posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 03:34 PM
He's right. The CIA brought them in, funded them, and is allowing them to do their evil on the hopes we might get access to energy in countries that
hate us.
The CIA also wanted them here to stir up armed action by those terrorists on US soil so the CIA could end the 2nd Amendment for citizens. They want to
remove US citizens right to own arms and this was their plan to get it done.
Prior to 9-11 the military was briefing our troops the #1 threat to America was 'armed militias'. They went on to say the Lehigh Valley of PA has
the largest number of militias than anywhere's else on Earth.
It was the CIA/Congress's plan. They want those terrorists there and brought them in, funded them, and is allowing them to plot to kill us so the 2nd
Amendment can be ended. That's actually goal #1.
The crime in Bradford County has gotten pretty bad in the last decade. The drugs is absolutely nutz. When I went to school there, there were no drugs
at all. The Islamic mafia we know about there in Pennsylvania now explains alot. Your country hates you and is helping those terrorists....I wonder
how much the CIA is pocketing in all of this??