posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:35 PM
Ever since i have been intoduced to ATS, i have gotten to see others opions in a way i never had before even when i was in the military. The topic of
spirituality and why its important to me and why it should be to others and what others feel about spirituality.
Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality;[1] an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the
“deepest values and meanings by which people live.”[2] Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to
develop an individual's inner life; such practices often lead to an experience of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive
self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm.[3] Spirituality is often experienced as a
source of inspiration or orientation in life.[4] It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature
of the world. (wikipedia)
It is also in my strong educated opinion of logic that in order to obtain superrior technology you have got to be just as spiritualy in control of
your life rather than having the idea that we still feel we need to use a nuclear power source rather than a free energy source. I have gone through
things that only reason for me being alive after i was stabbed when i was 5 or 6 yrs old who else can i blame for my being alive for this day of
enjoyment with my new daughter? I forgave my trespassor after the dr's put me back together even though my mother didnt understand why i forgave that
person. Because of my look on life in a spiritual way. But two years ago i didnt really know my donkey from a hole in the ground.....per say. It has
inproved my life for the better even in the darkest of times.
So, again i urge you to reconsider about who will run your county for you. Who will make that trip to work easier. Look from the inside and think
about what your definition is of Spirituality and why we need it in our lives or why not...