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Remote controlled attack planes, and more 9-11

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:06 AM
The Port Authority couldn’t receive permission to demolish the Trade Towers because of the asbestos. The towers were old and rundown, requiring too much money to update.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Larry Silverstein takes out a 99 year lease on the Towers, plus he already owned Building 7. Then he takes out an Insurance policy covering terrorism. Well we can all follow the picture there.

Before the Towers fell. Barry Jennings, now dead, likely murdered, gave his statement about being in Building #7 with the lobby blown out, dead bodies and he was on Floor #8, then even in the OEM, floor #23, where he saw steaming coffee and half eaten sandwiches.....before the Towers fell.
And a backup with PITCHERS for your clarification

False Flight 11, a remote-controlled smaller plane, Global Hawk?, fitted with a missile to fire to open a hole for it, and missiles in each of the back tails, and the 2 tails opened up the rest of the hole for entry. Explosives could have been already in the building or on board. PITCHERS for your clarification

Watch carefully what happens as the plane approaches and crashes into the tower. I leave you to come to your own conclusions about what you see (watch it over and over again, backwards and forwards), but I'll tell you what I see. Immediately before the plane strikes it fires a missile that blows a hole in the building's façade. This is the cause of that brief flash. The plane then begins to disappear neatly into this hole, leaving no wing impressions. Just before it disappears however it fires two more missiles from somewhere near its tail. One goes to the left, one to the right (and up a bit) and it is the blast holes from these three separate missiles that form the great gash across the building.

False Flight 175 had a doctored façade and was loaded for bear. Many posts have come close to seeing what this was for. same page lower down---with PITCHERS for your clarification

The dark stripe down the side is not part of the paintwork (check out the United Airlines livery) but the shadow of the device and its pipe work. Remember, we are looking at the plane's underside here, not its flank. The one fully-visible tail fin is not the main vertical fin but the right-hand horizontal tailpiece. In the last second or two the plane banks so much to the left that the sun (to the right of the picture) catches the plane's underside and the mystery objects cast shadows. Start perhaps with the silvery 'lump' tucked, so to speak, in the plane's right 'armpit'. What is that? Note the angled pipe work that leads back to the tail-section. Note too that if you look closely, what I call the nozzle is not part of the plane's own outline but is separate from it.

By clicking on more links connecting from this page , you will learn more. It’s a lot of reading but it sure makes sense.

Please take the time to absorb this before shooting the messenger! If there is a response before tomorrow, I will know you did NOT take the time to understand this and the links that explain the Pentagon and Flight 93.

This little video told me a lot, many years ago, so I was on the right track, but not educated enough to put it together. from LooseChange1

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 03:18 AM
My point. too, was that the importance of Bldg 7 was that it was likely where the remote controlling was done, therefore it HAD to be taken down, therefore the mystery surrounding it and its being left out of the 9-11 Omission Commision Report and therefore wired for demolition in advance.

(I was too late to edit my OP.)
edit on 19-10-2010 by canadiansenior70 because: spell

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 03:24 AM
Not sure if i remember correctly, but wasn't in Building 7 all the Enron material ?

That would link the 911 directly to the financial world.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 04:47 AM
In regards to the WTC7 fall....

FACT 1: WTC Building 7 was one of the largest buildings in downtown Manhattan. It was 47 stories tall, about half the height of the Towers, and took up an entire city block. It was 300 feet from the closest Twin Tower (the North Tower, WTC 1), and was a steel-framed, concrete structure.4

FACT 2: WTC Building 7 – on its 23rd floor – housed an Emergency Command Center for the City of New York that Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had built in the mid-1990’s. On the morning of September 11th, Mayor Giuliani did not go “to his Command Center – with its clear view of the Twin Towers – but to a makeshift, street-level headquarters at 75 Barkley Street.” WTC 7 also held the offices of numerous government agencies, including the Department of Defense, the CIA, the Secret Service, the IRS, and the Security and Exchange Commission.5 Late 2001 was the time of “the height of the investigation into Enron, so the majority of Enron’s SEC filings were likely destroyed when World Trade Center 7 came down.”6

