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Neighborhood in shock over planned homeless camp

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by infolurker

People like you assume without basis, you bring out facts you know nothing of. People like you bring in statistics without understanding the why. Where I live there are shelters made for homeless people, I live down the street of one of these shelters for people who have lost everything.

When I moved here as a young kid some of those people were bugged because of their social status. Young kids who had no father and just had to do with their moms, barely any income in a place where people like to flash their luxury(people like you). I didn't have much and I felt the pain of these people. I helped these kids and stopped them from being bugged by explaining their situation to other kids from the neighbourhood and guess what? No more bugging! Even became friends. So yes mr. hypocrite assumer, just go and hug some money and leave us humans in peace.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

Well, the devil is in the details and your definition.

When you say homeless I am assuming the chronic homeless addicts, drunks, and mentally ill that make up a large percentage or what is called "homeless". Do I want addicts and drunks (or worse) shacked up down the street.... Not really, Let's be honest, I do not.

When the word "homeless" is thrown around I fully expect what I have seen. I don't see to many non addict women and or small children camped out under the bridges, running out to my car with a spay bottle and squeegee, or hitting me up while I walk down the street. So, you know, my definition of a majority of "homeless" people is in the context of personal experience. And in that experience, I don't want those guys anywhere near my children.

So, take it for what you will but that is my definition of what I do not want living near my kids.

Also, why isn't the military an option?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Well Jessica this is what you are up against.

There are numerous government (Local, state and Federal) programs available to help you. All you have to do is go down to your city hall and sleep in the lobby for a day or two. You might also find some compassionate folks down at a local church or two.

I have yet to see a woman and her daughter standing on a street corner in the US holding up a sign that says we need food and shelter.

The government around here likes to take children away from homeless parent(s) and put them into foster care. Then they order the homeless parent(s) to pay child support to the state. If you have no income, they impute it to you to get an order on you. They especially like to do this if you end up in a shelter. They say that the shelter isn't stable enough for the child and take him/her, whether it's homeless or battered women's shelter. It's best to not draw attention to yourself. The government is not there to help you.

I have asked for help from churches. I was given the speech about 'you need to get a job, any job, even if it's flipping burgers' even though I tell most of them about having applied at all of the places that would take an application. The job market is so bad around here that there are thousands of applicants per opening. They quote scripture about if you will not work then you shall not eat (basically telling the person to stop eating and starve to death without coming out and saying it all the way).

So, I'm going to be living in my car and driving to other towns looking for a new place. I'll probably just have to write a letter to school board saying my daughter will be homeschooled and trying to teach stuff to her along the way. She's been homeschooled before. The public school system is not very good anyway.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Rosha

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by Jessicamsa

Why are these neighborhoods filled with people who are opposed to their children playing with homeless children??

Would you want your children associating with homeless children?

Gimmie a friggin break.

Cant speak for others but my kid already does hang out with kids form damaged homes and those with no homes..whats your point?

Having a roof over your head qualifies you for superior human being status - why exactly?

Having a roof over your head doesn't qualify you for anything.

But a child who is homeless is more likely than a sheltered child is to have emotional issues. Like it or not them is the facts.

Now given that, why would you want to expose your child to a situation where they had a higher statistical chance of being emotially harmed?

Why don't you just drive down to the local getto and drop your kid off to play everyday?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by infolurker

When you say homeless I am assuming the chronic homeless addicts, drunks, and mentally ill that make up a large percentage or what is called "homeless". Do I want addicts and drunks (or worse) shacked up down the street.... Not really, Let's be honest, I do not.

Can you not see how your mind is conditioned? You are such a fearful person it's not disgusting anymore it's just plain sad.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Why don't you just drive down to the local getto and drop your kid off to play everyday?

Such disgusting hyperboles.

Your signature is very fitting. Enjoy your life in slavery.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Zamini

People like me... really????

You have no idea where I have been so take your hypocritical rhetoric elsewhere. You wish to debate an issue with facts or experience then please do. If you want to hit me with personal attacks, please sign up for the Huffington Post!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by infolurker
reply to post by Jessicamsa

Well, the devil is in the details and your definition.

When you say homeless I am assuming the chronic homeless addicts, drunks, and mentally ill that make up a large percentage or what is called "homeless". Do I want addicts and drunks (or worse) shacked up down the street.... Not really, Let's be honest, I do not.

When the word "homeless" is thrown around I fully expect what I have seen. I don't see to many non addict women and or small children camped out under the bridges, running out to my car with a spay bottle and squeegee, or hitting me up while I walk down the street. So, you know, my definition of a majority of "homeless" people is in the context of personal experience. And in that experience, I don't want those guys anywhere near my children.

