posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:42 PM
Explanation: S&F!
Personal Disclosure: I do not recomend this but its what I do... I break out of it..its extremely painful and that is the main reason I do not endorse
this for anybody else..but seriously its a mind thing and will power is can force yourself to snap out of it by rapidly tensing up and
relaxing very quickly 3 or 4 times with out trying to move..just tense and relax..if u can control your breathing this will help... on last tensing
up, really and I mean seriously with extreme intent and aggression even, don't just tense but jerk and twist like your fighting your way out of a wet
paper bag [it feels like it and here is where the damage starts] I have found 9 out of 10 times it has worked for me... I usually end up smacking my
clenched fists and feet [yes my toes are curled hard] into the wall and the bed and having massive coughing spluttering fit afterwards..but I control
my body mostly and I will break it if it don't do what I want when I want it as I dont care about the pain [it reminds me I'm alive] ..I care about
control... complete control! I'm not there yet as I can't turn my heart off ..close the valve and make the ventrical drain like I heard some guy
actually was able to do whilst doctors listened with stethascopes and then restart my heart [he had magical powers that helped him apparently and he
owned this publicly...wish i could find that info
] as my whim might be want to do!
The 1st time I broke out of it I knew I had won forever more and beaten that demon in my brain...sure try and paralyze me all u want... but I own my brain doesn't own me!
Here is why....
Cogito ergo sum [wiki]
My body doesnt exist at all... its a figment of my imagination [just as I am also a figment of the same imagination] and as I am the observer, that
means I'm in charge all the time!
Belief is everything!