FACT 3: WTC Building 7 was not hit by airplane or significant debris on September 11th. It had been evacuated after the planes hit the towers. By the afternoon of September 11th, there were a few small fires of unknown origin evident in the building, and these small fires could be seen in only a few of the hundreds and hundreds of windows in the building.7

FACT 4: On September 11, 2001, at 5:20PM, EDT, World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly and rapidly collapsed. Beginning with the penthouse, all 47 stories of it imploded into its own footprint in less than seven seconds. Three different videos of Building 7’s vertical collapse – two from CBS video broadcasts, and one from an NBC news camera – can be seen online at

FACT 5: On September 16th, NASA flew an airplane over the World Trade Center site, recorded infrared radiation coming from the ground, and created a thermal map. The U.S. Geological Survey analyzed this data, and determined the actual temperature of the rubble. This map shows that five days after the collapse of Building 7, the surface temperature of a section of its rubble was 1,341º F.8 This high a temperature is indicative of the use of explosives.

“WTC 7’s rubble pile continued to smolder for months.”9

FACT 6: Fire Engineering magazine is the 125-year-old paper-of-record of the fire engineering community. Bill Manning, editor-in-chief, wrote an Editor’s Opinion in the January, 2002 edition. His editorial, $elling Out the Investigation, pointed out that destruction of evidence – the hurried removal of rubble which should be examined by investigators – is illegal. He also issued a “call to action”. To quote excerpts:

“For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions … is on the slow boat to China …”

“I have combed through our national standard for fire investigation, NFPA 921, but nowhere in it does one find an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for buildings over 10 stories tall.”

“Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the ‘official investigation’ blessed by FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half baked farce [emphasis mine] that may have already been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure. Except for the marginal benefit obtained from a three-day, visual walk-through of evidence sites conducted by ASCE investigation committee members – described by one close source as a ‘tourist trip’ – no one’s checking evidence for anything.”

“The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately.”

“Firefighters, this is your call to action. …contact your representatives in Congress and officials in Washington and help us correct this problem immediately.” 10 11

FACT 7: In May of 2002, FEMA published their report #403 titled World Trade Center Building Performance Study. This report claims that the fires caused the building to collapse, but that the specifics of how this is supposed to have occurred “…remain unknown at this time.”12

FACT 8: The collapse of WTC Building 7 shows five characteristics of a controlled demolition:


It “dropped directly into its own footprint in a smooth, vertical motion”;

It “collapsed completely in less than seven seconds”;

“Dust streamed out of the upper floors of Building 7 early in its collapse”;

“WTC 7’s roof inverted toward its middle as the collapse progressed”; and

“WTC 7’s rubble was mostly confined to the block on which the building stood.”13

FACT 9: “Larry Silverstein is a rather large player within the realms of 21st Century real estate, finance, and politics.”14 He “…had taken out a long lease on the World Trade Center only six weeks before 9/11. In a PBS documentary entitled ‘America Rebuilds’, originally aired in September of 2002, Silverstein made the following statement about Building 7:

‘I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, “We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.” And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.’” 15 16

FACT 10: “It is inconceivable that anyone could be running around placing explosives in exactly the right places all within seven hours. In fact, implosions take a minimum of two weeks and up to two months to plan and place the charges. The fire department of New York does not even train their personnel to do controlled demolition. They are done by highly skilled experienced specialists who plan and test far ahead.”17

FACT 11: “… [George W.] Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were principles in the company [Stratesec, formerly named Securacom] that was in charge of security for the World Trade Center, with Walker being the CEO from 1999 until January 2002.”18

I just think it was all to convenient. WTC7 looks like nothing other than a controlled demolition.
edit on 19-10-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:05 AM

Suddenly, out of the blue, Larry Silverstein takes out a 99 year lease on the Towers, plus he already owned Building 7.

So? Is there something unusual about this? Do you think people or business would use a 1 year lease for such a large complex?

Then he takes out an Insurance policy covering terrorism. Well we can all follow the picture there.

What picture? The buildings were already attacked by terrorists once before. He would have been stupid not to add terrorist coverage. He didn’t to his position in life by being stupid. Do you have auto insurance on your teenage son?

