great clip! Further proff that Chaplin was WAY ahead of his time!.
Seriously though it's fun to speculate, but a time traveler? I think not.
A cell phone, come on. Most are only seeing a cellphone, because a)the narrotor tells you thats what it is, and b) half the people nowadays are
walking around with thier hand to thier ear talking on cellphones.
I would imagine someone with Time travel abilities, would have better technology than a cell phone that looks like it's from the mid to late 90's. I
mean it appears to be a failry large object (unless I'm being fooled by shadows which is VERY possible).
But again I would imagine a time traveler would have a much smaller communication device. much smaller than we have now. Possibly an ear implant.
But a fun thread none-the-less.
Remember this is outside whats supposed to be a "circus" setting; and it's deleted scenes that weren't used in the actual film. So for all we know it
could be the "bearded lady, trying to cover her facial hair from the camera, as she does he daily routines.
Could be a loony talking to themselves. Or a person with a bad ear ache. Or a guy who got punched in the right side of his face holding a piece of
frozen steak against it. Or a fire eater who burned his/her face holding something like a frozen steak to it, mumbling under thier breath about the
pain, and the stupid mistake they made while performing.
I know...,I know all of these things sound crazy, but not even half as crazy as a "time travelling drag queen" sounds.
I mean think about it, we can't even tell if it's a man or a woman, yet some are claiming they can see through this man OR womans hand, and pick out
a small cellular device in the darkest of shadows.
I really think useing Occams Razor , we can pretty much say with a great deal of certainty this is an old 1924 seimans(sp?) hearing device. Or the
other even old trumpet hearing aid device. I mean people with hearing devices in thier easr do have to talk also, they don't "just" listen all day
long. Also the angle of the hand upon closer inspection is waaaay more horizontal than the near vertical/downward angle people have thier hand when
useing a cell. I'd imagine this helps to pic up other people voices, it your aming the device at thier face/mouth.
Again though fun clip to watch, thanks for posting it, OP!
edit on 1-11-2010 by Nola213 because: (no reason given)