posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:41 PM
Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
reply to post by MZYYY
There are so many interesting points to this case. The main argument against the ET theory is some kind of deformity. But the deformity doesnt account
for hair like fibers intertwined throughout the skull (one of the most interesting parts of the case IMO). Also, if it was a deformity, the skull
wouldnt be symmetrical.
Those are 2 arguments that are only spewed by Lloyds people. No one in the medical community makes them.
google image hydrocephalic skull or progeria and you will see many examples of deformities that are symmetric.
Secondly, no, pye didnt prove the skull was alien. He tries to infer the skull was alien based soley on unknowns.
The first time the skull was tested, X and Y chromosomes were detected, this was in the late 90s. X and Y chromosomes mean this was a male with a
human father and mother.
Pye claimed the lab was biased.
The skull was tested again in 2003, This time mitochondrial DNA (from the mother) was recovered, but the nuclear DNA was not recoverable (because
nuclear DNA decays faster then mitochondrial) from this Pye went screaming to anyone who would listen "The child has an alien father" based soley on
that unknown.