Barry Jennings, now dead, likely murdered,

Prove it!

where he saw steaming coffee and half eaten sandwiches.....before the Towers fell.

Woooo big surprise in a large office building. I’ll bet you’ve seen the same thing in your own kitchen.

False Flight 11, a remote-controlled smaller plane, Global Hawk?,

Prove it!

False Flight 175 had a doctored façade and was loaded for bear.

Prove it!

Many posts have come close to seeing what this was for.

Are these people experts in anything? Can you vouch for the character and knowledge of any of these ‘posters’?

with PITCHERS for your clarification

Minus 2 points for spelling spelling.

This little video told me a lot, many years ago, so I was on the right track, but not educated enough to put it together.

Conviction by Youtube. Is that the way you want to be tried in a court of law?
Loosecvhange? If you believe the stuff that site put out I have a bridge I’ll sell you real cheap.

You sound like you are easily lead around topics by woo woo postings on the web. Please don’t serve on my jury.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by canadiansenior70
The Port Authority couldn’t receive permission to demolish the Trade Towers because of the asbestos. The towers were old and rundown, requiring too much money to update.

False. Asbestos had only been used on the lower 40 floors in Tower 1. It was banned as a construction material in New York City while the towers were being built. And the PANYNJ had estimated the recovery cost to be in the area of $200 million.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Larry Silverstein takes out a 99 year lease on the Towers, plus he already owned Building 7. Then he takes out an Insurance policy covering terrorism. Well we can all follow the picture there.

Hardly out of the blue, when it was required by the lease contract, that he obtain insurance against terrorism.

Before the Towers fell. Barry Jennings, now dead, likely murdered, gave his statement about being in Building #7 with the lobby blown out, dead bodies and he was on Floor #8, then even in the OEM, floor #23, where he saw steaming coffee and half eaten sandwiches.....before the Towers fell.

Funny thing is, video shot inside the WTC7 lobby shows no bodies at all.

The rest of the OP is just the standard Noplaner fare, which I really can't be bothered with.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:19 AM
Proof to me is the guy that wirnessed the multiple bomb explosions in B7 , walked over dead bodies , and now he's dead

That right there is proof... plus they won't even release his cause of death..

And to think there are people right here on this site defending the official stories.. even the "new" official stories now that more evidence is being revealed..

You should feel lucky you are pretty much anonymous here...

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by samkent

If you don't think anything is unusual about these events it is because you live in a denial driven fantasy world...

That fact is proven by your self inflicted sad to see..

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:28 AM
Sorry my friend it is you who are living in the fantasy world of the internet.

You would be the first to cry foul if your local prosecutor charged you with a crime based on anonymous Youtube videos.

Some people on the web are essentially saying that all the NY fire fighters are lying.
Some people on the web are essentially saying that all the news departments in the world (except Iran) are lying.

All of this is based on Youtube videos and internet postings.

Grow up people. Do you really live your life thinking everyone and everything is a lye? I have news for you. The people working our government are not that smart.

If anyone had any real proof they could sue the signers of the commission report for falsifying the report. But then they would need real evidence not Youtube.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by alienreality
Proof to me is the guy that wirnessed the multiple bomb explosions in B7 , walked over dead bodies , and now he's dead

That right there is proof... plus they won't even release his cause of death..

And to think there are people right here on this site defending the official stories.. even the "new" official stories now that more evidence is being revealed..

You should feel lucky you are pretty much anonymous here...

There is a lot about Barry Jennings and WTC 7 that you could obviously find out if you were truly interested in the truth.

For example, the dead bodies in the lobby bit. As has already been pointed out to you there is video of the damaged lobby that morning without a single body in sight. You can see it here together with Barry Jennings retraction about seeing dead bodies :-

Barry Jennings was with Michael Hess throughout his experience in WTC 7 on 9/11 and Mr Hess has never referred to dead bodies. Barry Jennings did testify to the fact that the lobby was in good order when he and Michael Hess went up to the OEM on the 23rd floor and that they found the building vacated with steaming coffee abandoned. So where would the bodies have come from anyway ?

