posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:07 PM
Yeah but by that logic we'd be mining and exploiting resources that are there for the taking under the ocean....
Oh wait the UN and World Court have effectively locked us out of those resources with a treaty that makes mining or resource extraction in
international waters financially Impossible....
the treaty gives EVERY COUNTRY that is a UN signatory a Cut of ANY proceeds from undersea mining outside of territorial waters.... which is why no one
extracts the MASSIVE resources that are in some cases LAYING ON THE SEA BED where you wouldn't need so much as a plastic shovel to get to them...
By that logic we'd be using space tethers and orbital solar arrays beamed to ground based receiver stations afterall solar power is several times more
effective in space than all the way down an atmosphere.
Bottom LINE we don't need to mine space to stem the tide of scarcity... the only scarcity that exists is a scarcity of any sort of HUMAN DECENCY among
those that skim off so much from society that there isn't enough for the rest of the world while they live lavishly their bank accounts and trust
funds so full it will take HUNDREDS OF GENERATIONS for their heirs to spend it all if they didn't add another dollar to it again!!
ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY is how they talk us into believing that some people NEED to go without.
THIS is the initial spring from which all of their other divisive tactics flows forth!!
When you are taught from an early age there is not enough for everyone, while you may FEEL BAD you are still going to ATTEMPT to MAKE SURE YOU GET AS
MUCH AS YOU CAN in one way or another....
This and the removal of a community's ability to produce a sufficient percentage of everything it needs to maintain itself and not backslide..... is
what COERCE's the populace into giving up freedom and independence for SECURITY
Security provided by government is by definition a function of a group of people banding together in a cohesive group to secure AS MUCH OF WHATEVER
ITEM OF SCARCITY they can get whether that causes others to do wtihout or not.... THIS IS WHY THEY TEACH US FROM DAY ONE THERE ISN"T ENOUGH FOR
It's not TRUE but it is EXPEDIENT for them to maintain said FICTION due to the HARDWIRED BIOLOGICAL IMPERATIVE that exists in EACH AND EVERY HUMAN
edit on 21-10-2010 by
roguetechie because: edit to add a primer to the false scarcity paradigm and how it keeps the population divided and therefore controllable