So, take it for what you will but that is my definition of what I do not want living near my kids.

Also, why isn't the military an option?

Most homeless women have left an abusive husband/boyfriend. Many of them have children.

This is followed up by families who have lost their jobs.

Military?? Okay, so homeless single mother is supposed to sign up for the military, get blown to bits, and leave her children as orphans?? And who is to watch the children while she's doing that?? The abusive father who she left in the first place?? Boy, that's rich! She'd been better off staying with him and getting her head kicked in. At least she'd spend more time with her kids before she is killed off. Nice how things are in your world of solutions.

People with homes are also sometimes addicts and drunks. So, are you proposing we drug test everyone living near you so they won't contaminate you??

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Zamini

Are you kidding me? You can NOT be serious.
You think that a large group of homeless people can be TRUSTED? Really? You wanna let YOUR five year old daughter hang around down at the homeless camp for the day with a group of transients? You wanna allow YOUR children to walk to the playground where these homeless people hang out drinking? Homeless people walking around on YOUR front lawn watching YOUR wife clean the car while YOU are at work, that's an ok scenario to you is it?
Wake up and smell what you're shovelling.
Groups of homeless people, that's just a breeding ground for drunkeness, drugs, rape, child rape, robberies and all sorts of stuff.
Or do YOU honestly believe that groups of homeless are breeding grounds for togetherness and harmony and love and cooperation and human bonding?
Wake up.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Why don't you just drive down to the local getto and drop your kid off to play everyday?

Such disgusting hyperboles.

Your signature is very fitting. Enjoy your life in slavery.

Do you have children Zamini?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by primomofo

Yes, treat your fellow humans like dirt because of their social status and they will treat you like dirt in their way.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Irrelevant question and as such I will not answer it. You live in fear and slavery. Enjoy your bonds.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:06 AM
ereply to post by Zamini

Are you really THAT naive? Do you REALLY believe the stuff you say?
I don't think so, I think you're just trolling for bites, because NO ONE and I mean NOT A SINGLE HUMAN ON THE PLANET would believe it's ok to have their kids playing around groups of transients, or walking around in those neighbourhoods.

So, if you're 'nice' to these people then they WONT rape, steal or do drugs anymore, they'll just change their ways.

Wake up and smell what you're shovelling.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

These grudgeful types will never understand. They think that a poor person is in the wrong for being poor and as life dictates they will face themselves sooner or later. They most likely lost themselves as humans early on and continued their life as obedient drones. Conditioned minds are really hard to shake for these people as they have been conditioned all their life. As such, their opinion is really not theirs and neither is their mind.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by primomofo

Again, your conditioned mind replies to a non existant argument. Simply said: you make stuff up, you put words in my mouth(or fingers in this case). You can't call me naive because you don't understand what I'm saying.

I will however take apart your post because really, you're putting down the less fortunate and using so many generalizations that you deserve a verbal slap. Some weird things:


I guess you know every single human on the planet. Ow wait, you don't,

So, if you're 'nice' to these people then they WONT rape, steal or do drugs anymore, they'll just change their ways.

That's not what I said, as I don't have a clue about which "these people" you're speaking of as they exist only in your mind.

Wake up and smell what you're shovelling.

Wake up and go brush your teeth, your mouth stinks.

(ow by all means, keep posting so I can take apart more sentences, post a bigger piece so I can tear your nonsensical arguments apart, I can do this all day).

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Do you have children Zamini?

Irrelevant question and as such I will not answer it.

No it's not really an irrelevant question.

We're talking reality here, not some made up fantasy utopia that you may believe in.

Do you or do you not have children and do you currenlty live in the ghetto or do you drop your children off to play in the ghetto everyday?

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by primomofo

I would profile / guess "student" with no children and is probably a huffington post or KOS type teen / tween by the vocabulary utilized but who knows.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

It is irrelevant as I myself grew up in dire conditions with nothing but the clothes on my back. No institution to help me, no people around to help me. Religious folks liked to help but only when it fitted their agenda(which is how you portray yourself).

I don't read the huffington post or whatever box it is you try to put me in. I've called European ministers idiots in their face because of the irregularities between their fantasy world and reality, yet you want to come and pretend to have a higher intellect or experience? Of course you people will be hunted anywhere you go that is not filled with rich, spoiled brats and their parents who work hard to get their ego going while neglecting their kids at home.

There is no reality in what you speak, there is never reality in conditioned arguments.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by Zamini

I have to ask. Are you living IN the U.S. and truly know what we are talking about? Being in Europe would explain allot.

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