posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:32 PM
Some irrefutable key points that the deniers can NEVER explain away or account for:
- Thermite residue and iron microspheres have been found in the WTC dust. This is HARD SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE of artificial explosives and chemicals
- There is no way that a small chunk of the WTC could plummet through the main portion of it, 80,000 tons of steel, like thin air, at near free fall
speed. That is 100 percent impossible. Even a child knows that. It's common sense.
- Thousands of people from all walks of life heard explosions at the ground level of the WTC, just before the collapse. Some even heard them BEFORE
the planes hit. This is well documented and there are many hours of video proving this. Even mainstream media reporters heard explosions and said it
was a bomb. The simple explanation is that explosives were used or detonated, probably under the base of the WTC.
- Never before or after 9/11, have steel high rises collapsed from fire. Fire deforms a building gradually, and unevenly. You can't escape that. It
does not demolish a skyscraper in seconds. Nor does it pulverize concrete to dust. That is a fact. You could pour kerosene all over the WTC and light
it on fire, and the steel STILL wouldn't melt or even weaken. Only a deluded person totally out of touch with reality would deny that. If fire could
do that, then the demolition company would be out of business and there would be no need to spend months rigging a building with explosives. Common
sense. Even children know this.'s qualified engineers and welders have tested fire's effect on steel, and found this to be true.
All lines of evidence say the official conspiracy theory and "fire collapse theory" are 100 percent wrong and 100 percent impossible. There's no
way around it.
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