posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Phage
And you haven't seen nature change many of its weather patterns?
You haven't seen deforestation and pollution in places where you used to play as a kid?
you say things have remained static since you can remember?
That we are better now then we used to be?
You then must be aware of the interconnections and symbiosis in the chains of nature, of how everything is related to everything else!
No one can say that the world hasn't changed dramatically, either by our hand or by the hand of the chaotic influences from outside.
We are, this planet is, just an island in the sea of eternity, the child is tied to the parent, the parent is tied to its masters, the masters are
tied to their progress, progress is tied to the land, the land by weather, the weather by the moon and the sun, the sun tied to the galactic core,
the galactic core to the great movement, the great movement, well, to some other force to infinity.
meanwhile we are screwed to our sun.
its great to be outside and experience it first hand!