligations upon my relationship (against my will) and they will not do the same thing to you.

Thus it is by it's face unequal... FAIL

It is true that you can't talk about your sexual preference and I can, you don't have to lie though (they "don't ask").

Spoken like someone who has never served. I served both before and after "Don't ask, don't tell" was implemented. The only difference was that the witch hunts ended. We were, and are still expected to live a lie, which is NOT how a member of the US Military is supposed to act... FAIL

Yup you sure are horribly oppressed... reminds me of my family being kidnapped, stacked in a filthy hold and taken to another continent to be sold as property etc. etc. etc. and all the rest. So "I feel you dog, I feel you."

All of which occured long before either you or I was born... shall we go back to the dawn of time to see who was wronged more? I'm part Native American, so you'll probably lose that one, as 'The White Man' didn't attempt genocide on your people...

Up until the 1970's, homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Source. You could be locked away in a mental institution (if you weren't quietly murdered by a local mob) for the rest of your life for being a homosexual.

During the Third Reich, homosexuals were rounded up along with the Jews, and marched off to concentration camps to be executed:

In the 1920s, homosexual people in Germany, particularly in Berlin, enjoyed a higher level of freedom and acceptance than anywhere else in the world. However, upon the rise of Adolf Hitler, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups targeted by the Nazi Party and were ultimately among Holocaust victims. Beginning in 1933, gay organizations were banned, scholarly books about homosexuality, and sexuality in general,[which?] were burned,[when?] and homosexuals within the Nazi Party itself were murdered.[who?] The Gestapo compiled lists of homosexuals, who were compelled to sexually conform to the "German norm."

Between 1933–45, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested as homosexuals, of which some 50,000 were officially sentenced[citation needed]. Most of these men served time in regular prisons, and an estimated 5,000 to 15,000[citation needed] of those sentenced were incarcerated in concentration camps. It is unclear how many of the 5,000 to 15,000 eventually perished in the camps, but leading scholar Ruediger Lautman believes that the death rate of homosexuals in concentration camps may have been as high as 60%. Homosexuals in the camps were treated in an unusually cruel manner by their captors, and were also persecuted by their fellow inmates. This was a factor in the high death rate for homosexuals, compared to other groups.


Meanwhile, in modern times, hate crimes against homosexuals, based solely on their sexual orientation continue:

In the United States, the FBI reported that 15.6% of hate crimes reported to police in 2004 were based on perceived sexual orientation. Sixty-one percent of these attacks were against gay men.[199] The 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay student, is one of the most notorious incidents in the U.S.



Pathetic drama queen much? Yup!

This is what we call an Ad Hominem. Also a very weak and pathetic debating technique (just like the Straw Man used earlier in this thread). As I said, your Kung Fu is weak, very weak... FAIL

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by SevenBeans

Not sure about the other book Wikipedia used as a source, but William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a terrible source, criticized by most real historians. And even if Rohm and Heines were homosexual, that does not equate to most high-ranking Nazis.
edit on 12-11-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Brood
While your perverted self was busy staring at the naked people, the supporters of global causes and fundraisers all around the world marched right past you.

Pride events have nothing to do with "what makes you horny" to most of us, they have everything to do with denying ignorance.

Yeah, yeah... and they called it a "gay pride parade" and highlighted all sorts of fetishes, but it had nothing to do with any of that, it was just a bunch of fundraisers for good causes and stuff, thats it (!!) ... and I have a pet zebra that reads Plato.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by SevenBeans

And heterosexuals NEVER do anything like that, do they!

Mardi Gras in New Orleans... Fantasy Fest in Key West... etc. etc. etc.


posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
Nope, not in the State of Michigan (as well as four other states)... Only heterosexuals can adopt... FAIL

Permits single GLBT adoption. Prohibits joint adoption. Second-parent adoption unclear.

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
Thus it is by it's face unequal... FAIL

Wrong, as a straight person I would be treated exactly the same if I "married" another male.

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
All of which occured long before either you or I was born... shall we go back to the dawn of time to see who was wronged more?