So far as explosions is concerned, Barry Jennings testimony actually ties in perfectly with the collapse of the Towers. He says they went up in the elevator but found, when they wanted to come down, that the power was out and they had to find the stairs. This is a known time-point, Con-Ed shut off the power at 0959 when WTC 2 fell. So we know Jennings and Hess were in the OEM at 0959. At some time after that they tried the elevator and found it not working. Michael Hess found the stairwell and reported back. They set off down the stairs and went down 17 floors when the building was rocked and they were trapped until released later. The timing obviously indicates that they were trapped by the collapse of WTC 1 at 10.28 which is known to have inflicted damage on WTC 7 and started fires. What would demolition charges have been doing going off some 7 hours before collapse ?

So, if you actually examine the facts objectively, there is nothing in Barry Jennings testimony to prove demolition and the idea that he was murdered on 19th August 2008, after 7 years of freely giving interviews and saying all he had to say, is frankly absurd.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Never let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy story.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by samkent

The "PITCHERS" was for someone like you who likely did not read the website(s) I mentioned. The pictures were there to back up what the writer wrote, but if, as a child, you just glanced at the pictures and had no one to read to you, you missed out on the point entirely.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by laiguana

Yes, a prepared controlled demolition to cover up evidence of wrondoing, whether the financial files or the buttons to push to set off explosives, or remotely control airplanes into the towers.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:28 PM
...and Leonard Spencer died suddenly last month.

I'm surprised more people have not discovered that site.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:39 PM

9/11 DVD Censored! Image of Strange Flash as Flight 11 Hit North Tower Missing From Footage

Steve Hunter

I have discovered hard evidence of a top-level cover-up of the September 11 attacks containedon the DVD release of the Naudet brothers firemen documentary that captured the first plane hitting the North tower. I video taped this documentary from the TV early last year and bought the DVD later in the year.

In the televised version of the plane hitting the North tower there is a frame containing a huge bright flash of light that has been digitally removed from the DVD
version. I have attached two images of the three critical frames of the jet colliding with the North Tower.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 02:13 PM
The “PITCHERS” you refer to on the serendipity site are too small and fuzzy for that inexperienced person to make any real judgments. He claims that the plane fired a total of three missiles during the last few frames of video.

As to the Loosechange videos. Stupid, stupid. Poorly researched attempts to make money at the expense of the lives lost. Just go to the Wiki page on them and look at the movie revisions.

While the first edition asserted that United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania, Loose Change 2nd Edition and Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut theorize that Flight 93 was actually flown to and landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport.

That’s a big change from being shot down to landing in Cleveland. Don’t you think?

The statement that New York's Empire State Building was hit by a B-52 bomber "sometime during the 1950's or 1960's" was corrected;

Uhhh How could they get this soooo wrong? Fact checking wasn’t part of their plan.

References to the rumors concerning the amount of gold stored beneath the World Trade Center (such as one claim of $167 billion in gold) were removed, leaving only confirmed statements, including that of the "$230 million in precious metals".

Rumors? Their proof is rumors?

The criticism section is longer than the description. The listing of the people and experts shoot more holes in the movie than the Bismark.

IMO If you are basing your life knowledge around crap like this you are destined to live a miserable old age. But then again it will all be over in December of 2012. Right?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by samkent

'Lie' is spelled as I just did, not your 'lye', but let's not get caught up in the tiny errors everyone makes.

The small plane hitting the first tower, opening up a space with the shot of a missile, then 2 more to widen the hole, is far more believable than an aluminum 737 'possibly bouncing off the side of the building, and landing on the sidewalk below'. Why take chances? The latter cannot just slide in without a ready made hole. Same to the 'doctored' plane for 'melting into' the second tower.

You can live in your little world believing that the original story, force fed to the public, is true, but this is a 'treasonish
scenario' of the whole day is wide open for speculation.

At least Loosechange is willing to revise its first opinions in favour of a more suitable explanation.

I've changed my mind many times on my own theories. Boeing!! Boeing!! went my mind when new ideas were presented regarding 4 planes being hi-jacked and all crashing.....just too, too much!

But why shoot the messenger who brings about a new and more plausible scenario? In this case it wasn't mine. I just pointed out another person's scenario.


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