posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:27 PM
This is going to be a thread pertaining to more than one view, as to make my point clear, and easier to understand.
I have been thinking about the division between those who decide to ask questions as opposed to those that are happier with the information that is
given, or said to be true.
When we are born we are not aware of rules, as we are infants and its is believed that at that age we can not comprehend them, then as toddlers, we
are taught good and bad, manners, etc,. Which we are not familiar with this due to living the past year or so, just doing what babies do.
As we get older, some toddlers are already quite rebellious, and harder to raise, as opposed to children that are deemed "good kids". With that
said, of course as years progress we begin to form our "own" personalities. Though we are diverse we can be put easily into 2 categories.
Those who except what they are told, and those who think there is more out there. I would assume that most of us here were at sometime people with
different opinions, or not the "norm". And though we stand out from the rest, conformity, just doesn't feel right.
What makes someone go "against" the grain?
If we are born and not aware, and yet still decide that with the knowledge of "his-story", and other forms of information may not be what they seem,
what happens when someone decides to not follow with the crowd, and veer off, sometimes with consequences? We can lose our loved ones, friends, or
minds for that matter, but still, following is not our way.
So here is my theory. Some of us are not born with this particular mind set. That the reason for the leaders and the followers isn't just a choice,
but an already planned process for some. This happens amongst families, friends, and others.
How does someone become "the odd man out"?
How do we detect the difference? How do some people take what is told to them as "the absolute" while others see through it?
I am curious about others thought on this.
Peace, NRE.