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New! Kurt Sonnenfeld 9/11 Ground Zero Video Footage Released (part of it)

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:40 AM

As a FEMA photographer on 9/11/01, Kurt is currently exiled in Argentina. Many of us have been waiting on the release of his 22 hours of video footage, which he claims can prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

This appears to be new footage of Bush as well, as he arrives on the scene and makes some vague statements.

To add to this, I have two other very recent clips to present. In this one, which is Spanish (but I speak it, so can translate), Kurt brings up two key points that point to an Official Fairy Tail.

1) FEMA was called in after only five minutes, when at the time all that was known after the first plane hit was that a small plane had hit the north tower. By contrast, he said, FEMA was called after 10 DAYS for hurricane Katrina. He feels that the calling of FEMA at that time was not only premature, but suspicious- in addition to FEMA already being present nearby for supposed exercises.

2) That underneath WTC 6 there was another CIA office, which he observed to be mysteriously empty.

And in this clip by PressTV, he mentions wanting to give the his footage to the known investigators with scientific credentials to check for anomalies. This is in English:

edit on Thu Oct 21st 2010 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:22 AM
Also, does anyone think that is the likely conduct of a caring, innocent President arriving on the scene of such a catastrophe?


Not me. At ALL.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Must be getting close to extradition......Mr Sonnenfeld is only trying to prevent being re-arrested for the murder of his wife. Not to mention, the very FIRST point you wrong.

1) FEMA was called in after only five minutes, when at the time all that was known after the first plane hit was that a small plane had hit the north tower. By contrast, he said, FEMA was called after 10 DAYS for hurricane Katrina.

Ten days huh?

Emergency Aid Authorized For Hurricane Katrina Emergency Response In Louisiana

Release Date: August 27, 2005
Release Number: HQ-05-169

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response, today announced that Federal resources are being allocated to support emergency protective response efforts response efforts in the parishes located in the path of Hurricane Katrina.

Brown said President Bush authorized the aid under an emergency disaster declaration issued following a review of FEMA's analysis of the state's request for federal assistance. FEMA will mobilize equipment and resources necessary to protect public health and safety by assisting law enforcement with evacuations, establishing shelters, supporting emergency medical needs, meeting immediate lifesaving and life-sustaining human needs and protecting property, in addition to other emergency protective measures.

And Katrina made landfall....August 29th...............

Now, not to say that there werent massive problems with the response, but a lot of that can be traced to the sheer stupidity of Louisiana officials and THEIR refusal to...oh, ORDER A MANDATORY EVACUATION as requested by both President Bush AND FEMA.

Im sorry....Mr Sonnenfeld said 10 days...that just MUST be the Gospel.
edit on 21-10-2010 by vipertech0596 because: forgot the link

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Also, does anyone think that is the likely conduct of a caring, innocent President arriving on the scene of such a catastrophe?


Not me. At ALL.

I agree. And the emphasis is on your word "innocent." Bush came across as though he was PRETENDING to be shocked. He was completely emotionally detached from the situation, like when he continued reading a child's book at the Booker Elementary School when informed by chief of staff Andrew Card of the second plane hitting a tower at the WTC.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Some great footage there.
Is it just me or does it seem impossible that those giant beams could have imbedded themselves in nearby buildings without the aid of explosives?
About 2 minutes in you can see the remains of WTC7, all perfectly folded in upon itself - not characteristic of any fire induced collapse. It was also the first steel removed from the site, none of which was tested or kept for later investigation (against normal fire investigation procedures).
You also see a container marked "FBI - plane parts" where each piece is carefully wrapped (to avoid prying eyes?). Every plane crash before was investigated by the NTSB, why the FBI on this one?
I'm sure our more observant members will find numerous anomalies and clues that contradict the OS,
Happy hunting truthers!

Poor Dubya was so lost without a script.

Vipertech - I caught the "10day Response to Katrina" too. Wrong translation perhaps but it does nothing to alter the footage. He's already under a murder rap, a little late for character assassination IMO.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Asktheanimals because: added comments

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Telling the truh about the man isn't character assasination. His story has smelled like rotted fish from the first time he told it. Not to mention the rest of the FEMA crew that was there with him do not agree with him.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican


Is that first 9-minute video from Kurt? If so, where's the other 21 hours and 51 minutes? I'm not understanding what's going on. Who uploaded this to YouTube? Is this person (or Kust) releasing the 22-hour video in intervals? Again, if so.....why?

Not for nothing, it's already been acknowledged that FEMA was in NYC on Sept 10th doing 'drills'. And like everything else on that very deliberate and orchestrated day, the government neatly tucks the FEMA phenomenon under the convenience 'coincidence' file.

