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Al-Awlaki's YouTube Videos Targeted by Rep. Weiner

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posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:32 PM
Now politicians have even started targeting innocent Youtubers to make it seem like they are keeping our country safe, when at the same time they are violating our rights to freedom of speech. This time, as the title states, they are targeting Al-Awlaki, who helps to give the viewer an unbiased view of Islam through his videos that he uploads on Youtube.
And his Youtube Channel:

Kind Regards,

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by tokyodynamite
Now politicians have even started targeting innocent Youtubers to make it seem like they are keeping our country safe, when at the same time they are violating our rights to freedom of speech. This time, as the title states, they are targeting Al-Awlaki, who helps to give the viewer an unbiased view of Islam through his videos that he uploads on Youtube.
And his Youtube Channel:

Kind Regards,

What are you talking about? This guy is not innocent this knuckle head is an Islamic terrorist, terror leader, and former imam who has inspired Islamic terrorists against the West and europe he also has become “operational” as a senior talent recruiter, motivator, and participant in planning and training for al-Qaeda and all it's murders. You call this peice of scum innocent?
Fool you are! This man will train people to go blow themself up, yet this wuss ass self won't blow himself up!
IMO It would be an honer to get blown up by this man him blowing himself up. Screw his youtube, screw the terrorist they are why the world will never live in peace, and people like you supporting him. Youtube has user policy and you CAN NOT promote violence which he obviously does!!! Youtube takes anything they want down anyways but protects this schmuck?
edit on 25-10-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 05:43 PM
well when your funded by the CIA you get special treatment.


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