posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:51 AM
The Norway Spiral has been labeled as a malfunctioning missile. I have heard various valid sounding explanations about how this is possible, but I
myself have never seen or heard of this effect occurring in the same magnitude or even with the same colors as the norway spiral.
I am curious as to whether or not there are any other "malfunctioning missile tests" which resulted in the same (or very similar) effect, and I am
hoping the trusty weaponry forum can verify that they have personally seen the effect in a failed missile launch before, or if there are other videos
of the same effect occurring due to a KNOWN missile launch, rather than one where no party claims they were testing missiles, and all parties accused
deny that they were.
I think that another example of this phenomenon occurring in a non controversial and obvious fashion (known missile launch that people are watching
fails and the same effect occurred) would be really useful to my general knowledge, so that if I ever see such a thing in the future I know what it
Thanks for your time.