Do you people realize HOW many 'coincidences' happened that day? These coincidences just defy the laws of odds and I for one, am tired of having my intelligence insulted.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
Is that first 9-minute video from Kurt? If so, where's the other 21 hours and 51 minutes? I'm not understanding what's going on. Who uploaded this to YouTube? Is this person (or Kust) releasing the 22-hour video in intervals? Again, if so.....why?

Sorry, but I have no clue. I do searches on topics that interest me daily. I have covered him before here at ATS, and so went to see what was up with him lately...These clips just showed up. Beyond that, I do not know.

Do you people realize HOW many 'coincidences' happened that day? These coincidences just defy the laws of odds and I for one, am tired of having my intelligence insulted.

Preaching to the choir, trust me. Yeah we do.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Preaching to the choir, trust me. Yeah we do.

That's probably very true but although our 'choir' is huge, there are so many people who are tone deaf. It simply amazes me that my peers (liberal-thinking anti-government type people) have no idea,, nine years later, of the discrepancies on that day.
I think that bothers me more than what REALLY took place. Ugh

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

It simply amazes me that my peers (liberal-thinking anti-government type people) have no idea,, nine years later, of the discrepancies on that day.

Well I guess that depends on where you get your list of discrepancies. Because most people on here, get their lists from other websites that are....oh....aren't real accurate.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:45 PM
So, anyone have any more info on:

2) That underneath WTC 6 there was another CIA office, which he observed to be mysteriously empty.

Ground Zero EMT: " I tried to run into the lobby of 6 World Trade, but there were federal police... standing in the open doorways. As I tried to run in, they wouldn't let me, waving me out, telling me "you can't come in here, keep running." As I turned to start running west again, I saw a series of flashes around the ceiling of the lobby all going off one-by-one like the X-mass lights that "chase" in pattern... I immediately got the impression they were timed explosives. I have never thought they were anything else, not then, not now."

- 9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby

US Customs and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) were housed in WTC 6, also called the US Customs House. US Secret Service and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had offices in WTC 7, in addition to the New York City emergency command center.

He might have gotten 6 and 7 confused... In a huge pile of rubble not hard to do....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:35 PM
I have to give the benefit of the doubt to Sonnenfeld, on what seems to me, given the circumstances, a spurious murder charge.

"Significant evidence included powder burns on his wife's hand, but not his, as well as a suicide note in her hand writing that was later found."

"New charges were filed in 2004, however, after two Denver jail inmates came forward to say Sonnenfeld had confessed to them during his time in custody. By then, Sonnenfeld had remarried and was living in Argentina."

Wow, two un-named, most-likely bribed and/or threatened convicts, two years later...

That's solid.

The U.S. Government Inc. would never falsely accuse a dissident of a crime in an attempt to discredit or silence them...

edit on 22-10-2010 by FewWorldOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Ground Zero EMT: " I tried to run into the lobby of 6 World Trade, but there were federal police... standing in the open doorways. As I tried to run in, they wouldn't let me, waving me out, telling me "you can't come in here, keep running." As I turned to start running west again, I saw a series of flashes around the ceiling of the lobby all going off one-by-one like the X-mass lights that "chase" in pattern... I immediately got the impression they were timed explosives. I have never thought they were anything else, not then, not now."

- 9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby

Yea , that makes a lot of sense , the guy supposedly saw timed explosives going off in the lobby , and the federal police just stood there waiting for the building to crash in onto them .

Am I missing something here ?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by okbmd
Am I missing something here ?

Yeah, the fact he said the feds were standing in the doorway. As in, ready to run out of there, which they probably did once the explosions started going off.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:11 AM
So now we add a FOURTH building to the list of demolitions that day? WTC's 1, 2, 6 and 7????? So when is the truth movement going to add the Marriott to the list as well? I notice that no timeline is given as to when this unnamed EMT supposedly tried to enter WTC 6.

edit on 23-10-2010 by vipertech0596 because: removal of sarcastic remark

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:54 PM
I don't undertand why the conspirators haven't killed Sonnenfeld? Surely it wouldn't be that hard?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

As a FEMA photographer on 9/11/01, Kurt is currently exiled in Argentina. Many of us have been waiting on the release of his 22 hours of video footage, which he claims can prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

This appears to be new footage of Bush as well, as he arrives on the scene and makes some vague statements.

To add to this, I have two other very recent clips to present. In this one, which is Spanish (but I speak it, so can translate), Kurt brings up two key points that point to an Official Fairy Tail.

1) FEMA was called in after only five minutes, when at the time all that was known after the first plane hit was that a small plane had hit the north tower. By contrast, he said, FEMA was called after 10 DAYS for hurricane Katrina. He feels that the calling of FEMA at that time was not only premature, but suspicious- in addition to FEMA already being present nearby for supposed exercises.

2) That underneath WTC 6 there was another CIA office, which he observed to be mysteriously empty.

Everyone see this? See Bush arriving at the scene..?


no words..
edit on 24-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: tidy

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