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Bill Clinton

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:31 AM
I often see here a comparison made between the 9/11 commission and the investigation carried out into Bill Clinton's extra-marital affairs.

The implication is usually that huge amounts of money were spent on the latter in order to find out the prurient - and basically unimportant - details of the President's love life. An investigation that he was unable to prevent happening or - if the reports of money spent are true - minimise.

Wouldn't this imply that Clinton was not able to influence public and private affairs in Washington that effectively? That he was not, in the most literal sense, a member of The Powers That Be? And if he was not, then who was planning 9/11? Why wasn't Bill in on it?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:42 AM
Cocaine trafficking.

It seems that when a US president is not guilty in one field he makes sure he is in another one.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Hey TOS, Don't you just love how any kind of slightly intellectually deeper questions, that attempt to go a little deeper than the constantly rehashed mumbo jumbo, get treated? They always slide down the rabbits hole with no interest whatsoever. Post a link to some nuclear laden, holographic jet and you'll get a 100 replies.

Anyways, before this turns into a rant, and to answer your question IMHO, I think Clinton was clueless to what was taking place, just like Bush. I think there is no question that they could have stopped 9/11 from happening, but everything they did actually insured that a 9/11 type of event was going to occur. See, I think a lot of agencies felt as if their hands were tied behind their backs, in regards with their fight against OBL and the international terrorists he was creating, and not only that, but that they were getting their butts kicked. Yet no would back these agencies(military and otherwise) up, I believe this led certain individuals within these agencies/military taking matters into their own hands. If you look at it, the common theme we see with all agencies tasked with bringing them down is that they were being blocked. Lots of complaining, people resigning, all the while government employees and countless soldiers being killed, all through the 90's and up until the Cole(it being the last before 9/11 if memory serves). Yet the public barely even noticed what was going on, much less cared.

So all this, along with a lot of other things, led to a perfect storm for the planners of the 9/11 attacks. Who by the way were most definitely not guys like Clinton, IMHO anyways.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Thanks, that's an interesting response, and one that I largely agree with.
edit on 22-10-2010 by TrickoftheShade because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:18 PM
bricksoftheplayed states:
"I often see here a comparison made between the 9/11 commission and the investigation carried out into Bill Clinton's extra-marital affairs.
The implication is usually that huge amounts of money were spent on the latter in order to find out the prurient - and basically unimportant - details of the President's love life."
-- Dude, this is an old thread but it is a funny one. The president's "love life?" Is that what you call it? Basically unimportant! Wow. I seriously bet you believed him when he said, he didn't have sex with Monica.

"Wouldn't this imply that Clinton was not able to influence public and private affairs in Washington that effectively?"
-- Man, you really are gullible. They all use prostitutes. They all have skeletons. They are all compromised. That is how they are controlled.
I would say the fact that you talking about Monica and not Mena proves that he actually had quite an influence.

"That he was not, in the most literal sense, a member of The Powers That Be?"
-- Wow. You really are clueless. He was a puppet. Do you know what that means? Of course he is a member of the Elite and by extension a member of TPTB. That doesn't mean he runs the game! Do you think they are all back biting animals only to those outside their circle? They are not all friends you know.

"And if he was not, then who was planning 9/11? Why wasn't Bill in on it?"
-- Seriously, I know this is an old thread but man you have some catching up to do. Why the hell would he be in on it! Its not a 4-H club! They are not ALL in on EVERYTHING at the SAME TIME! Sheesh. You are funny.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Game_Over

Calm down fellow gamer, this is a site for opinions and discussion. If there was any politician that was kind of a dummy (OTHER than GWB) then of course it was Clinton. We can all agree that it was a pretty bonehead move but as fas as him being a puppet...I half agree. Even puppets break sometimes and I think Bill was just one broken string away from ripping his shirt off in the middle of a press conference and shouting "I have no idea what I'm doing here!". I have always maintained that the gov't will only tell Things They Don't Want You To Know to people that can maintained that they don't in fact know them. Mr Clinton obviously failed us on that one therefor I believe that he in fact knows nothing of importance otherwise he would have told us all in exchange for a chubby brunette in a blue dress

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Game_Over
-- Dude, this is an old thread but it is a funny one. The president's "love life?" Is that what you call it? Basically unimportant! Wow. I seriously bet you believed him when he said, he didn't have sex with Monica.

I said that the implication was that it was basically unimportant, not that I considered it unimportant.

-- Man, you really are gullible. They all use prostitutes. They all have skeletons. They are all compromised. That is how they are controlled.
I would say the fact that you talking about Monica and not Mena proves that he actually had quite an influence.

So he's controlled. but he has influence enough not to be controlled? You seem confused.

-- Wow. You really are clueless. He was a puppet. Do you know what that means? Of course he is a member of the Elite and by extension a member of TPTB. That doesn't mean he runs the game! Do you think they are all back biting animals only to those outside their circle? They are not all friends you know.

So he's a puppet and a member of TPTB? Could you explain what sense there is in being, literally, a "power" but having no power?

Your contention is that there is another layer of authority above Clinton which was able to use him absolutely as it desired. In which case it seems to me that he has no meaningful power at all.

-- Seriously, I know this is an old thread but man you have some catching up to do. Why the hell would he be in on it! Its not a 4-H club! They are not ALL in on EVERYTHING at the SAME TIME! Sheesh. You are funny.

Look, you obviously have some issue with me, digging up old threads and then reassuring yourself by saying I'm "funny". But you need to think more clearly about this if you want to avoid looking silly.

If your answer to my question is that Clinton was not a member of TPTB, which is what you seem to be saying, then my subsidiary question still stands. Who is?

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