posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:42 PM
Just imagine the accuracy and amount of intelligence they have and will collect from the release and spread of the wikileaks insurance files alone.
Governments have teams cracking those files, and everyday average and highly skilled hackers alike, globally working on it.
Whether wikileaks is government or not is irrelevant at this point, the agenda is obvious, at least it should be to anyone who has barely followed
what has been released.
Several objectives are rather clear, influence elections and the political environment in Iraq and destabilize the region even more, nearly assuring
conflict and war, which may include an increase of troops and escalation of US military operations as well as covert missions in the region... Again!
(Can't let Iran have Iraq) not yet!
By demonizing the US led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it increases the possibility of terrorist attacks on US and western interests... Another
possible catalyst for war.
The US political season and elections can use the Iraq war to debate the right's positions on it in the near mid-term elections.. (focus diversion
from the economy etc)
And most importantly, wikileaks activities WILL serve as a catalyst for the advancement of legislation and laws that will ultimately give the
government virtually complete control over the internet.
So far... Mission accomplished!