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NIST Finally admits WCT 7 Fell at Freefall.

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Astraios

Good lord, not the nanuu-nanuu therm*te, the only substance known to man with the ability to change its propertise depending on what you want it to do

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I saw those videos, the ones with the missing second or so, where the penthouse collapses. I figured those were tapes confiscated by FBI, and edited. Both were edited with the same second erased.

Are you saying that the people behind the editing are the ones trying to prove that it was a demolition? I just figured there was a flash, or explosive going on in the missing second.

Does anyone have versions of those videos without the edits?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
Are you saying that the people behind the editing are the ones trying to prove that it was a demolition? I just figured there was a flash, or explosive going on in the missing second.

Almost. What I'm saying is that the people who edited this are the ones trying to get you to believe it was a demolition to begin with. It should be blatantly obvious that there's a percentage among the truther ranks who are deliberately, not accidentally or mistakenly, but DELIBERATELY, misrepresenting the available information to embellish their claims. This person claims Bush's cousin was in charge of WTC security...while neglecting to say that they lost their contract in 1993. That person says all the bomb dogs were withdrawn from the WTC before the attack...while neglecting to mention these were additional NY police bomb dogs on loan to the NYPA. They always had their own bomb dogs which were never withdrawn. Dylan Avery says in Loose Change that United 93 landed in Ohio...while neglecting to say this was a false report that came out while the 9/11 attack was still proceeding and everyone was publishing rumors, which was retracted later. And on and on it goes.

Here's the point- if the truthers genuinely feel they have a case to support controlled demolitions, then why do they consistantly need to manipulate everything like this?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Here's the point- if the truthers genuinely feel they have a case to support controlled demolitions, then why do they consistantly need to manipulate everything like this?

Well, like you said, there are a percentage of them that do this. I think it's probably a relatively small percentage that feel they need eye catching titles to articles, and to over-embellish to get the real message out there. I don't agree with it at all, but I don't think it's enough to completely discredit the entire 'movement'. There's also the small chance that it's extremists from the other side of the argument spreading disinfo.

That being said, there are the same types of people on either side of the issue.. and you need to choose your sources of information carefully

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Stewie
Don't let the "boys" kid you. The collapse was 6.5 seconds.

...and in typical conspiracy theorist form, all these clips deliberately snip off the video where the penthouse collapsed into the interior of the building some seven seconds before the towers collapsed. making the full total collapse time around fourteen seconds.

Here's the full video. Why are the conspiracy people so deathly afraid of people seeing this?

Full video of the WTC 7 collapse

nice one dave... ok tell me one thing... how could the Penthouse collapse into the Building? I see now fires at all on the floor beneath. I also never saw any 3 story bulge in the WTC 7. You better come with a good explanation.
You are really debunking yourself... no logical thinking at all...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by russ1969
reply to post by Astraios

dont you love how they say this was a rare event. But yet it happened 3 times in one day. such bull. as much as i love to discuss this topic, sadly most wont see the truth and this thread will become a stew of arguments.One of the most heated issues still today. Its been to long now and believers will always believe and debunkers will stick to there guns. wont sway anyone to either side. its very sad.

One more 'against all odds' coincidence to add to the already long list of 'against all odds' coincidences of 9/11.

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