It is people in the gay movement who are constantly comparing the discrimination that blacks faced in this country with the discrimination that they face. The truth is that gay people enjoy equal protection under the law, so the comparison is absurd. I have never seen a gay water fountain have you? I have never seen an "escaped gay" have you? I never saw a "gay sale" have you?

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
Up until the 1970's, homosexuality was considered a mental illness.

And your point is what... (?) that anyone who believes this is an ignorant bigot who hates gay people?

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

In the United States, the FBI reported that 15.6% of hate crimes reported to police in 2004 were based on perceived sexual orientation. Sixty-one percent of these attacks were against gay men.[199] The 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay student, is one of the most notorious incidents in the U.S.


There is no proof that Matthew Shepard was killed just because he was gay, the same is true of most "hate crimes."

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by SevenBeans

Since you cannot seem to come up with a valid argument against the appointments made by the President, and you insist on driving this thread off-topic, and you have now used a Straw Man Fallacy, an Ad Hominem, and in the last post, Cherry Picking, I am done with you... Have a nice day...

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

To be blatantly honest, I am shocked that you, as an African American, are using many of the same arguments that the white establishment used before the civil rights movement in regards to racial segregation in schools (seperate but equal), in regards to interracial marriage (you can marry any woman you want, as long as she's the same color), and afterwards to cry foul concerning Affirmative Action, which got rid of the 'white boys only' hiring practices. But you seem to be all in favor of a 'straight folks only' hiring practice... How quickly they forget...

Just like African Americans did in the 60's and the 70's, we don't want special rights, just equal rights... And the fact that someone who is benefiting from a similar movement would stand there and take on the same role that the white establishment did against African Americans not so long ago (within my lifetime) is simply disgusting... Congratulations, you have become that which your forebearers fought so hard to strike down...

There you go.

I personally find it shocking when checking the demographic of voters - - the high percentage of blacks (mostly women) voting against gay rights.

AGAIN - - it is primarily religious based ideology. Many black women are very much into their Jesus.

It really angers me that blacks - - separate themselves from this CIVIL RIGHTS EQUALITY.

It really angers me they try to make/claim - - it is not the same thing. It is EXACTLY the same thing.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

Shall we talk about the DC riots? Where the african-americans burned down their own neighborhoods?

Oh Hey! I'm from Los Angeles - - actually born in Compton.

Watts riots anyone?

I know in the news it looked like they were rioting all over Los Angeles. Not the case. They destroyed their own neighborhood and businesses.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
Okay, this may not it goes...being gay is a could it not be?

Because people don't and can't choose which sex they feel attracted to physically and emotionally, that's why. A man who is truly homosexual won't be able to fall in love with or develop a crush on a woman, and nor will he be turned on by beautiful women. Why does this need to be explained to you? Are you an alien?

hopefully there is a difference between love and sex. Once you cross that line you are Gay...

Oh, so if a man gets turned on looking at handsome, muscular young men rather than beautiful young women with nice breasts and bodies, he isn't gay? It's only after such a man decides to have sex with another male that he is gay? Is that what you are saying? Again, what planet are you from? Are you an alien?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Brood

Originally posted by SevenBeans

Originally posted by Brood
You're a big boy, do your own research if you're incapable of attending a pride event to get your knowledge

I have been to a pride event, unintentionally. It was a parade that included completely nude people, people in leather and fetish attire of all sorts, floats with giant phalluses etc. etc. etc.

What on earth is all this?
It's the gay pride parade, isn't it wonderful!
Uh-huh, it's... just... wonderful... good for them...

I missed my plane (and my Son's first soccer game) because of it.

edit on 12-11-2010 by SevenBeans because: (no reason given)

Foolish ignorance erupts once again. I've never met a gay nudist at the 27 Pride events I've been to; they have their own axe to grind and we have an outlet so we let them do it. Sorry for being so accepting, Procreator, sir. We'll try not to let it happen again so that you are not "subjected to looking at it
" in YOUR country. P.S. many of them are Christians who take the story of Adam and Eve literally and think that wearing clothing is a sin.

Seriously! I've been to the Long Beach parade and following events. There were a few at the event (very few) in risque black leather. But mostly it was average dress (shorts/T-shirts) - - a lot of families - - booths to provide REAL information - - and your usual general stuff.

Mardi Gras is far more revealing.

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